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“Phrases to express opinion”

1 “In my opinion it’s very important to know languages to get a good job” / En mi

2 “I believe/consider that it’s very important… ” / Yo creo/considero que…

3 “I reckon that it’s very important …” / Yo creo que…

4 “It seems to me that it’s very important…” / Me parece que…

5 “As I far I am concerned it’s very important…” / Por lo que yo sé…

6 “To my mind it’s very important …” /En mi opinión…

7 “To my way of thinking it’s very important …” / Según mi criterio…

8 “Frankly speaking it’s very important...” / Francamente…

9 “As I see it it’s very important…” / Tal como yo lo veo…

10 “The way I see it that it’s very important…” / La manero en la que yo lo veo…

11 “It’s my belief that it’s very important…” / Es mi creencia que…

12 “It’s my view that it’s very important…” / Bajo mi punto de vista…

13 “To me it’s very important …” / Para mi…

14 “As far as I can tell it’s very important …” / Por lo que puedo contar…

15 “I assume that it’s very important …” / Supongo que…

16 “I would say that it’s very important …” / Yo diría que…

17 “In my point of view it’s very important …” / Bajo mi punto de vista…

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