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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability,

Biodefense, and Bioshield II

Submitted by:

Karan Mishra
B.A.LLB., Division E, 18010223084



Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA

(Symbiosis International (Deemed University))

January, 2019
Under The Guidance Of

Mr. Ankur Sharma

(Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA.)

47/48, Opposite Nokia Siemens Building, A Block, Phase 2,


Area, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201309

Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II


The project entitled “Immunity for Immunizations: Tort

Liability, Biodefense, and Bioshield II” submitted to the
Symbiosis Law School, NOIDA for Law of Torts, MV Accident and
Consumer Protection Laws II as part of Internal assessment is
based on my original work carried out under the guidance of DR. C.J.
Rawandale and Mr Ankur Sharma from December to April. The
research work has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of
any degree. The material borrowed from other sources and
incorporated in the thesis has been duly acknowledged. I understand
that I myself could be held responsible and accountable for
plagiarism, if any, detected later on.

Signature of the candidate

Date: 24/01/2019

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II


I would like to express my exceptional thanks of thankfulness

to our Director, Dr C.J. Rawandale who gave me the splendid
opportunity to do this incredible errand that moreover helped me in
learning research frameworks and captivating focuses. Also, I would
like to extend my gratefulness to our Project Guide, Mr. Ankur
Sharma who helped me in gathering the assignment.

Additionally, I would like to thank my seniors who helped me

in settling this errand within the stipulated time. In addition, I would
like to thank the staff for utmost cooperation, who also gave the
approval to use all required equipment and the vital materials to
complete this project.

Karan Mishra

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

Table of Contents

Full Bibliographic Reference- ............................................................................ 5

Introduction: ............................................................................................................... 5
Summary: ...................................................................................................................... 6
Results- ........................................................................................................................... 8
Contributions- ............................................................................................................ 9
Foundation- ............................................................................................................... 10
Synthesis with Concepts- ................................................................................... 10
Analysis- ....................................................................................................................... 10
General Critique- .................................................................................................... 11
PROS-..................................................................................... 11
CONS- .................................................................................... 11
Relevance/ Impact- ............................................................................................... 12
Questions-................................................................................................................... 12

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

Full Bibliographic Reference-

Title Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability,
Biodefense, and Bioshield II
Author Lincoln Mayer
Source Stanford Law Review, Vol. 59, No. 6 (Apr., 2007),
pp. 1753-1790
Published By Stanford Law Review


In the given research article, the analyst has concentrated on the

field that relatively few have contemplated. He has concentrated on
two of the bills gone by the legislature of United States of America to
handle any conceivable bio-assault on the nation later on. Also, if
something occurs, what all is to be done to handle the bio assault.
While handling the bio-assault a ton of immunizations will be utilized
and what could possibly be done the antibodies have some sort of
symptom and imagine a scenario in which the nation endures
significantly more. In the event that a circumstance like this emerges,
the given bit of research manages the security of the organizations
creating the antibodies from tort obligation.

The area of the article is a blend of Biology and Law of Torts. To

comprehend the article better, an individual needs fundamental
dimension comprehension of what an organic assault is and what the
law of torts is. One likewise has to recognize what steps might be
taken to keep a natural assault. On the off chance that an individual
comprehends this, he can without much of a stretch be careful with
the bit of writing.

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

The target group of the article are the general population worried
about the field of law at the worldwide dimension and furthermore
the general population of The United States Of America as, the
demonstrations talked about in the article have been authorized for
the advancement of the general population of the nation.


Post the assaults of September eleventh, notoriously known as the

assaults of 9/11, the legislature of The United States Of America
dreaded the likelihood of a Biological Attack on the nation sooner
rather than later. The information of that time demonstrates that the
nation was not prepared to handle an assault of this dimension as the
restorative progression of the nation was not unreasonably great.
Along these lines, to empower itself to handle an assault this way,
the administration of the nation began making strides toward this
path. The administration called for different pharmaceutical goliaths
to offer to get a request for the generation of antibodies. Be that as
it may, it worked out that none of the pharmaceutical monsters
turned up for the duty.

