Science Lesson Plan

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Activity & Time Procedures Considerations for

diverse learners

Setting Behavior Everyone should be Students will be active

Expectations participating and on task. listening and sitting on
[1 min.] We need to be staying in the rug.
our seats so that
everyone can see what is
going on. If I have to ask
people more than once to
stay on task and in your
chair, then they will not be
able to participate with
the rest of the class.

Probing/Pressing “Have you ever observed I will choose some Visuals of popcorn for
Student ideas popcorn being popped students to respond to students
about answers before?” “What did you this question. We will
to the Driving notice about it?” have a group
(Holding bag of
Question discussion about the 5
microwave popcorn)
[5 min.] senses.
I will have students
predict what they might Students will predict
observe while we pop the what they might
popcorn: observe before we pop
“What do you think the popcorn.
we might see,
hear, touch, taste, I expect answers such
or smell?” as:
-it’s loud
(Previously taught 5 -it smells good
senses and the -smells buttery
corresponding body
-it’s crunchy
-looks bumpy
-it tastes salty

Activity 1 **Pop the popcorn Students will respond Think, pair, share so
[6 min.] to the questions. that students have a
During: “How would longer time to think
you describe what’s Possible responses: about the answers
happening to the -Our predictions
popcorn right now” were correct
“Were we right popcorn did smell
about our good while it was
predictions?” being popped
-We are still
Whole group missing taste and
questions: touch
-We weren’t able
“What did you to say how the
hear, what did popcorn tasted or
you smell, what touched because
did you see?” we haven’t tasted
Are we missing it or touched it
any?” yet

“What ones are

we missing?”

“Why can’t we
talk about those
senses yet?”

Transition Tell students to Students go back Kinesthetic activity for

[2 min.] transition back to their to their seats students
tables acting as if they acting like popcorn
were a piece of
popcorn in the popper.
What will it look
Who can
Tell students to
head to tables
Activity 3 Hand out the 5 senses Students will fill There is repetition of
[7 min.] worksheets to students out their some questions and
and put one up on the worksheet as I go responses for
smartboard through it putting students
1 sensory word in
Teacher fills out 1 per box.
sense at a time (focus
on the 3 senses we Students will
have already talked brainstorm out
about) answers.
“What are we still responses:
missing?” -We are missing
“Why can’t we fill those the taste and
out yet?” touch section
“How do we solve that because we
problem?” haven’t been able
to taste or touch
the popcorn yet
-We can solve
this problem by
eating this

Activity 4 Hand out the popcorn Eating and feeling Hands on activity
for students. popcorn and discussing
[7 min.] (Allow them time to feel with peers and
and taste the popcorn) discussing whole
Discuss what you can feel group.
and taste with the people
at the table. Students will complete
the rest of the chart.
Probe with questions for
discussion: Possible responses:
“How does it feel?” -it feels bumpy
“How does it -it feels crunchy
taste?”” Is it sweet, -it tastes salty
salty, etc.” -it tastes buttery

Complete the rest of the

Conclusion “How do we observe Possible responses:
popcorn while it is -We can hear it
[3 min.] being popped?” being popped
-We can taste
“Why do you think our 5 how salty and
senses are important?” buttery it is
-We can see the
“Using our 5 senses bag getting
help us learn about our bigger as it is
world.” popping
“What we didn’t know
about popcorn we know -Our 5 senses can be
now because we used used to describe
our 5 senses.” objects
-Our 5 senses help us
figure out things we
don’t know

Assessment I will go around ask Students respond I will have students

Task students to give me to the question. verbally tell me their
[15 min.] one describing word for responses since there
the popcorn activity and are students who
what sense they used. have a harder time
“How do you know with writing.
it’s ___?”
“What sense did
you use?”

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