3rd Semester Lesson Plan

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3rd Semester Lesson Plan /Technology

Unit: Themes and Central Ideas

Lesson: Themes in Literature. This lesson will take place over 3 days, each class is one hour long.

Content Standard: CCSS: Literacy RL8 Determine an theme or central idea of a text and analyze its
development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the character, setting, and plot;
provide an objective summary of the text.

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to identify the theme(s)in a novel. Students will use the online
graphic arts tool, Canva, to show their understanding of theme.

Instructional Materials/ Entry Level : Brainpop youtube video, The Dot book, theme flashcard, theme
worksheet, student novel, Canva website, Prezi website.

Lesson Plan Opener: (Day One) I will begin the lesson by showing a short Brainpop video explaining
theme. Next, I will define theme using a flashcard with the word theme and the definition that will be
posted on the white board. Students will be asked to explain theme in their own words, then I will read
the children’s book The Dot, by Peter H. Reynolds out loud and ask students to identify themes in the
story. I will write their answers on the board and then we will brainstorm themes in their novel and list
them on the board. (15 Minutes)

Body: Next, students will research evidence from their own book, highlight words, phrases and
sentences that show theme from the novel they are reading. (Students will have already annotated in
their book.) This information will be recorded on a worksheet that will serve as first draft and pre-
assessment for their final project. I will be walking around the room to be sure each student is doing
the assignment correctly, paying special attention to my focus students. Students will choose themes
such as friendship, survival, family, etc., and choose a quote from the book that gives an example of
each theme, and then write one or two sentences to support their evidence. I will go over the
worksheet individually with each student to check for accuracy before they begin working on their
online project. I can then determine which students need additional support and which students are
ready to begin the Canva assignment (30 minutes)

Closure: I will close the lesson by reviewing theme with the students and reminding them that they will
begin their canva project the following day. Students will be reminded of school rules on using their
devices or laptops in the classroom (10 minutes)

Assessments: (Day Two), after each student has completed the worksheet correctly, they will then
begin working on their canva project. I will be progress monitoring by walking around during class
time to be sure each student is completing the assignment correctly. (The canva website can get a little
glitchy, so I will problem solve with students if problems occur.) This will take one class period. When
students complete the project the will email or airdrop it to me. (50 minutes)
(Day Three) Students will present their project to the class. Each Canva project will be projected on the
TV screen and students will explain the 3 themes they chose and how their sentences supported each
citation from the book. (50 minutes)

The posters and presentations will be graded using a rubric.

Differentiating: I will differentiate by using a visuals, and pairing students together who need help. I
will also direct students to the board where they can review the definition of theme and examples of
various themes. I will sit with focus students if necessary to help them.

I will make sure each student clearly understands theme and how to identify various themes in the
novel they are reading.

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