The reason by the organizations for not turning up for the offer was
an exceptionally substantial one. The organizations said that imagine
a scenario in which the immunizations that are being delivered by
them have any kind of symptom on the general population. In the
event that an occasion like this occurs, the country will hold them
subject for the tort of carelessness and they will be held at risk for
harms. What's more, that is a circumstance in which they might not
want to be. They additionally thought of an extremely substantial
reason by saying that they can't test their antibodies in light of the

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

fact that the illnesses that spread at the season of a Biological assault
are uncommon and an individual does not come down with hold of
these sicknesses under the ordinary conditions. Along these lines, it
would be exploitative and barbaric with respect to the organization to
open somebody to an ailment like this simply to test an immunization.
The organizations likewise requested money related help from the
legislature for the creation of the antibodies. These were the reasons
as a result of which the organizations did not turn up.

As an answer to this, the legislature thought of Bioshield I. The

arrangement was at first a hit and was passed with 99 to 0 in Senate
and 414 to 2 in the house in the USA. It was later seen that the
Bioshield I didn't sufficiently designate subsidizes that were required
for the creation of the antibodies and it totally disregarded the issue
of tort risk. What's more, due to these, the bill wound up being a
disappointment and consequently, there was the need of another
activity intend to handle the current issues.

After the disappointment of the Bioshield I, the congress in the USA

thought of Bioshield II. The Bioshield II was the one which secured
every one of the provisos of Bioshield I and furthermore laid total
measures for the insurance of the pharmaceutical organizations from
tort liabilities and elevating them to fabricate immunizations at a
substantial scale so as to shield the nation from any conceivable
natural assault later on. The new demonstration, not just shielded
the tortfeasors from risk for immunizations, yet in addition for
structure, advancement, change and so forth. It ensured the
organizations in practically all the ways. The main path through which
the offended party could achieve the court was that he needed to
demonstrate that either

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

(1) the litigant ignored the terms of the presentation or

(2) the respondent willfully occupied with unfortunate behavior.

These are the main 2 conditions under which the obligation will be
set for the respondent.

In any case, then again, the beneficial thing about the plan is that it
is one sides. The privileges of the offended party have additionally
been taken into the thought. They are repaid for the misfortunes that
they face. They are additionally given remunerations based on the
misfortunes that they face while being influenced. On the off chance
that an individual kicks the bucket being a casualty of this, the pay
for that individual is determined like the manner in which it is
determined for a warrior/cop/fireman who lost his life serving the

In the later phases of the article, the specialists have remarked upon
the outright insusceptibility that is being given to the tortfeasors. He
says that now and again, there are instances of gross carelessness
and the respondents can escape obligation utilizing this. Along these
lines he condemns Bioshield II and says that injured individual pay is
additionally an absolute necessity. Toward the end, the scientist has
given his perspectives with respect to how Bioshield II can be made
increasingly impartial so it is a success win circumstance for both, the
litigant and the offended party.


The article at first begun by pointing out the imperfection that was
there in the pharmaceutical market identified with their tort risk. It
at that point enlightens us regarding the means that was taken the
legislature to handle the issue and afterward discusses the detail of
the arrangement which was presented by the administration. The

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

upsides and downsides were examined. The intricacies were talked

about and a conceivable arrangement was additionally given out at

The paper essentially gives us an understanding that outright

invulnerability isn't attractive. The administration change gave
outright insusceptibility to the Pharmaceutical organizations which
lead to the infringement of the privileges of the people in question
and strength of the tortfeasors. The paper instructs us that the law
of torts has an expansive task to carry out in the biodefense. It needs
to assume a job as a solution for the most shocking cases and as a
resistance for the tortfeasors in insignificant issues.

What the analyst accepts is that when we don't concoct another

strategy or another authoritative plan that would make up this move,
Torts is the component that needs to take the driver's seat to manage
the conditions.


