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David Taylor

24 April 2020

Corn Hole Event

Sports Facility & Event Management 

Corn Hole Event

In Sports Facility and Event Management class, we had a good event planned out early

ahead that had potential to be very successful. Due to this crazy pandemic and

classmates not being able to meet together in person, things fell out of place and began

to get messy for me. The event was still handled properly with a backup plan that would

work very well through video games and get to enough people for it to be a successful


The Corn Hole event was an event I always wanted to be a part of. It was going to be a

big event on campus that grabbed everyone's attention to come out and play some

games and have fun with their fellow college students. The amount of work and

responsibilities everyone had was fair and fell right in line. My responsibility was to

make sure everything was set up and packed up properly prior to the even and

afterwards for clean up. I was also assigned to be at the door doing registration making

sure every participant has either already paid and is registered or is paying at the door.

Putting up posters around campus as promotions to get more students excited and to

come out was partially my job but I had a partner and the job wasn't that hard. 

The event was headed in the right direction with the help and guidance of our leaders of

Tyler and Ski. We had everything set up and due dates of when certain things should be
done by a certain time. After the break we had the event scheduled and with the support

of half of the class being a part of sports teams the event was headed in the right

direction. The baseball, basketball, swim and track teams would all have members

participating in the event. The confidence from the group seemed to be there and no

one really had any serious worries on how successful the event would end up. 

Over spring break and deadly virus covered the country  which caused all colleges and

universities to close down for the remainder of the school year. This affected the event

in basically all ways. We came up with different ways to still hold an event for the school

online through video games. It was a good idea but i wasn’t really able to help out how i

did before due to me not having a game system. The crowd I hang around and who I

surround myself with barely play video games, and when they do its sports games. So it

was very difficult to find people to enter the substitution game for the event. 

I talked to a few classmates and came to an agreement about having my two

participants in the video game event and things worked out well. The amount of work for

me in the group event decreased. I'm not sure if that is because there was less things to

do or other students wanted to take things into their own matter. As long as the event is

successful i’m good but I feel like I could have done more to contribute. It doesn't seem

like there is a lot to do from a person in my position who doesn’t play video games or

have a game system in a gaming event. 

I don't think there was much more I could do, but i hope it doesn’t affect my grade. The

cover-up and backup plan for the event on the fly was great. I like the idea of it

especially since Fortnite is a popular game right now that a lot of people seem to be

playing and is trending. So with the thought of having people do what they already enjoy
doing for an event was clever. It was also unexpected so that makes it even better and

shows that we were on our toes about this as a group. The event would be a success if

you ask me but it could have been better only because we couldn't have the time to

meet up about it in person. Zoom meetings are good but some people like myself need

the face to face talks and are better at learning and understanding things hands on and

when people are in front of you.

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