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Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications

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Miniaturization of multiband annular slot ring

antenna using reactive loading

Sajeed Sirajuddin Mulla & Shraddha S. Deshpande

To cite this article: Sajeed Sirajuddin Mulla & Shraddha S. Deshpande (2018): Miniaturization of
multiband annular slot ring antenna using reactive loading, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and
Applications, DOI: 10.1080/09205071.2018.1470577

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Published online: 09 May 2018.

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Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2018

Miniaturization of multiband annular slot ring antenna using

reactive loading
Sajeed Sirajuddin Mulla  and Shraddha S. Deshpande
Department of Electronics Engineering, Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, India


A multiband annular slot ring (ASR) antenna for mobile Received 9 October 2017
communications is designed and analysed in this paper. Then, Accepted 22 April 2018
the miniaturized multiband ASR antenna loaded with distributed
inductive stub is proposed, which is miniaturized by 20.28%. Another Microstrip antenna; slot
multiband ASR antenna loaded with meta-material (ASR-SRR) antenna; annular slot
inspired Electromagnetically Coupled Split Ring Resonator (EC-SRR) antenna; metamaterial; split
is proposed, it is miniaturized by 30.55%. The surface wave of the ring resonator
proposed miniaturized ASR-SRR in higher mode has reduced due to
increase in reactive impedance of the antenna surface, thus aperture
efficiency is increased. The radiation characteristics of miniaturized
antennas are approximately similar to the ASR antennas. Behaviour of
antenna characteristics such as gain (G), impedance bandwidth (BW),
aperture efficiency (ηA), Chu condition (ka ≤ 1) of proposed antenna
is also studied, observed and analysed in this paper.

1. Introduction
Nowadays, planer ASR configurations have been widely used in wireless communication
because of its main advantages such as power radiation at low elevation angle, less conduc-
tive loss, lightweight, low profile and more Band Width (BW) due to poor confinement of
field in dielectric substrate. Due to simple construction, the planer ASR antenna can be easily
integrated with other RF components of the system. One of the limitations reported in ASR
is, modes except fundamental mode are resonating at fixed frequencies for given geometry
[1], however only a few of the modes can be used in wireless applications. Recently, internal
folded reconfigurable antenna for mobile handset operating in two modes (states) called
loop antenna mode and Inverted F antenna (IFA) mode is designed, where the modes are
controlled by p–i–n diode. The antenna in IFA state operating in both lower and higher
modes at different frequencies of interests has increased BW and efficiency due to adoption
of impedance matching network [2,3]. Co-located and folded slots antenna with acceptable
gain for multi band mobile applications is designed in [4], in which the slot antenna acts as
a radiator and impedance matching network. In [5], a proximity coupled double-layered
microstrip antenna is designed. The proximity coupling is proposed to enhance the BW of
about 7.8%.

CONTACT  Sajeed Sirajuddin Mulla

© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Figure 1. Electric field distribution of ASR in various modes.

The aim of this work is the development of a miniaturized multiband ASR antenna using
a reactive load with a suppressed surface wave and increased aperture efficiency in higher
order modes that can be used for mobile applications. The ASR antenna can be analysed
using the approximate transmission line model, by treating the annular slot ring as a slot
line [6]. Equations of guided wavelength 𝜆gs and characteristic impedance Z0 for the annular
slot ring given in [6] are used for ASR antenna design. In the ASR analysis, electromagnetic
field components are to be calculated by defining the magnetic surface current. The mag-
netic surface current for the annular slot antenna is given by,

̄ 𝜙� ) = E (𝜌, 𝜙� ) × n̂
M(𝜌, (1)

where E𝜌 the sinusoidal variation of aperture electric field vector as shown in Figure 1, and
n̂ is the unit vector normal to the antenna aperture. For narrow slots (Ws << 𝜆0), the radial
electric field component is non-zero (Eρ ≠ 0) and rotational electric field component is zero.
The far field electric field components from vector magnetic current density for ASR of inner
and outer radius R1, R2, respectively, are given by,
R2 ,2𝜋
−jk0 e−jk0 r
4𝜋 r ∬
E𝜃 = ̄ 𝜙� )exp(j𝜌k sin𝜃cos(𝜙 − 𝜙� ))𝜌d𝜌d𝜙�
M(𝜌, (2)
R1 ,0

