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schemes has increased by be cut from the national

one- third, to 43 per cent, office rent bill, 465 million

with one registering savings days would be added to the
of more than £2hr000 a nation's working year

through productivity gains
By David Nicholson-Lord and individual commuters
year per worker. could "win” up to 900 hours
New environ-
mental legisla-
tion, extending
the "polluter
pays” principle
ORKING from home and, for example,
would cut spending on penalising traffic
petrol and substantially in city centres,
reduce Britain's emissions will force
of carbon dioxide, the gas organisations to
mainly responsible for accept new
global warming, according working methods.
to a study published yester- 6 Productivity
day. gains occur not
2 Strategic Workstyles 2000, just because
the Oxford business fore- people are
caster, says that 15 per cent
happier in their a year. "Green" benefits
of the working population
jobs, see more of their would total £10.3bn a year.
could take up
families and are more in 8 However, the study says
"teleworking”. This would
control of their working that about 28 per cent of
take half a million car
lives. "It has more to do existing teleworkers would
commuters off the roads
around London, cut the with the fact that they spend prefer to be at a central
annual accident figures by fewer days off sick, because office because they miss the
8,700 and save £2bn a year they spend less time in social life, find family
on fuel. germ-ridclen environments routines disrupted and lack
3 In spite of productivity such as crowded trains and space at home. Teleworkers
gains averaging 45 per cent overheated offices.” should go into the office
in firms which have adopted 7 The report, The Economics regularly, it advises.
teleworking, the main obs- of Teleworking, produced
The Independent,
for British Telecom, is said
tacles remain organisational

to be the UK’s first analysis to forecast: prevent' to

inertia and the defensive
of the finances of tele- threaten : menacin'
psychology of managers, working. It says if 15 per <.>erm : microbe
particularly in a recession. cent of workers took up
4 Traditional pyramid struc- telecommuting, £5.5bn
tures of management are would
threatened by teleworking.
"Turning up for work” or
the visible presence of a
person at a desk remains the
key factor in evaluating
their performance.
Managers fear loss of
5 However, a survey of 250
large employers has shown
the number running pilot
i ^ioUffirL^inp \/nrp.!n; ijar;;-
f c w It w W V W t V

1-Teleworking' a- work at nome b- work m office c- commuting to won.

2- Substantially: a- concretely b-normally considerably

3-1 ake up: a- start out b-abandon c- make

4-emissions: a- disenarging b-retreatmg c-abolismng

5- inertia: inactivity b-activity c-abiiity

6- Recession: a-state of economic decline b-boomlng c* break down

7- Turn up: a-appear b-disappear c-adhere

8- Disrupt: a* interfere in someone's activity b-interrupt c-throw into disorder

9- Traditional pyramid: a* traditional structure b- geometric form with triangular sides c hierarchy
Comprehension Questions: Are these questions r ight or wrong?

— W . l . i 4-C- ...
. U rnoiim ► :
* c

i- Working nome would heip decrease global warming.

7- 35% of the population already works from home.
3- Many companies are reluctant to restructure their offices.
4- Managers defend Teleworking because their traditional role is reinforced.
5- New laws will increase finps for polluters.
6- Happier staff increases productivity.
7- People wno work in offices are less frequently ill than teieworkers.
8- Some teleworkers consider that their family life is disorganized

Which psrsgrsshc dzz\ with mainiy with the foil owing oepectc of Teleworking?

A-Benefits for the environment B-Benefits for the

company C- Benefits for the staff

D- improvement in traffic conditions E-Gfobat financial advantages F-oojections mom

G objections mom some teieworkers

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