Institute of Statistical Studies & Research CS508 - Software Engineering Computer Science Department Sheet #1

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Institute of Statistical Studies & Research CS508 – Software Engineering

Computer Science Department Sheet #1

Q1- Which of the following sentences is correct and which are not and justify your answer

1. Showing your customer a mockup of the UI is one good way to get feedback while gathering
2. For an announcement within your team, email is more appropriate than making the
announcement during a meeting.
3. Cohesion refers to elements in the same module, whereas coupling refers to elements in
different modules.
4. When designing tests, if partitions are chosen perfectly, there is no point to testing boundary
values near the edges of the partition.

Q2- The later a problem is found in the software development process, the harder it is to fix. Explain
why, in one sentence.

Q3- After you find a bug but before fixing it, you should create a test case for it. In one sentence
each, give three reasons that this is a good idea. Give reasons that are as distinct as possible.

Q4- As a Software Engineering consultant, you have been asked to advise a small company on the
advantages and disadvantages of using an externally provided payroll system provided as a software
service. In your answer, outline both the advantages and disadvantages to the company.

Q5- Draw a UML Class Diagram representing the following elements from the problem domain for a
hockey league. A hockey league is made up of at least four hockey teams. Each hockey team is
composed of six to twelve players, and one player captains the team.

 A team has a name and a record. Players have a number and a position. Hockey teams play
games against each other. Each game has a score and a location. Teams are sometimes lead
by a coach.
 A coach has a level of accreditation and a number of years of experience, and can coach
multiple teams.
 Coaches and players are people, and people have names and addresses. Draw a class diagram
for this information, and be sure to label all associations with appropriate multiplicities.

Q6-A company hires out tools and equipment (for example drills, power saws, cement mixers,
ladders, scaffolding) to customers and requires a computerised system to record details of bookings.
Equipment may be booked in advance, or customers may appear at the reception desk and ask if there
is an item available for immediate hire. When dealing with a booking or allocating an available item
to a customer, the receptionist has to check whether the customer has previously hired equipment
from the company or is a new customer. For a new customer, the receptionist has to enter the
customer's details. Otherwise, the receptionist has to retrieve the existing customer's record and
update any details if necessary. The minimum period of hire is one day and all hires are made for a
number of complete days. The return of an item at the end of the hire period is recorded by the
receptionist, or by a technician if the reception desk is closed. The manager of the company requires
a summary of the status of all equipment at the beginning of each day, giving details of: items out on
hire, items booked and items that will be available for hire that day.

a- From the description, identify functional and non-functional requirements for the system.
b- Draw a use case diagram describing the main functions of the system.
c- For each use cases, draw an activity diagram to show how an actor will interact with the
system in order to complete the use case.

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