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Conversation at the Doctor’s

Receptionist: Dr. Carter's Office.

Ronald: Yes, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Carter,


Receptionist: Is this your first visit?

Ronald: Yes it is.

Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your name please?

Ronald: Yes. My name is Ronald Schuller.

Receptionist: And may I ask who referred you to our office?

Ronald: Uh, I drove past your office yesterday.

Receptionist: Okay. How about the day after tomorrow on

Wednesday at 4:00 O'clock?

Ronald: Uh. Do you happen to have an opening in the morning? I

usually pick up my kids from school around that time.

Receptionist: Okay. Um . . . how about Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. or

Thursday at 8:15 A.M.?

Ronald: Uh, do you have anything earlier, like 7:30?

Receptionist: No. I'm sorry.

Ronald: Well, in that case, Thursday would be fine.

Receptionist: Okay. Could I have your phone number please?

Ronald: It's 643-0547.

Receptionist: Alright. And what's the nature of your visit?

Ronald: Uh . . .

Receptionist: Yes sir.

Ronald: Well, to tell the truth, I fell from a ladder two days ago
while painting my house, and I sprained my ankle when my foot
landed in a paint can. I suffered a few scratches on my hands and
knees, but I'm most concerned that the swelling in my ankle hasn't
gone down yet.

Receptionist: Well, did you put ice on it immediately after this


Ronald: Well yeah. I just filled the paint can with ice and . . .

Receptionist: And so after you removed the paint can . . . Sir, sir,
Mr. Schuller, are you still there?

Ronald: Well that's part of the problem. Uh, the paint can is still on
my foot.

Receptionist: Look, Mr. Schuller. Please come in today. I don't

think your case can wait.

Vocabulary and Sample sentences

 refer someone or something (verb): directed or pointed to

- My brother referred me to this doctor.
- Please refer to page 30 in your textbook. You will find more
information on heart disease on that page.
 happen (verb): have the chance or possibility of something
- I think he happens to know a doctor who might be able to help
you. Give him a call.
 nature (noun): purpose
- What is the nature of your problem?
 sprain (verb): twist suddenly
- I need to see a doctor today. I think I sprained my knee when I
slipped on the ice outside of my apartment.
 case (noun): special circumstances or situation
- Wow. That looks like a bad cut. In this case, you'd better see a
doctor and get stitches. That cut won't heal well by itself.

Vocabulary and Sample sentences

 broadside (adverb): directly from the side 
- A truck hit us broadside at a stoplight, but fortunately, no one was injured
 burst (verb): begin or break open suddenly 
- The water balloon burst when I put too much water in it.
 bystander (noun): a person who is nearby 
- Several bystanders saw the accident and pulled the injured man from the car.
 injury (noun): harm or damage to part of your body 
- Several people were involved in several accidents this morning, but their injuries
were minor.
 third-degree (adjective): very serious 
- My son suffered third-degree burns in the house fire, but he eventually recovered.
 settle down (verb): become calm and relaxed 
- Did your wife settle down once you got to the hospital?
 get distracted (by something) (verb): unable to concentrate and pay
- Why didn't you finish your homework? Did you get distracted while you were
watching the soccer game?
 jump to conclusions (verb): make a judgement or decision too quickly
before you review all of the facts 
- Hey. Don't jump to conclusions! We don't know why the accident happened, and
you shouldn't say that Ryan was drinking when the accident happened.
 recover (verb): get better or become healthy after an illness or injury 
- How long do you think it will take for Amber to recover from her illness?
 rough (adjective): somewhat difficult to deal with 
- Being sick during your vacation can be rough. It isn't a fun way to spend your time
 make it (verb): survive or live 
- Unfortunately, her father didn't make it through the difficult operation.

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