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Unit 1 Worksheet. Vocabulary and question structure practice.

1. Question and answer matching. Look at the answers below and write the letter on the
blanks, next to each question.

1 What will you do if your mum phones you tonight? _________

2 What will you do if you’re late for work? _________

3 What will you do if you miss the bus tonight? _________

4 What will you do if your girlfriend says she wants to marry you? _________

5 What will we do if the supermarket is already closed? _________

6 What will you do if your cold gets worse? _________

7 What will you do if you’re boss asks you to work on Saturday? _________

8 What will we do if the weather’s really cold tomorrow? _________

a I’ll just have to wait for the next one. They come every 15 minutes.

b Wear warm clothes, of course.

c We’ll just have to eat what’s in the kitchen.

d I won’t answer…

e I’ll call my boss and tell him I’m on my way.

f I’ll just stay in bed till I’m better.

g I’ll have to tell him that I have other plans.

h Buy a ring, of course.

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