R2 ,2𝜋
jk e−jk0 r

E𝜙 = 0 cos𝜃 ̄ 𝜙� )exp(j𝜌k sin𝜃cos(𝜙 − 𝜙� ))𝜌d𝜌d𝜙�
M(𝜌, 0 (3)
4𝜋 r
R1 ,0

A transmission line model assumes a symmetric sinusoidal waveform on a periphery of

slot, where, this assumption around the feed point is not valid [7]. The electric field distribu-
tion around the periphery of slot for n number of modes as shown in Figure 1 is given by
E𝜌 = E0 cosn𝜙�. After solving the Equations (2), and (3), the far field electric field component
for n number of modes are given by,
k0 Ws e−jk0 r
E𝜃 = −j n E0 R0 cosn𝜙Jn� (R1 k0 sinn𝜃) (4)
2 r
W e−jk0 r
E𝜙 = j n nE0 R0 s sinn𝜙cot𝜃Jn (R1 k0 sinn𝜃)
2 r (5)

where n is a positive integer, J is the Bessel function of first kind, R0 = (R1 + R2)/2 is the mean
radius of the slot. Equations (4) and (5) state that annular slot ring antenna supports n number
of modes of operations, in addition coupled modes may be generated at certain frequencies.
The TE11 is the fundamental mode of annular slot antenna, this mode produces radiation
patterns, which is similar to the lowest order mode of the rectangular slot antenna. The
electric field distribution of the annular slot antenna for three different modes (n = 0, 1, 2)
are given in Figure 1 [7].The resonance frequency of each TE mode is given by

Jn� (kr)c
fnm = √ ,
𝜆gs 𝜀r

where 𝜆gs ≈ 2𝜋R0, n and m are the positive integers [6]. Simulated operating frequency of
microstrip-fed ASR antenna for respective modes can be approximately less than the calcu-
lated frequency with percentage error 1–5%. As annular slot ring antenna has multiple modes
of operations, the need for multiple single-frequency antenna elements are eliminated, also
overall size of the antenna structured is reduced. For efficient radiation first three modes are
considered, higher order modes are not used because its characteristics such as radiation
pattern, input impedance, polarization, gain and radiation efficiencies are not suitable for
wireless applications [1].

2.  Design of annular slot ring antenna (ASR)

The microstrip line-fed ASR antenna prototype is designed for three frequencies (f1 = 2.3 GHz,
f2 = 4.5 GHz, f3 = 7.1 GHz). The ASR antenna is designed on low-cost double-sided FR4 PCB
with dielectric constant (ɛr) = 4.4, thickness (t) = 35 μm, height (h) = 0.8 mm, loss tangent
(tanδ) = 0.02, substrate length (SUBX) = 50 mm, substrate width (SUBY) = 50 mm. The inner
radius and outer radius of ASR are R1 = 12.84 mm, R2 = 15 mm, respectively, the slot width
(Ws) = 2.16 mm. The ASR is excited by 50Ω microstrip line of width (Wms) = 2.9 mm and length
(Lms) = 19 mm, which is positioned at the back side, the length (Lms) is optimized for getting
good impedance matching between slot ring and microstrip line. Figure 2(a) shows ASR
antenna prototype. Each mode of operation can be represented by a parallel RLC circuit [8].
The equivalent circuit model of annular slot antenna is developed with help of the trans-
mission line model as shown in Figure 2(b). There are three parallel RLC cells in series for
three different modes [8], which are resonating three different frequencies of interest, given

Figure 2. (a) ASR antenna model, (b) ASR antenna equivalent circuit. (R1 = 55.45 Ω, R2 = 48.93 Ω, R3 = 47
Ω, R = 1 Ω, L = 1.67 nH, C = 1.69 pF, L1 = 0.55 nH, L2 = 0.25 nH, L3 = 0.15 nH, C1 = 8.2 pF, C2 = 5.4 pF,
C3 = 3.34 pF).

Figure 3. (a) ASR-Stub antenna model, (b) ASR-stub antenna equivalent circuit (Ls1 = 0.32 nH, Ls2 = 0.2
nH, Ls1 = 0.15 nH).

by fn = 2𝜋 √1L C , n = 1, 2, 3 is the positive integer, microstrip line is represented by a series RLC
circuit, where resistance (R ≈ 0) is negligibly small. The circuit parameters are estimated by
n n

calculating the input impedance of ASR at respective resonance frequencies on HFSS. The
circuit model is developed, optimized and simulated on AWR microwave office 2009.

