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Radiation Oncology

Technical Article Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology (2008) 52, 77–84

Ultrasound-based conformal planning for

gynaecological brachytherapy
S van Dyk1 and D Bernshaw2
Radiation Therapy Services and 2Division of Radiation Oncology, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

This report describes the evolving use of transabdominal ultrasound (TAUS) as an imaging tool to verify tandem
placement, localize the treatment volume and aid conformal brachytherapy planning for both cervical and uterine
corpus cancers. Two patients, one with cancer of the cervix and one with cancer of the endometrium, are used as
examples to illustrate the advantages of using TAUS. TAUS is used to guide applicator insertion and check the
applicator in the treatment position. The dimensions of the uterus are recorded. Brachytherapy isodose plans are
generated based on these measurements. Confirmation of uterine dimensions and isodose coverage is obtained
using MRI taken after the initial fraction of treatment has been delivered. We illustrate how TAUS is successfully
used to correct and verify tandem placement after the patient has been moved from insertion to treatment posi-
tion. We also show how to use TAUS for conformal planning, based on individually derived target dimensions.
TAUS has successfully been used to conformally plan treatment to the uterus and cervix, minimizing brachytherapy-
related toxicity to surrounding structures. Ultrasound is portable, inexpensive and simple to use and allows for
accurate, conformal, reproducible and adaptive treatments.

Key words: bracytherapy; cervical cancer; conformal planning; ultrasound.

INTRODUCTION formation, pain and pelvic discomfort. Detection of perforations

Intracavitary brachytherapy (BT) is an integral part of treatment for also minimizes the chances of radiation-induced complications
cancer of the cervix.1 Its efficacy and success are attributable to its to surrounding tissues such as enteritis, fistulas and necrosis.4
ability to deliver high doses of radiation to a localized area, with The use of intraoperative TAUS has been described by a num-
relative sparing of adjacent normal tissues. Success of the treat- ber of authors, giving detailed explanations of the technique used
ments rests on the accurate placement of the applicators in relation and emphasizing the ability to view the uterus and tandem ade-
to the surrounding anatomy and to each other.2,3 Historically, appli- quately.5 The main purpose of use has been to evaluate the
cations have largely relied on standard insertion techniques, but position of the tandem within the uterus and to use US to guide
less than ideal placements and difficult insertions have led many the repositioning of a suboptimal implant. At the Peter MacCallum
practitioners to use various imaging methods for confirmation of Cancer Centre, TAUS has been used for 20 years for similar
tandem placement. These include transabdominal ultrasound reasons. Past practice has been to sound the uterus, dilate the
(TAUS), transvaginal ultrasound (US), transrectal US, CT, MRI cervix and insert the tandem under US guidance. The position of
and surgical interventions such as laparotomy and laparoscopy. the tandem within the pelvis was then assessed with fluoroscopy
The emphasis has largely been on detecting uterine perforations before orthogonal X-rays were taken for planning purposes.
and myometrial penetrations to avoid unnecessary acute physical More recently, our protocol makes use of a number of differ-
side-effects of treatment such as bleeding, infection or abscess ent imaging methods, such as MRI and TAUS. These imaging

S van Dyk Dip App Sci MIR; D Bernshaw MRACP, FRANZCR.

Correspondence: Ms. Sylvia van Dyk, St Andrews Place, East Melbourne, Vic. 3002, Australia. Email:
Conflict of interest: None.
Submitted 21 April 2007; accepted 6 May 2007.
doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1673.2007.01917.x

ª 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2008 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

