Annotative Bibliography - First Draft

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Ashley Bush

ENGL 1010

What can we do to help our planet now?

What can we do to help our planet now? Over the years we’ve seen many things about

how global warming is a big issue or how if we don’t do something now our world will slowly die.

You might think that one person out of the 7.5 billion on this Earth can do much change.But

you’d be wrong. We can do a handful of things now and this includes; using reusable water

bottles, bags, and recycling.

Water is a very important part of our lives. It makes up 60% of our bodies and 71% of

the Earth. We need to drink water to sustain ourselves but plastic water bottles are bad for the

environment. Using a reusable water bottle is a great start in helping our environment. “They

use less oil, release less carbon dioxide, they won’t pack landfills, and they’re good for water in

general” an article by KOR explains. But it’s also important to think about the other factors such

as reusable bags.

Reusable bags are even more important than water bottles as the plastic bags are not

biodegradable. Frederic Beaudry explains that, “They actually go through a process called

photodegradation — breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic particles that contaminate

both soil and water and end up entering the food chain when animals accidentally ingest them.”

When you go to the store you can bring your own reusable bags to use so that you don’t have to

take the plastic bags provided. Thus giving plastic bags one less customer.

Finally it’s important to remember the most important thing we can do to help our planet

now, recycle. We’ve grown up hearing the phrase; reduce, reuse, and recycle, and that is

important to remember. Recycling can help make the environment clean, good conservation of

materials, save energy, and reduce garbage in landfills. “Recycling is good for the environment,
in the sense, we are using old and waste products which are of no use and then converting

them back to same new products,” Rinkesh explains in his article ‘Importance of Recycling’.

Taking care of the planet we live on should be one of our top priorities. We want to live in

a clean and healthy world that we can enjoy with friends and family. But without taking part in

what we can do to help our world won’t be as great as she can be. What’s important is we know

three things we can do to help our planet now.

Glasstic Bottle Co. “5 Reasons Why You Should Always Carry a Water Bottle.” Glasstic Blog,
27 May 2016,
Water, KOR. “How Reusable Water Bottles Help the Environment.” Kor Water, Kor Water, 16
Apr. 2019,

byTemp, Posted. “Benefits of Using Reusable Shopping Bags.” Plastic EDU, 26 Dec. 2019,

West, Larry. “Reusable Bags: Best for Both Consumers and the Environment.” ThoughtCo,
ThoughtCo, 6 Mar. 2020,

Kinematics. “Economic Benefits of Recycling You Never Knew.” General Kinematics, General
Kinematics, 24 Apr. 2018,

RinkeshA true environmentalist by heart ❤️. Founded Conserve Energy Future with the sole
motto of providing helpful information related to our rapidly depleting environment. Unless you
strongly believe in Elon Musk‘s idea of making Mars as another habitable planet . “Importance
of Recycling.” Conserve Energy Future, 25 Dec. 2016, www.conserve-energy-

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