3.  Miniaturization techniques of microstrip antenna

The compactness of an antenna is trade-off between the size and performance of the
antenna, where reducing the size of the antenna leads to degradation of performance param-
eters like BW, directivity and ηA. General techniques used to design the miniaturized
microstrip antenna (MSA) are as per following categories [9]. (1) Compact MSA: The MSA is
loaded with high contrast material of high relative permittivity (ɛr). The size reduction ratio
is approximately related to the geometry of the loaded material. (2) Compact Shorted MSA:
This technique is based on cut and short of the MSA. This can be typically illustrated through
the inverted F antenna (PIFA). (3) Slot-loaded MSA: This technique is based on slot loaded
MSA. The resonance frequency of MSA can be reduced by the increasing path length of the
circuit current by cutting slots in radiating path. This can be illustrated through antennas
like volumetric curvature, meander line, fractal structure and slot antenna. (4) Artificial elec-
tromagnetic metamaterials-loaded MSA: A recently emerging technique is based on artificial
engineered electromagnetic metamaterials such as electromagnetic band gap structure
(EBG), frequency-selective surfaces (FSS) and artificial magnetic conductors (AMC) [9].
The antenna satisfying the ‘Chu’ condition ‘ka ≤ 1’ (antenna without a ground plane) is
called an electrically small antenna (ESA) [10]. The parameter ‘k = 2𝜋∕𝜆0‘ is the propagation
constant, 𝜆0 is the free space wavelength, the ESA enclosed in ‘Chu’ sphere of radius ‘a’. The
antenna with ‘ka’ approaching to value one is called as the miniaturized antenna.

4.  Design of miniaturized stub-loaded ASR (ASR-Stub)

In this section, the ASR antenna of inner radius R1 = 12.48 mm, outer radius R2 = 15 mm,
length of microstrip line Lms = 18 mm, microstrip width Wms = 2.9 mm has miniaturized using
stub loading technique. Here, four short-circuit stub of length ‘ls‘ have connected in series
with ASR antenna at spacing angle θs = 120, where the maximum surface current has available
as shown in Figure 3(a). The surface current flowing around the slot stub gives inductive
reactance at the input. The input inductive reactance is given by ωLs = Zos tan βls, where Zos

Figure 4. (a) EC-SSR model, (b) equivalent circuit, (c) experimental set-up, (d) S21 v/s frequency of EC-SSR.

is the characteristics impedance of stub,ls (≤ 𝜆e ∕4) is the stub length, β is the phase constant
and Ls is the stub inductance. The following equation is used for calculation of Ls [11]:

for ls ≤ 𝜆e ∕4
� �
2𝜀0 𝜀e ws Zos 1
Ls = 1− (6)
pi cosh(60𝜋 2 ∕Zos 𝜀e )

𝜀 +1
where ‘ws’ is the stub width, 𝜀e = r 2 is the approximated equation of effective permitivity;
however, the exact value of ɛe = 1.4 is calculated on AWR microwave office slot line calculator.
The 𝜆e = 𝜆0 ∕ 𝜀e is the effective wavelength. For proposed stub design, the Zos = 100Ω has

set by selecting ws = 1.46 mm, the ls = 10.43 mm (𝜆e ∕8) has selected. The inductance of each
stub calculated at f1 = 1.8 GHz as Ls = 0.1nH, the total inductance of four stubs is Ls1 = 0.4 nH.
Similarly, the inductance Ls2 and Ls3 have calculated for frequencies f2 = 3.15 GHz and
f3 = 5.3 GHz, respectively. It has been noted that the value of Ls2 and Ls3 not accurate due
conductor and dielectric losses at higher frequencies. The values of stub inductances
Ls1 = 0.32 nH, Ls2 = 0.2 nH and Ls3 = 0.15 nH have optimized and the circuit model has simu-
lated on AWR microwave office 2009.
The equivalent circuit of ASR antenna loaded with reactive short-circuit slot line stub is
shown in Figure 3(b). The antenna is miniaturized due to the inductance of the short circuit
slot line stub (Lsn, n = 1, 2, 3) which added in series with the inductance (Ln, n = 1, 2, 3) of a
parallel RLC circuit. The resonance frequency of the miniaturized slot line shifts towards the
left due to increase in inductive effect. Perturbed circuit parameters (Lsn, n = 1, 2, 3) are cal-
culated using Equation (6).