methods assist with applicator positioning, target localization and patient’s anatomy and the applicator system has been detected
definition and conformal treatment planning, and the protocol is clinically or on US imaging.
constantly evolving to make better use of these methods. The
ability to establish, in real time, the correlation of the tandem Brachytherapy application procedure
within the target organ and to successfully determine the size It is our preference that patients are anaesthetized using spinal
and shape of the uterus, in conjunction with the use of a high anaesthesia during the first BT insertion because of the time
dose rate (HDR) stepping source treatment system, has influ- needed to obtain the MRI images. The patient’s legs are sup-
enced significantly our practice of BT. The HDR treatment sys- ported in lithotomy position for applicator insertion. An examin-
tem was introduced into our department in 1998. The advantages ation under anaesthesia is carried out to assess response,
of HDR stepping source delivery,6 coupled with advances in remaining tumour anatomy as well as upper vaginal size to deter-
imaging and target definition and the potential for decreased mine the choice of vaginal ovoid size. A urinary catheter is
toxicity, led us to change the method of cervix treatment ex- inserted, the balloon filled with 7 ml diluted contrast and posi-
clusively to HDR in 2002. This report provides an overview of tioned against the bladder neck and the bladder filled with up
US-assisted insertion, conformal planning and verification for to 300 ml of sterile saline. The uterus is sounded under TAUS
patients undergoing HDR intracavitary BT. control (Falcon, BK-medical, Hervel, Denmark, 2.7–5.0 MHz
transabdominal transducer; BK-medical Falcon, Denmark) to
MATERIALS AND METHODS ascertain the required length of the tandem and the cervical canal
The BT protocol consists of five fractions of HDR BT following is dilated. Magnetic resonance imaging-compatible tandems
the completion of external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) with con- (Nucletron) are available in 40, 50 and 60 mm lengths and ovoids
current chemotherapy. This is to take advantage of the effects in 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 cm diameters. The selected tandem is inserted
of chemoradiotherapy on the tumour volume, in particular under TAUS guidance and the ovoids and vaginal spatula are
tumour shrinkage, enabling consistent and reproducible inser- inserted. Vaginal packing using radiopaque gauze moistened with
tion of the applicator.9 When HDR treatment was introduced, 1% chlorhexidine obstetric examination cream is inserted to dis-
cervix BT was based on ‘standard’ Manchester-type planning. place the rectum and bladder away from the applicator system.
A library set of plans simulating Manchester loadings was
developed for each tandem and ovoid combination and stored Imaging X-ray, US and MRI
in the PLATO planning system (Nucletron, Veenendal, the Following applicator placement and packing, the patient’s legs are
Netherlands). The dose was prescribed to point A and doses lowered and the patient is rescanned. If the tandem is not found to
to bladder and rectum were assessed according to International be centred in the uterus on sagittal and axial US imaging, it is man-
Commission of Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU) ually manipulated until the best position possible is obtained.
report 38 recommendations.11 TAUS has been used since 1986 Orthogonal radiographs, taken in the treatment position, define
to assist with viewing of the uterine canal, cervical dilatation and the tandem position within the pelvis but do not define the tandem
to avoid uterine and myometrial perforations. Since the acqui- position within the uterus. This can only be achieved using US, CT
sition of MRI-compatible applicators in 2000, MRI images have or MRI sectional imaging.12–16 Dimensions of the uterus and cervix
been taken immediately after delivery of the first fraction of are recorded to generate an US-based conformal plan. After US
treatment. The images obtained were used to optimize the BT imaging, the bladder is drained and the implant is screened using
plan for the subsequent four fractions. In 2003, based on our fluoroscopy to record the tandem position within the bony pelvis.
observation that uterine body measurements in relation to the Isocentric radiographs are taken at 0 and 90. These images are
tandem could be obtained using TAUS, we commenced the required to assess the radiological quality of the implant,17 that is, the
assessment of the use of TAUS-based measurements as part geometry of the applicators in relation to each other and bony anat-
of an US image-based conformal planning protocol. Although omy and for digitizing the implant geometry into the PLATO planning
US cannot image the gastrointestinal structures adjacent to the system. Before the introduction of the image-based BT, a radiolog-
uterus, it provides excellent view of the size and shape of the ically ‘ideal’ implant4 was considered to be where the tandem was
uterus and the filled bladder. We have found this information to positioned half-way between the symphysis pubis and the sacrum
be extremely useful in assessing the suitability of the initial plan and well oriented in the sagittal midline with no lateral deviation. With
for a given individual and believe this information can potentially the introduction of MRI and now TAUS, it has become clear that this
contribute to a reduction in treatment toxicity. We continue to position does not necessarily ensure the optimum correlation
obtain MRI scans following the first insertion for absolute con- between the uterus and tandem. It is necessary to confirm and
firmation of tumour location and also to confirm the correlation optimize this correlation as it defines the success and quality of
of the applicators to cervical, uterine, vesical and gastrointesti- the implant in terms of local control and morbidity.18
nal structures. No replanning is carried out at the subsequent During the first implant only, the applicator is sutured to the
applications unless a change in the correlation between the patient’s perineum to minimize movement of the system during