The article calls for consideration with respect to the outright

insusceptibility given to the pharmaceutical business by the change
brought by the administration of USA called the Bioshield II. It gives
us the information of the issues and the dread that was there in the
USA and how the Congress managed it post the assaults of 9/11. It
educates us concerning the experimentation strategy for the
administration to handle an issue close by. And furthermore discloses
to us how the administration needs to contemplate the privileges of
both the gatherings when a tort is submitted and needs to make
strategies appropriately.

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II


The article did not depend on any earlier bit of research. It is a space
on which the scientist has worked starting with no outside help and
did all his exploration from essential sources.

Synthesis with Concepts-

With the progression in the sciences and innovation the risks of

assaults are expanding exponentially. From the season of the stone
age where wars were battled with rocks and circles to the season of
atomic fighting and natural fighting, a ton has changed. Back in the
time, there were a specific arrangement of things that were there to
fear. In the present day, pretty much every circumstance is perilous.
Current war systems are far progressively advance and our past the
most extravagant fantasies of our informal ancestors. Prior, there
was no such thing as organic assaults. At the point when there were
no natural assaults, there was no need of a thing called organic
resistance. With the advancement of these things, there was a need
something like Bio Shield II. What's more, consequently this article


The article was written in the year 2007. A great deal has changed
from that point forward. In the article, the analyst had requested
corrections as not to give total invulnerability to the tortfeasors for
the torts being submitted for the cases which include mass
carelessness. In the present occasions, the equivalent has changed.
In our nation, India, we have things like the Absolute Liability. The
M.C. Mehta versus UOI and the Union Carbide case (otherwise called

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

the Bhopal Gas Tragedy) are a portion of the situations where the
organizations were held obligated for the torts that they submitted.
Had the courts pursued the arrangements of the changes got by the
legislature of the USA, the offended parties would have never
possessed the capacity to get equity and the reason for law, to give
equity, value and great succinct would have been vanquished. In this
way, what the analyst had called for in his paper has now been
executed and the law now never again gives total insusceptibility to
torts of mass carelessness.

General Critique-

Following are a portion of the advantages and disadvantages of the

article that we are exploring.

• The article has tended to the issue that was not basic at
the season of being composed. In this manner, it is
estimable with respect to the author to think to that

• The scientist has set up some legitimate inquiries at last

that should be worked upon to give equity to the general
population and to prevent their rights from being

• One of the greatest cons of the article is that in the article
itself, three things have been names. for example Tort
Liability, Biodefense and Bioshield II. In any case, for a
large portion of the article, the specialist has neglected

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

to offer equity to two of them and has just centered

around Bioshield II for its real piece.

• The article has concentrated on the arrangements of the

United States Of America. In this way, it gives no
understanding of our nation. In this way, for us, it is a

Relevance/ Impact-

The article had quite some relevance after being published. It had
some important issues raised in it which were taken up later and
resolved by the government. The paper was also cited in some of the
future published papers. The following are some of the papers where
it was cited.

• Matthew J Renwick, David M. Brogan, Elias Mossialos, Published

2016 in The Journal of Antibiotics
• Lindsey J. Hopper, Striking a Balance: An open court analysis
of the Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act
• Dec 2011, Yale J Health Pol Law Ethics, Improving antibiotic
markets for long term sustainability


The paper has dealt with quite a lot of questions and has also
answered most of them. But there are still some questions that I
would like to raise.

They are-

• In case of a Biological attack, what will the government actually

do control the issue at hand apart from the use of vaccines.

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Immunity for Immunizations: Tort Liability, Biodefense, and
Bioshield II

How will it control the fear in the eyes of the public. How will it
stop the panic that is there.
• In cases of mass negligence on the part of the pharmaceutical
companies, is the fixation of the tort liability an apt and enough
recourse to take. Is it okay for the companies to pay the
monetary damages and get away from any further liability?

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