5.  Edge-coupled split ring resonator (EC-SRR)

The EC-SRR is proposed by Pandry. It consists of two concentric metallic split rings printed
on a PCB substrate with outer radius, width and gap of the inner ring are r1, w1, g1, respec-
tively, whereas the outer radius, width and gap of the outer ring are r2, w2, g2, respectively,
as shown in Figure 4(a). The EC-SRR is excited by time varying magnetic field along the normal
axis (z axis) to the surface. The cuts on each ring force the current to flow from one ring to
another ring. The cuts on the rings and the gap between the rings act as a distributed
The path length of EC-SRR ring act as a distributed inductance, where the small series
resistance of EC-SRR is neglected [12]. The equivalent circuit of EC-SRR is shown in Figure
4(b). The EC-SRR can be resonating with multiple frequency band [13,14], this characteristics
is essentially needed for design of miniaturized multiband antennas. In [15] EC-SRR is

resonating at three different frequency band. Fundamental resonance frequency of EC-SRR

is given by,
1 1 1 1
f0 = √ =
2𝜋 LC 2𝜋 (7)

L(2𝜋rCg )

where r = (r2 + r1)/2 is the average ring radius, Cg is the total capacitance between the rings
and per unit length gap capacitance of the EC-SRR, respectively. The approximate equivalent
inductance L in Henry (H) is derived in [16]
[ ( ) ]
𝜇0 4l
L= l 2.303log − 2.451 (8)
2 d

where l = 2πr – g and d = (w1 + w2)/2 are average circumference and average width of the
split ring, respectively, the gap width of the cut is g = g1 = g2. The expression for resonance
frequency in terms of geometric parameters r is used for the design EC-SSR [17], which is as
( )1∕2
c 3d
f0 = (9)
2𝜋r 𝜋2r

The EC-SRR is designed and optimized for the fundamental resonance frequency f0 = 2.3 GHz
using FR4 substrate with thickness h = 0.8 mm, ɛr = 4.4. The ‘cu’ with thickness t = 35 μm is
selected for getting good radiation efficiency [14]. The geometric parameters of EC-SRR in
Figure 4(a) are as follows: outer radius of inner ring (r1) = 4 mm, outer radius of outer ring
(r2) = 6 mm, inner and outer ring width (w1 = w2) = 1 mm, ring gap (g1 = g2) = 0.2 mm.
Simulated resonance frequency of EC-SRR is obtained by placing EC-SRR in rectangular wave-
guide, exciting the waveguide in fundamental (TE10) mode, and measuring the transmission
coefficient (S21). Experimental set-up is shown in Figure 4(c), the deep of transmission coef-
ficient is occurred at designed frequency (f0 = 2.3 GHz) and also at other frequencies cov-
ering wide range is shown in Figure 4(d).

6.  Design of miniaturized EC-SRR-loaded ASR (ASR-SRR)

The same FR4 PCB is used for ASR-SRR design, as for unperturbed (ASR) antenna design is
used, the structure of ASR-SRR is shown in Figure 5(a). Its geometric parameters are as follows:
Inner radius (R1) = 12.1 mm, outer radius (R2) = 15 mm, the slot width (Ws) = 2.9 mm, length
of microstrip line (Lms) = 18.15 mm, microstrip width (Wsm) = 2.1 mm. Three EC-SRRs placed
on the back side of the ASR at an angles0°, 90° and 270° where the maximum inductive
coupling is possible as shown in Figure 5(a) [16].
As per discussion in Section 1, the magnetic surface current density (M ̄ ) is developed
across the slot of the ASR antenna is in 𝜙 direction. The vector electric force F̄ due to M
̂ ̄ is
given by,

4𝜋 ∭
F̄ =
𝜀 ̄ e dv �
r (10)

Figure 5. (a) ASR-SRR antenna model, (b) equivalent circuit (m = 0.9, L′1 = L′2 = L′3 = 0.35 nH, C′1 = 14 pF,
C′2 = 7 pF, C′3 = 3 pF).

Figure 6. Antenna prototypes: (a) ASR (Top side), (b) ASR (Back side), (c) ASR-Stub (Top side), (d) ASR-Stub
(Back side), (e) ASR-SRR (Top side), (f) ASR-SRR (Back side).