ª 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2008 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

transfer to the MRI scanner (SignaLX 1.5, General Electric Med- Detailed tumour response and size and location of any
ical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, USA). The first fraction is planned residual tumour are assessed on the MRI scans, and the uter-
based on the US-derived dimensions of the uterus and cervix. ine dimensions from US and MRI are compared. We have
After the first treatment, the patient is transferred from the been able to observe consistently good correlation between
operating theatre to the MRI scanner for imaging with the appli- these two imaging methods in terms of size and shape of
cator in situ. Axial, sagittal and coronal image sets are taken per- the uterus and cervix. Residual tumour and target volume
pendicular to the body axis with a slice thickness of 5 mm and no coverage are assessed on the MRI scans, as are doses to
interslice gap using a torso coil, fast spin echo and T2-weighted the bladder, rectum, sigmoid colon and small bowel loops.
images. The axial images are sent to the planning computer by Adjustments to the plan in the form of dose sculpting may be
DICOM transfer. These images form the basis of a 3-D MRI-based made to further reduce toxicity to surrounding structures if
treatment-planning protocol currently under development. target coverage permits. Dose normalization is made to the
100% isodose line describing the size and shape of the target
First BT insertion structure, rather than to standard points.19–23 Bladder and rec-
TAUS is used to ensure that the tandem is centred within the tal dose points are calculated and recorded according to
uterus and to obtain tandem to uterine surface measurements ICRU-38 recommendations. Total BT doses are summed
in the sagittal and transverse planes. These measurements are and extrapolated from the treatment plans used and the
used to design the plan for the first fraction of treatment and implant position is reproduced for subsequent fractions with
define the target volume. The BT target volume is determined TAUS. At our centre, logistics of cost, accessibility and time
by assessing the initial tumour volume and extension, as seen limit the use of MRI to one or two fractions per patient. TAUS,
on pretreatment MRI and positron emission tomography scans, in contrast to MRI, is readily available and is used for each
in conjunction with the clinical examination and US dimensions implant.
of the uterus and cervix at the time of insertion. A library plan
using the nominated tandem length and ovoid diameter is
External beam radiotherapy combined with BT
retrieved from the planning computer and renamed for the
Brachytherapy, consisting of five fractions, with intent to
patient. The plan is modified by adjusting dwell positions, dwell
deliver 6 Gy per fraction to the BT target volume, com-
times and prescription points, to conform the isodose lines to
mences at the completion of EBRT. Total treatment time is
the size and shape of the target area as seen on US. The iso-
46–56 days. BT doses are reported as the physical dose
dose plot is printed to scale and, at present, manually overlaid
on the sagittal US image to check organ coverage. The plot is
It is assumed that the entire BT clinical volume receives 40–
also overlaid on the lateral X-ray film to calculate bladder and
45 Gy from the external beam component of treatment. Critical
rectal doses using ICRU-38-recommended dose points. If
structures are also presumed to have received 100% of the
these doses are assessed to be within tolerance of these
external beam dose.
organs, prescribed treatment proceeds.
Total doses are based on the addition of EBRT and
After the first treatment, MRI images are taken as described
BT doses using the linear quadratic formula to calculate the
above. Single coronal and sagittal images that best display the
biologically equivalent doses (BED). BED are then reconverted
tandem are printed with one magnified image per sheet of film.
to equivalent doses as if given as fractionated irradiation at
With the current TAUS protocol, we have observed excellent
2 Gy per fraction.24 Total doses to target volume and point
correlation of uterine size and shape between US and MRI.
A are recorded in terms assuming a/b10 early response and
A retrospective review of US-based and MRI-based planning
a/b3 late response, whereas critical structures are recorded
confirming the correlation has been completed and is being
as a/b3 alone.
prepared for publication.
The desired target volume dose is 80 Gya/b10 to 94 Gya/b3.
Critical structure dose tolerance is 70–75% of target dose.
Subsequent fractions
The applicator geometry is digitized from the orthogonal X-ray
films into the planning system. Points of interest are also digit- RESULTS
ized from the films including ICRU-38 bladder and rectal points, Routine use of TAUS permits safe and accurate placement of the
point A, point B, surface of ovoids and any pelvic nodal boost treatment catheters, as illustrated in the following case studies.
points requested by the clinician. The dose, activity, dwell The distinctive dimensions and shape of each patient’s cervix
weights, dwell positions and treatment time are entered as trea- and uterus were noted and individualized plans were designed
ted. The coronal and lateral isodose plots are printed at the based on these measurements. TAUS was used to reproduce
same magnification as the MRI images and manually overlaid tandem placement in subsequent insertions using the initial
onto these images for evaluation. study as a reference.

