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Kocaeli University

Engineering Faculty
Dept. of Mechatronics Eng.

Introduction to Finite Element Analysis

Mehmet Güleç
2019-20 Spring
Mathematical Approaches ?

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What is FEA ?
• The finite element method constitutes a general tool for the numerical solution
of partial differential equations in engineering and applied science.

• The finite element method (FEM), or finite element analysis (FEA), is based
on the idea of building a complicated object with simple blocks, or, dividing a
complicated object into small and manageable pieces.

• Application of this simple idea can be found everywhere in everyday life, as

well as in engineering.

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Why FEA?
• Design analysis: hand calculations, experiments, and computer simulations

We use the finite element method for several reasons. Analytical models are
limited in their application. This is the case if we have:
• complex geometries
• complex loadings (point of force application,…)
• material laws, for instance

• FEM/FEA is the most widely applied computer simulation method in


• Closely integrated with CAD/CAM applications

• …

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History of FEA
• 1943 ----- Courant (Variational methods)
• 1956 ----- Turner, Clough, Martin and Topp (Stiffness)
• 1960 ----- Clough (“Finite Element”, plane problems)
• 1970s ----- Applications on mainframe computers
• 1980s ----- Microcomputers, pre- and postprocessors
• 1990s ----- Analysis of large structural systems

Used only static analysis until 1965

Uses matrix algorith

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Applications of FEA
Applications of FEM in Engineering:

• Mechanical/Aerospace/Civil/Automobile Engineering
• Structure analysis (static/dynamic, linear/nonlinear)
• Thermal/fluid flows
• Electromagnetics
• Geomechanics
• Biomechanics

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Applications of FEA


Thermal Structural

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History of FEA?
• 1943 ----- Courant (Variational methods)
• 1956 ----- Turner, Clough, Martin and Topp (Stiffness)
• 1960 ----- Clough (“Finite Element”, plane problems)
• 1970s ----- Applications on mainframe computers
• 1980s ----- Microcomputers, pre- and postprocessors
• 1990s ----- Analysis of large structural systems

Used only static analysis until 1965

Uses matrix algorith

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The Concept of FEA
Basic principle: building a complicated object with simple blocks (e.g. LEGO) or
divide a complicated object into manageable small pieces.

Approximation of the area of a circle:

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The Concept of FEA

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The Concept of FEA

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Typical FEA Procedure
Preprocess Process Postprocess

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Typical FEA Procedure

[1] Select analysis type

- Structural Static Analysis - Modal Analysis
- Transient Dynamic Analysis - Contact
- Steady-state Thermal Analysis - Transient Thermal Analysis
- Electromagnetic etc.

[2] Select element type Truss

2-D Linear Shell
3-D Quadratic Solid

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Typical FEA Procedure

[3] Material Properties [5] Build elements by

assigning connectivity

[4] Make nodes

[6] Apply boundary conditions and loads

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Typical FEA Procedure

Solve the boundary value problem


See the results Displacement

Natural frequency
Time history

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A practical example
Consider the true temperature distribution T(x) along the bar in the picture

One-dimensional bar.

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A practical example
We divide our bar into four elements over which the temperature is
assumed to vary in a linear manner between each nodal point!

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A practical example
We divide our bar into four elements over which the temperature is
assumed to vary in a linear manner between each nodal point!

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A practical example
We divide our bar into four elements over which the temperature is
assumed to vary in a linear manner between each nodal point!

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Type of Elements

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Modeling of FEA



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Examples of FEA

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