According to duality theorem, the time varying electric field (Ē ) due to vector electric
force (F̄ ) produces the magnetic field (H̄ ) around the electric field, (∇ × H̄ = 𝜀𝜕 E∕𝜕t
̄ ), which
is normal to EC-SRR placed on the back side of ASR antenna. The EC-SRR is excited by this
normal magnetic field (H̄ ), which induces the strong current in EC-SRR. Excited EC-SRR loaded
at back side is magnetically coupled with the ASR antenna at the resonance frequency. The
equivalent circuit of ASR antenna loaded with EC-SRR is as shown in Figure 5(b) [16,18].
Inductance (L′1, L′2, L′3) and capacitance (C′1, C′2, C′3) of EC-SRR are calculated at respective
resonance frequencies using Equation (7) and Equation (8). Inductance values L′1, L′2 and L′3
at f1, f2 and f3 are constant, due to broad band width of the EC-SRR, as shown in Figure 4(d).
The total inductance and capacitance of a parallel RLC circuit of ASR antenna are increased
with help of EC-SRR, which is mutually coupled to ASR with coupling coefficient (m), as a
result the resonance frequency shifted towards left. The circuit is developed, optimized and
simulated on AWR microwave office 2009. The radiation caused by the ASR-SRR is the sum
of both ASR and EC-SRR radiation pattern [18]. The EC-SRR place at the back surface of the
ASR provides isolation [19], which can helps to reduce surface wave in the substrate.
Proposed antenna prototypes have fabricated in the PCB lab with the help of conventional
technique, photograph of the antenna prototypes showing top side and back side given in
Figure 6.

7.  Results and discussion

Three antennas such as ASR, ASR-stub and ASR-SRR are simulated and tested on HFSS and
Vector Network Analyser (VNA). These circuit models shown in Figures 2(b), 3(b), 5(b) are

Figure 7. |Γ|[dB] and VSWR responses of ASR, ASR-Stub, ASR-SRR.

Figure 8. Measured and simulated |Γ|[dB] v/s frequency plot: (a) ASR, (b) ASR-Stub, (c) ASR-SRR.

simulated on AWR Microwave office for validation with proposed antennas. The small vari-
ation in HFSS and measured result has been observed due to fabrication defects and SMA
connector loss. Simulated reflection coefficient (|Γ|(dB)) versus frequency plot of ASR, ASR-
Stub and ASR-SRR is shown in Figure 7(a). Resonant frequencies of three modes of the ASR
are observed at 2.3, 4.5 and 7.1 GHz, whereas resonant frequencies of ASR-stub are observed
at 1.8, 3.15 and 5.3 GHz. High degree of miniaturization is possible in ASR-SRR, the resonant
frequencies of ASR-SRR are observed at 1.66, 2.68 and 4.68 GHz. The measured and simulated
|Γ|(dB) of ASR, ASR-Stub, ASR-SRR is shown in Figure 8, overall good agreement between
measured and HFSS result has been observed. The |Γ| obtained from HFSS and AWR are not
matching exactly, because material selected for HFSS is lossy with finite conductivity of ‘cu’,
whereas ideal circuit components are used in AWR simulations. VSWR versus frequency plot
for three antennas in the Figure 7(b) are used to measure impedance bandwidth (BW), it has
been observed that impedance BW of miniaturized antenna decreases due to decrease in
h∕𝜆0, frequency reduction of ASR-Stub and ASR-SRR are examined in terms of realization of
electrically small antenna (ESA). The value ‘ka’ at fundamental resonance frequencies for
ASR-Stub and ASR-SRR are computed as 1.31 and 1.21 which are reaching towards the ‘Chu’
limit of ESA without ground plane.
Simulated and measured results of percentage impedance bandwidth (% BW) and per-
centage aperture efficiency (%ηA) are compared in Table 1. Shifted percentage of frequency
(%f left shift) with respect to frequency bands of ASR antenna, the mean diameter (D0) and
‘ka’ are also shown in Table 1. It has been observed that the measured % BW is greater than
minimum % BW of 2 which fulfils the requirement of mobile communications. As compare
to ‘ηA’ of ASR, the ‘ηA’ of the ASR-stub and ASR-SRR for second and third bands have improved,

Table 1. Comparison table of simulated performance parameters for ASR, ASR-Stub and ASR-SRR.
Antenna f(GHz) Sim. %BW Meas. %BW Sim. %ηA Meas. %ηA %f left shift D0 Ka
ASR 2.3 27.82 17.39 100 93 0 𝜆gs 1.68
4.5 16.88 11.11 38.19 36.28 0 3.14