ª 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2008 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

Patient studies (Fig. 1b). During this period, TAUS was not used to assess the
Patient 1 intrauterine position of the tandem after the patient’s legs were
This case shows problems associated with treatment of car- lowered for treatment. Post-treatment MRI imaging confirmed
cinoma of the endometrium and eccentric placement of the the size and shape of the uterus as measured on US but
tandem in the pelvis. showed malplacement of the tandem in the uterus (Fig. 1c).
A 70-year-old patient was diagnosed with International Fed- At the following insertion, TAUS was used both at the time of
eration of Gynaecology and Obstetrics stage 1, poorly differ- insertion and after the patient’s legs had been lowered to the
entiated carcinoma of the endometrium. Hysterectomy was treatment position. The tandem was manipulated under US
recommended but was declined by the patient on religious guidance, until it was seen to be well centred in the uterus in
grounds. The patient was treated with 40 Gy EBRT to the both the axial and sagittal planes (Fig. 1d). The tandem is seen
whole pelvis over 4 weeks, with concurrent chemotherapy to be quite posterior on X-ray as it has been ‘relaxed’ into the
(carboplatinum) given weekly. Following completion of EBRT, centre of the uterus under US guidance rather than being
she commenced BT, five fractions treated twice weekly. The forced into the ideal radiological position (Fig. 1e). The X-ray
tandem was inserted under US guidance (Fig. 1a). The uterine image shows a tandem positioned somewhat posterior to the
dimensions were measured in the axial and sagittal planes and original insertion and, if viewed in isolation and according to
used to derive the treatment plan. The patient’s legs were low- ideal placement criteria, could cause concern regarding possi-
ered for treatment and orthogonal X-rays were taken. These ble overdose of the sigmoid colon. When viewed in conjunction
showed ideal placement of the tandem within the bony pelvis with the US and MRI images, we observed that the tandem was

Fig. 1. (a) Ultrasound image taken at the time of first insertion, used to determine size and shape of uterus to assist with planning. (b) Lateral X-ray
film showing ideal position of tandem in pelvis at first insertion. (c) Sagittal MRI image following first treatment. Note, anterior wall under considerable
traction. Iso-shape based on US measurements replicates target shape but is misplaced because of the position of the tandem within the uterus.
(d) US image taken with legs down in treatment position. Tandem well centred in the uterus. (e) Lateral film taken before second fraction. Position of
tandem is relaxed into uterus, based on US images. US, ultrasound. (f) Sagittal MRI image of second insertion. Well-centred tandem, sculpted isolines
shown are based on dimensions of the uterus acquired with US.

