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Religion 300 Final Essay for The Sunflower Mrs.

Mitchell 2013


Write an essay in which you examine the complex topics of forgiving,

forgetting, and remembering, in respect to the crimes committed
during the Holocaust. You, who have just read this sad and tragic
episode in Simon Wiesenthal’s life, a prisoner in a concentration camp,
can mentally change places with Simon. In an essay, you will ask
yourself the crucial question, “What would I have done?”


Answer the above question in a logical organized essay.

Support your answer with personal opinion as well as opinion/facts from outside sources.  Use at
least (4) sources from the Symposium. Your work needs to be honest. You will not be graded based
on whether you are right or wrong, but graded on your thoughts about your writing, and the
process that lead to the final product. Support the answer you have chosen with reasons, and
specific evidence. Your evidence can come from many different places (e.g. the essay, an
assignment, class material from the semester).  You may also want to consider other religious,
philosophical, and/or secular teachings when forming your opinions. Be sure to organize your
thoughts into separate paragraphs with transitions, including an introduction and conclusion.

400 point assignment (45% of the Supplemental Reading grade for the
(300 points for bringing the book to class / 200 points for Reading Quiz)

2 – 3 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins on all sides

Due on Thursday December 12, 2013. You MUST turn in a hard copy of your paper that day. You
must GOOGLE SHARE your paper. (Time will not be given in class to print papers.)

If you need help, Mrs. Mitchell is available every day at Encore in Room 104.

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