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Paso 2

Usando la siguiente tabla como referencia, escriba una historia sobre una experiencia de
viaje que tuvo en ese lugar y describa el clima y la frecuencia de las actividades que
realizó en esa ciudad o lugar. Complete el cuadro

Name of city or place:

San Andres y Providencia

Where is located:
San Andrés is located in the
Caribbean Sea, about 191
kilometers east of Nicaragua and
northeast of Costa Rica and 775
kilometers northwest of the
coast of Colombia. The 26 km² of
surface make it the largest island
in the archipelago.

List of ten (10) Word to describe

Touristic place
Falls in love

San Andrés is a spectacular island, I went on vacation with my family, it is a very beautiful place,
with many attractive and charming things, it is a very beautiful thing, it was a trip that came out
suddenly but it was very nice for everyone to share in family and It became moments of just
laughter. I really enjoyed eating things that I can't see in my town, in the afternoons I looked at
the beach from the window so beautiful, with a warm and temperate climate
I recommend it.

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