ª 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2008 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

well placed within the uterus and were reassured that the resul- on US measurements (Fig. 2c). The excellent correlation
tant isodose coverage was well directed at the uterus and cer- between the US and MRI uterine size and shape can also be
vix. Subsequent MRI imaging confirmed central tandem seen. Certainly, this patient’s bowel would have been in the
placement and appropriateness of the conformal isodose cov- high-dose zone in the earlier era of standard Point A prescrip-
erage as determined by US planning (Fig. 1f). tion and dosimetry. In this case, use of US alerted us to the
small dimensions of her uterus and averted a possible overdose
Patient 2 to surrounding bowel.
This case shows problems associated with the presence of
a small uterus and the use of dose sculpting to minimize toxicity DISCUSSION
to surrounding structures. US-based planning for intracavitary BT has been systematically
The 70-year-old patient presented with postmenopausal introduced into daily practice over a period of 3–5 years.
bleeding 3 months after a right hemicolectomy for poorly differ- Improvements in US imaging have enabled us to include it as
entiated caecal adenocarcinoma with negative nodes. The part of our image-based BT protocol. Magnetic resonance
diagnosis of FIGO stage 2A squamous cell cancer of the cervix imaging images taken before treatment and at the first BT inser-
was made. The patient was treated with pelvic EBRT of 40 Gy tion have been routinely used to assess tumour response to
in 20 fractions over 4 weeks, with concurrent weekly cisplati- chemoradiation since 2000. The use of MRI has also gradually
num. BT followed EBRT. Because of concerns relating to her evolved to incorporate treatment planning and evaluation of BT
previous surgery for caecal cancer and obstructive bowel isodose coverage. When a number of MRI images showed less
problems, the planned BT dose was reduced. The patient than ideal placements of the tandem, a solution that gave real-
received a total dose, (EBRT 1 BT), of 73 Gy10 to 82.8 Gy3 time images at the time of insertion and treatment was sought.
(2 Gy equivalent doses) to the BT target volume. Bladder and US, which was being used to avoid perforation at the time of
rectal ICRU 38 points received 51 and 48 Gy3, respectively. tandem insertion, was further used to check tandem placement
The tandem was inserted under US guidance, with the once the patient was placed in the treatment position. This use
patient in lithotomy position. After the patient’s legs were low- of US has been demonstrably successful in ensuring accurate
ered to treatment position, she was rescanned with TAUS. The placement of the tandem within the uterus in the sagittal and
uterus was found to be quite small, and uterine dimensions axial planes. Excellent image quality has ensured that the uter-
were measured and recorded on film. The tandem was well ine size and shape is clearly seen and enables the isodose plan
centred according to US (Fig. 2a). A treatment plan was to be based on the dimensions of the uterus and cervix. The
devised based on the US measurements. The X-ray shows US-based plans, later evaluated in comparison with the MRI
the tandem to be quite posterior and certainly not bisect- images, show excellent correlation between target volume
ing the midplane of the pelvis (Fig. 2b). The MRI scan illustrates coverage and surrounding tissue sparing. Replanning based
the conformal nature of the iso-plan that was generated based on MRI imaging is minimal and rarely necessary.

Fig. 2. (a) Ultrasound taken with the patient in treatment position (legs lowered flat on bed). Dimensions of uterus are taken in the sagittal and axial
planes and used to derive a treatment plan. (b) X-ray taken after US positioning of tandem. (c) Excellent correlation of uterine size and shape is seen
between the US-based plan and the MRI images. US, ultrasound.

ª 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2008 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

