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I have interest in applying to one of the three available opportunities for the 2,000

USD scholarship of the American Association of University Women. I come from a

humble family with limited economic resources that had supported me with great effort in

my high school studies with excellent results in my grades, facilitating me an opportunity to

study a four-year major of Public Health in the University of Maryland located in the

Baltimore County. The use of the scholarship amount will provide me an economic support

for my tuition payments and the related costs of the university. The university is the way to

get the necessary knowledge resources and skills to develop my career as a Public Health


My career goals are the following:

■ Develop a four–year major at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County. I

consider the University of Maryland the best educative institution with the best ratio of

value and cost in the field of public health and besides the University accepted my

application for the Public Health Major. The four-years will have both an academic and a

professional development of my career because I will have the opportunity to apply all my

knowledge in hospitals and medical institutions in the state of Maryland and other states

where the university requires my services.

■ Serve as a medical doctor in a Non-Profit Organization inside or outside the

United States of America. I consider that the public health professional is a public server

that has the goal to serve the community and the best way to do it is obtaining experience in

a national or international mission with a non-profit organization such as Doctors without

Borders or the United Nations Refugee Agency.

■ Get a job in a prestigious hospital in United States of America, Canada or any

country in the world that provide me an economic support to pay the education loan and an

economic basis to have savings for my family.

■ Develop my own Doctor's Office in my hometown to be close to my family and to

provide support to my community. It is important to me to get back home and share with

my family the success of my future career as a public health professional.

■ Develop a teaching career in the area of Public Health. My final goal as a public

health professional is to teach to the future generations about the importance to save lives

and to improve the quality life of our children and elder.

The entrance process to the University begins in fall 2008 and the effective entrance

to the University will be in summer 2008. I want you to consider my application in the

following three months and provide me an answer as soon as possible to take further

actions regarding the financing of my career in the University of Maryland. I am doing all

my best with the support of my family and relatives to pay the tuition and fees of my first

year of the University. The scholarship I am asking you will provide me relief in the first

months facilitating the acquisition of books, study materials and the payment of

complementary courses for my career. I am open to providing any required support to the

organization with labor hours, advisory or any other activity.

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