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Class 1 – February 4th, 2020 – Tuesday

Agenda Do Now: (MAT-011 Review)

 Course Expectations 12 Week Course
 MyMathLab 1/3 + 1/5 = 5/15 + 3/15 = 8/15
 Pre-Test
 Section 8.1 2 + 3 x 5 = 2 + 15 = 17
Homework (30% of Grade)
 Complete 8.1 and 8.2 on MyMathLab -|-7| + |3| = -7 + 3 = -4
Test 1
September 24th (10% of grade) 3.5 x .15 = .525

13 ÷ 3 = 4.333333

Section 8.1: The Number Systems and the Real Number Line


A Set: Is a collection of objects, each of which is called a member or element of the set.

Curly Brackets { } are used to enclose the objects, or elements of a set.

Example: Let the variable E represent a set of 4 positive, even numbers.

Example: Let the variable T represent the set of all odd numbers between 10 and 18.

An empty or null set is denoted as ∅∨{}.

Mathematical symbols

The equal symbol ¿ means "is equal to."

The symbol ≠ means "is not equal to."

These symbols may be used to form a mathematical statement. The statement might be true or it might
be false.

Example: Use ¿ or ≠ to make a true mathematical statement.

1. 14 14
2. 3 7

< means “is less than” ≤ means “is less than or equal”

> means” is greater than” ≥ means ”is greater than or equal”

Example: Use <, >, to write a true sentence:

1. 2< 9
2. 3 1
3. 6 14
4. 18 5

Question: Is 4 ≤ 4 a true statement? Is 3 ≤ 9?

Translating sentences: Translate each sentence into a mathematical statement.

1. Three is less than eight.

2. Fifteen is greater than or equal to nine.
3. Six is not equal to seven.

Positive and Negative Real Numbers


The set of integers = { … … . ,−4 ,−3 ,−2 ,−1 , 0 , 1 ,2 , 3 , 4 , … … }

Positive integers = { 1 , 2, 3 , 4 ,… … }

Negative integers = { … … . ,−4 ,−3 ,−2 ,−1 , }

Example: Looking at integers using a number line.

8 −11
Graph the following on a number line. {−3 , , 1.5 , }
2 2

The integer 0 is neither positive nor negative.

Two numbers that are the same distance from 0 on the number line but are on opposite sides of 0 are
called opposites.


 4 is the opposite -4 AND -4 is the opposite of 4

 5 is the opposite -5 AND -5 is the opposite of 5
 -3 is the opposite 3 AND 3 is the opposite of-3
State which integer(s) corresponds to each situation:

1. The Lowest point in New Orleans is 8 ft below sea level.

The integer -8 correspond to 8 ft below sea level

2. Mt. Everest is 29,035 feet above sea level.

3. Credit card debt of $4,301.67

Classifying Numbers and their definitions

Natural numbers or Counting numbers:

Are the numbers in the set { 1, 2, 3….}.

Whole numbers:

Are the numbers in the set { 0, 1, 2, 3….}.


Are the numbers in the set {…., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3….}. (No decimals!)

Rational numbers:

The set of rational numbers = {ba|a∧b areintegers∧b≠ 0}

Rational integers are fractions, decimals that terminate or repeat, as well as the integers. Examples:

5 4 −15
,− , 95 ,−16 , 0 , 2.4 ,−0.31 ,
9 7 2
Irrational numbers are numbers when they are written in decimal form, they neither terminate nor

Examples of irrational numbers are:

π = 3.141592654 ≈ 3.14

√ 2=1.414213562 ≈1.41
In Summary:
Real Numbers

4 2
−19 ,− √ 10 ,−1,− , 0 , ,1 , π , √ 15 ,17.8 , 39
7 3

Rational Numbers Irrational Numbers

4 2 −√ 10 , π , √ 15
-19, -1, - , 0 , ,1 , 17.8 ,39
7 3

Integers Rational Numbers that are

not integers
−19 ,−1 , 0 , 1, 39
−4 2
, , 17.8
7 3,

Negative Integers Whole Numbers

−19 ,−1 0 , 1 ,39

Zero Positive Integers or Natural

1 ,39

Example: Given the set 25 ,{ 3 }
,−15 , √5 ,−3.7 ,−99 list the numbers in this set that belong to the set


1. Integers:
2. Rational numbers:
3. Irrational numbers:
Inequalities using positive and negative real numbers:

* The number furthest to the right on the number line is always the larger number.

Example: Use <, >, or = to write a true sentence:

1. -3 < 7
2. -9 -23
3. -25 1
4. 3

Absolute Value:

|a|, read “The absolute value of a” to represent the number of units that “a” is from zero. It is the
positive value!



Example: Use <, >, or = to write a true sentence:


MAT 040 Spring 2020 12 Week Schedule

Week 1 Tue 2/4: 8.1 + 8.2 Part 1 Fri 2/7: 8.2 Part 2, 8.3

Week 2 Tue 2/11: 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 Fri 2/14: 8.7 + Ch. 8 Review

Week 3 Tue 2/18: Test 1 Fri 2/21: 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 Part 1

Week 4 Tue 2/25: 9.3 Part 2, 9.4 Fri 2/28: 9.5, 9.6

Week 5 Tue 3/3: 9.7, A.2 Fri 3/6: Ch. 9 Review

Spring Break Tue 3/9: Off Fri 3/13: Off

Week 6 Tue 3/16: Test 2 Fri 3/20: 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 Part 1

Week 7 Tue 3/23: 10.3 Part 2, 10.4 Fri 3/27: 10.5, 11.1 Part 1

Week 8 Tue 3/30: 11.1 Part 2, 11.2 Fri 4/3: 11.3, 1.4

Week 9 Tue 4/6: Ch. 10, 11 Review Fri 4/10: Test 3

Week 10 Tue 4/13: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 Part 1 Fri 4/17: 12.3 Part 2, 12.4

Week 11 Tue 4/20: 12.5 + Review Fri 4/24: Test 4

Week 12 Tue 4/27: Cumulative Review Fri 5/1: Final Exam

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