Ultrasound is also used to reproduce the target applicator fined to assessing the doses observed at the bladder wall.34 Mayr
correlation for subsequent insertions. At present, US is largely et al. report using US to guide implant placements in 17 patients
used in an ‘image-guided’ fashion. The images are used to im- with a retroverted uterus. Ultrasound was not used to plan treat-
plement the original treatment plan. As the use, understanding ment but rather to aid and ensure safe tandem placement.35
and technology evolves, US is anticipated to play a significant There do not appear to be any other reports referring to the
role in the evolution of adaptive BT treatments. use of US as a planning and treatment aid for intracavitary
The use of US to assist radiotherapy treatment planning has cervical BT.
been reported as early as 1973 by Brascho. Whereas most of We have found TAUS to be extremely useful in dealing with
the discussion was concerned with the use of US to acquire situations that can compromise tandem insertion. Such situa-
anatomical information for developing optimized EBRT plans, tions include a retroverted uterus, stenosed, fibrosed or dis-
Brascho also commented on the usefulness of US in planning torted cervix, scar tissue after EBRT and a necrotic friable
BT for uterine or cervical tumours. Brascho’s prediction that cervix and uterus following EBRT. TAUS has also been bene-
diagnostic US examinations would become a standard method ficial in detecting poor tandem placement as a result of uneven
of obtaining anatomical information for radiation therapy plan- tumour shrinkage, the presence of fibroids or an off-centred
ning has not quite eventuated. However, some of his other uterus. All these situations can result in less than ideal placement
predictions, although not in widespread use, deserve some of the tandem and undesirable dose deposition in surrounding
acknowledgement and encouragement, particularly those in critical structures. The unpredictability of small bowel and colon
gynaecological BT. Brascho postulated that the use of serial late sequelae in historical series may well be attributable to the
US scans throughout treatment may allow adjustment of radi- effects of these situations on the overall dosimetry.36
ation fields as tumour-size changes. This vision was a precursor Historically, the limitations of TAUS were often stated as
to the image-guided adaptive treatments that we are pursuing poor image quality in certain settings. These settings include
with our own use of US-guided planning and treatment. gas in the bowel, obesity and inadequate view of the fundus of
Overall, the use of US published studies has largely been the uterus. Gas in the bowel can be overcome by better bowel
concerned with accurate tandem placement. Ultrasound preparation, and fundal imaging can be improved with adequate
has been described for use in planning but mainly in reference bladder filling and experienced sonographer technique. Current
to BT for endometrial cancer. In 1975, Wenzel reported improved generation US scanners are far superior to previous genera-
radiotherapy dose calculations using US uterine localization. tions in both image quality and image handling and are routinely
Wenzel described using US to reliably measure the dimensions used in the gynaecological diagnostic setting.37 The obese
of the uterus, which were then transposed to the radiographs, patient is better managed and imaged with the newer and more
enabling accurate dosimetry to be calculated on the serosal sur- sophisticated equipment. In our experience, US BT planning
face.28 In 1978, Brascho et al. reported use of TAUS in planning and treatment has never been compromised by a large body
intracavitary radiotherapy for endometrial carcinoma. The bene- habitus.
fits and recommendations in that paper well describe the current Irvin et al. in an excellent discussion on uterine perforations
rationale for using US in cervix BT. TAUS gives information about state that ‘.although ultrasound provides excellent visualisa-
the uterine and cervical size and shape and the implied correla- tion of the tandem, uterus and urinary is unable to
tion to other pelvic organs. Routine US examination after appli- demonstrate the anatomical relationship of the tandem to adja-
cator insertion can detect poorly positioned applicators and allow cent structures such as colon and small intestines’.4 Although it
corrective action to be taken. Brascho et al. concluded that TAUS is true that the sigmoid colon cannot be seen, an excellent view
is a simple and reliable method of obtaining precise anatomical of the tandem within the uterus allows dose shaping and sculpt-
information regarding uterine size, shape and relative position to ing to be carried out by conforming the isolines to the uterine
the bladder and rectum. This information is the key to individual- surface, thereby limiting dose to any surrounding structures to
ized treatment planning for intracavitary radiation and should be acceptable tolerances. In fact, the information derived from all
reflected in better clinical results.29 The use of US for planning BT imaging methods, TAUS, CT and MRI, regarding small bowel
endometrial treatment has been reported periodically by a number can be used in a similar way. If the uterus is clearly seen (as is
of authors; all report the value of using US in determining the possible on all three methods), then dose sculpting to the size
dimensions of the target area and limiting dose to this area, thus and shape of the uterus can prevent excessive toxicity to all
sparing surrounding tissues and reducing the risk of radiation surrounding structures.
side-effects.30,31,32,33 The benefit of using TAUS is that imaging and planning can
The use of US for specifically planning intracavitary cervix take place at the time of the insertion whether it is in the theatre
treatment is less reported. Barillot et al. describe using US to or the BT suite. TAUS can also be used to confirm the tandem
assess bladder doses for comparison with ICRU 38 reference position within the uterus by scanning just before the com-
calculations in cervix patients since 1990. Use of US was con- mencement of treatment. The accessibility of TAUS, along

ª 2008 The Authors

Journal compilation ª 2008 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

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Journal compilation ª 2008 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

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