Complementary Split Resonators To Filters: Using Ring Design Bandpass Waveguide

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Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2007

Using Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRR)

to Design Bandpass Waveguide Filters
H. Bahrami, M. Hakkak and A. Pirhadi
Department of Electrical Engineering
Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)
Tehran, Iran
h, m,
Abstract- Split Ring Resonators (SRR) and Complementary Split II. MODELING OF CSRR STRUCTURES
Ring Resonators (CSRR) are widely used to simulate
metamaterial elements. Such elements are arranged uniformly in
a periodic configuration and behave as artificial materials with A. Characteristics ofCSRR in the Waveguide
unusual properties. In this paper, CSRRs are used to design a The CSRR in the waveguide is shown in Fig. 1 As
bandpass waveguide filter in the X-band. The frequency behavior explained in [8], to have suitable interaction with the
of these elements in the waveguide is similar to that of a electromagnetic fields, the CSRR must be located transversally
transmission line loaded with series or parallel L and C in the waveguide. In this case the CSRR structure is the dual of
components. Consequently, the resonance frequency and SRR, located longitudinally in the waveguide.
bandwidth of the filter can be adjusted by proper choice of the
CSRR geometrical dimensions. Simulation results by Ansoft
HFSS (Based on the Finite Element Method) confirm the results
of circuit model of the filter.
Key Words; Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRR);
Waveguide Filter; Metamaterials


SRRs are resonance structures that have a wide variety of

applications in electromagnetics [I]. Such structures are used in Figure 1. CSRR Configuration in Waveguide
periodic configurations to simulate metamaterial elements [2]-
[5]. Also, because of their resonance behavior, they can be used The most significant parameters of the structure and their
to design miniaturized slow wave transmission lines, phase effects on the resonance frequency (frequency in which the S12
shifters, filters... etc [1, 3, 6, 7]. Because waveguides behave as is maximum) and the relative bandwidth of frequency
transmission lines for each propagating mode, we can use response, are listed in Table 1.
SRRs and CSRRs in waveguides as resonance elements to
design different waveguide components such as filters [6, 7]. TABLE I. VARIATION OF RESONANCE FREQUENCY (fo) AND RELATIVE
Above the cutoff frequency of the dominant mode, a BANDWIDTH (BW) OF STRUCTURE VERSUS DIFFERENT PARAMETERS
waveguide can be considered as a transmission line with circuit PaFameters fBBW
model including series inductance and shunt capacitance
elements. Putting an SRR in the waveguide leads to additional
parallel L and C circuit whose inductance is coupled to the d24% 4,
inductance of the waveguide circuit model and placed in series. c146 4, 4
This configuration is found appropriate to design a band-stop
filter [6, 7]. Using the duality theorem and Babinet's principle,
the usefulness of circular CSRRs in designing waveguide
filters has been demonstrated [8, 9]. In this paper, we
accurately study the characteristics of rectangular CSRR in the
waveguide and propose a suitable circuit model for it. Then, by Also, Figures 2 (a-d) show the frequency behavior of S12 of
appropriate choice of its geometrical parameters, we design the waveguide in the presence of CSRR structure, versus its
required elements for a bandpass filter in the X-Band using geometrical parameter.
WR90 waveguide and RT/Duroid 5880 substrate of 0.508mm
thickness and permittivity constant 2.2. The filter has a
bandwidth of 500 MHz centered at 11.95 GHz.

1-4244-0749-4/07/$20.00 w2007 IEEE.

B. Circuit Modelfor CSRR in the Waveguide
As seen in Fig. 2 (a-d), the CSRR in the waveguide behaves
like a bandpass filter element. Hence we can consider it as
shunt resonant LC circuit located between two )/8 transmission
lines (Fig. 3). It must be noted that in this case the transmission
line characteristics are those of the dominant mode of the


Figure 3. Circuit Model of CSRR


A. Design ofFilter
Using the procedure described in [10], we present here
design a 3-section Chebyshev filter and 4-section maximally
flat filter using )/4 transmission line, respectively, as shown in
Fig. 4.

?J4 k/4

1.1043pF 72827pF 11043pf

.16063n1H .24356 .6034

Zg Zg Zg Zg

c L4 , 24 >< P

1 28SpF 1
I 2r 8SpF 174PF

.3428i1'L 14.91 H 14091iiH 3428iH X

Za Z. Z" Zg Zg
Figure 4. (a)- Circuit Model of Chebyshev 3-Section Filter
(b)- Circuit Model of Maximally Flat 4-Sections Filter

A. Filter Implementation
In Fig. 4 (a), the 1st and 3rd resonance circuits are similar,
therefore, to implement this type of filter only two types of
CSRR elements are enough. The dimensions are so adjusted to
satisfy the values of the circuit model. The implementation of
these two resonance circuits by CSRR elements are depicted in
Fig. 5.
Also, in Fig. 4(b) the 1st and 4th resonance circuits and the
2nd and 3rd resonance circuits are similar, therefore, only two
(d) types of CSRR elements are enough to implement the filter
Figure 2. S12 of Waveguides for (a) d2=.8mm, cl=1.5mm, c2=.25mm, (Fig. 6).
p=1.4mm. (b) dl=4mm, cl=1.5mm, c2=.25mm, p=1.4mm. (c) dl=4mm,
d2=.8mm, c2=.25mm, p=1.4mm, and (d) dl=4mm, d2=.8mm,cl=1.5mm,

Figure 5. 3- Sections Chebyshev Filter (a)- 1st and 3rd Elements with
dl=4.9mm, d2=lmm, cl=.5mm, c2=.5mm, p=1.4mm (b)- 2nd element with
dl=4.3mm, d2=.95mm, cl=.84mm, c2=.84mm, p=1.95mm 1.
2 -.


~60 _|

20 -.hH..5X


s~ /I
After implementation of each resonance circuit by suitable
CSRR elements, we design the whole filter structures by )/4
transmission line. The final results of designed filter using
CSRR elements are depicted in Fig. 7. It is noticed that the
Chebyshev design yields better bandwidth than the maximally
flat filter.

;I 1.4


11 8


;pp "

Figure 7. (a)- Chebyshev 3 Sections Filters. (b)- Maximally Flat 4 Sections


In this paper, the capability of rectangular CSRR elements
to design waveguide bandpass filters have been demonstrated.
It has been shown that these structures can be used to exactly
implement the circuit model of the filter. In an ongoing work,
we are using these elements to miniaturize the waveguide filter.


1 2.

Sl I



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