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Where in the
is Sazeli Jalal?
By David Everitt-Carlson

rom his technicolor carvings of women as art to / LUCIE Awards in New York and has been featured in Mooncruise.
Newton-esque icons of feminine stoic power, to the com (international photo- magazine), Noovo magazine (Spain), Alt-
fairyland whisperings of coupled bliss, Sazeli Jalal Neuöttinger Anzeiger Newspaper (Germany), Nikon focus magazine
is certainly not of this world - or at least his camera (Singapore) and Grain photo Asia Culture magazine (Singapore).
doesn’t see it that way. Sazeli has also photographed for Cosmopolitan, Solitaire, Men’s
There is a heaven, or possibly a hell as Sazali folio, Women’s Weekly and Cleo. In early 2007, Sazeli’s first solo
Jalal’s camera sees it and that’s exactly how he’s exhibition entitled “foreign bodies” was held in Alliance Francaise,
planned it all along. Worlds that travel the cusp of hyper-reality but Sapporo, Japan.
worlds all the same that tell us we could go there, never go there or “Creating something surreal creates an element of surprise in
only the adventurous go there. This is Sazeli Jalal’s world and he’s my work but I always like to add a bit of reality, because that’s what
more than happy to lead the tour. “I am a storyteller, I like to create a makes the rest of it a dream”. Sazeli’s ‘Paper Gangster’ series,
narrative which has a dialogue that speaks for itself”, says Sazeli. He created for Singapore designer Sabrina Goh was inspired by Lady
found his calling in the photographic arts quite nearly by accident Gaga and her music and seeks to invoke Gaga’s spirit as if she had
whilst working with the German-based art collective Artyfakt. done the makeup herself. Asked if his real world was as fantastic
Beginning as a student in Interior Design at the Nanyang Academy as his photographic creations Jalal responds, “My real world is like
of Fine Arts in Singapore his influences from art, architecture and anyone else. I love eating KFC, spending time with my cat, and
film-making can be seen in every shot. “My direction is mostly very watching reality shows”. And in that sense, he could be any one’s
stylized right down to every single detail, from making the set design mom. But you wouldn’t know it from the pictures he paints. Step
to getting the right props that fit that ‘dialogue’”. into his worlds and look around, and tell us if Sazeli Jalal can be
And quite the dialogue it is. What do the thick white rope-bound found. What worlds endure, what worlds collide, if you could see
models say to the mannequins who put them in their precarious them from the inside. Sazeli Jalal can be found at http://www.
way? What does the glowering, towering goddess of the garden, who n
wears her hair like a Grecian pediment, say when she steps down
from her pedestal heels to be on your level? The gods only know,
and the god at work here is young, anxious and recently featured David.
as being one of the outstanding personalities in Singapore by the David Everitt- Carlson is a multiple New York Art Directors Show and Clio winner
online webfilm Awan-, series “Kau Siapa Sia?” In 2010 who now resides in Vietnam. David currently works in marketing and writes the blog
Sazeli was awarded by the IPA (International Photography Awards) The Wild Wild East Dailies.

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