Poetry Book Assignment

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Poetry Book Assignment

Poetry may seem intimidating or confusing to some, but many use it as a way
to creatively express what they are thinking or feeling.

In this book, you will have at least six poems that you have created in class, but you may
add more. You should have at least 1 blackout poem, 1 free verse, 1 haiku, 1 sonnet, 1
acrosti c, and 1 limerick. This does not count your ti tle of the book.

Step 1: Title: What is your book about? Create a haiku that is

about the overall theme of your poetry book. If your book does
not have an overall theme, then create your haiku about poems in
general. Due April 3rd

Step 2: Decorate your Cover: Creatively decorate your poetry

cover using the haiku you have written. Due April 3rd

Step 3: Write your poems: You will write the poems during class
time or finish them as homework. You may include other poems if
you wish to write more. Due on various days.

Step 4: Finalize poems: Choose three poems that you will read to
the class and ensure that they are as perfect as you wish to make
them. Due April 9th

Step 5: Finalize book: Complete the rest of the poems that you
are not reading so that they are ready to turn in. You may also
decorate the rest of your book. Due April 9th

Step 6: Poetry Reading: Read your three chosen poems aloud to

the class. Will be on April 10th

Objecti ves:
-defi ne poetry terms
-write six strong poems
-present poems that have been well writt en in the correct formats

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