Captain Speech

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Hey guys,

I believe that actions speak louder than words so I am not going to stand up here and
ramble off a bunch of leadership qualities that I may or may not have just because I want this
position. We have been playing together for 2 weeks now, so you all have seen the type of
player I am and how I would help lead this team if I were to be one of your team captains. I
know we are all working towards one common goal, which is success. Even though everyone
may have their own idea of what they want to succeed in, as a captain it would be in my best
interest to help each one of you succeed by being a positive leader and always being there to
help with whatever you may need on and off the field.
I think we all see the great potential we have in this team, we really could go all the way
if we keep working hard. One of my goals as a team this season is to continue building this
chemistry and great work ethic you all have shown in these last couple weeks. The harder we
work together, the easier everything else will become. I know in the past this team has had
some hard times when working as a team was quite challenging, I believe that the group of
players we have this season can really be a true family, on and off the field.
With that being said, I would love the opportunity to help lead this team through all the
good and all the bad this season in order to achieve all of our goals and to finally end the
season in the victory that we have all been waiting for (which we all know is finally kicking Long
Trail’s butt when we see them in playoffs).
But anyways, thank you.

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