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One Paragraph Summary

I use the apple recording device on my iPhone 6s to capture a related video of processes
in middle level social studies. The app was easy to use on my iPhone. It was made accessible on
my control center, and the 3D touch feature made it possible for microphone use. This allowed
me to turn the audio on when I was talking over the captured video. The video vlog itself was
very informal, and it is always good to look at outside perspectives. Her video focused on her
lesson planning process, and how she tackles a week in middle school social studies. I followed
the guidelines when recording the audio for the video. Also, I tied to implement a wave status
format when I had Issues with the script I was reading. The video was also trimmed in order to
eliminate ambiance noises that may pop up in the background .Semantic naming was also use in
ordering my audio files on my laptop. Lastly, for the deploying part of the screen capturing
process I made sure the video was accessible on YouTube to anyone that is interested.

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