7.1 17.60 7.46 28.91 27.46 0

ASR-Stub 1.8 17.77 21.66 100 96 21.73 𝜆gs 1.31
3.15 11.42 18.1 95.27 84.79 30 4.01

5.3 12.45 9.4 48.44 39.23 25.35

ASR-SRR 1.66 9.63 14.45 62.37 44.28 30 𝜆gs 1.21
2.68 4.47 8.2 71.79 65.32 40.44 4.5
4.68 7.44 4.8 100 75 34.08

Table 2. Comparison of antenna size for ASR, ASR-Stub and ASR-SRR (ɛr = 4.4, h = 0.8 mm, tan𝛿 = 0.02,
t = 35 μm).
Fundamental %mini. of ASR- %mini. of ASR-
Frequency Antenna Parameters Stub SRR
1.8 GHz R1 [mm] ASR 16.84 ASR-Stub 12.84 20.28 -
R2 [mm] 18 15
SUBX ×  SUBY [mm2] 56 × 56 50 × 50
Lms [mm] 19 19
Wms [mm] 2.9 2.9
1.66 GHz R1 [mm] ASR 18.84 ASR-SRR 12.84 - 30.55
R2 [mm] 21 15
SUBX ×  SUBY [mm2] 60 × 60 50 × 50
Lms [mm] 20.15 18.15
Wms [mm] 2.9 2.1

Figure 9. Measured and simulated G[dBi] v/s Frequency of (a) ASR, (b) ASR-Stub, (c) ASR-SRR.

which indicate that the miniaturized ASR-Stub and ASR-SRR have performance improvement,
due to suppression of surface wave. The comparison of measured and simulated gain is
shown in Figure 9. For ASR antenna, the gain varies from 4 to 7 dBi, for ASR-Stub antenna
the gain varies from 1 to 6.47 dBi, which is useful in mobile communication (GSM, WIFI and
LTE). For ASR-SRR antenna the gain varies from –3 to 5.83 dBi. Although the gain of the ASR-
SRR at first band is less, the second and third bands can be used for mobile communications
in WIMAX, and LTE applications. The unperturbed ASR antenna for fundamental frequencies
of 1.8 and 1.66 GHz is redesigned separately on the same FR-4 PCB as perturbed (ASR-Stub,
ASR-SRR)antennas are designed, and then it simulated on HFSS, and calculated the percent-
age miniaturization of proposed ASR-Stub and ASR-SRR antennas with respect to the unper-
turbed ASR antenna.
Table 2 illustrates a comparison of unperturbed slot antenna (ASR) and perturbed slot
antennas (ASR-Stub, ASR-SRR).

Figure 10. Simulated and measured E-plane pattern of ASR.

Figure 11. Simulated and measured E-plane pattern of ASR-Stub.

Figure 12. Simulated and measured E-plane pattern of ASR-SRR.

Significant miniaturization is achieved in both ASR-Stub and ASR-SRR. The percentage

miniaturizations (%mini.) of ASR-Stub and ASR-SRR with respective ASR antenna are 20.28
and 30.55, respectively. The measured and simulated E-plane co and cross-polarization (E-co,
E-cross) radiation patterns of ASR, ASR-stub and ASR-SRR at its resonance frequencies are
shown in Figures 10–12. It has been observed that, for n = 1, 2 the radiation is along the
broadside direction (θ = 0°, 180°), in higher order modes, the side lobes of ‘E-co’ directed at

end-fire direction (θ = 90°, 270°) as in the Figures 10(c) and 11(c) are due to the presence of
surface wave, which is radiating from the edge of the antenna. However, in ASR-SRR, surface
wave is suppressed due to placement of EC-SRR at backside, which helped to reduce the
side lobe level of ‘E-co’ as shown in Figure 12(c). The measured cross-polarization level for
third mode is more, however, in some wireless applications such as mobile communication,
the effect of cross-polarization is allowed.

8. Conclusion
A compact multiband antenna with single ASR has designed. It has been observed that, ASR
is miniaturized with help of reactive loads. An ASR-stub antenna is miniaturized by 20.28%,
with acceptable BW, gain, ηA. Although modes of ASR-stub resonate at fixed frequencies, it
can be used for GSM-1800, LTE and WIMAX applications. Further, 30.55% of miniaturization
is done in ASR-SRR antenna with reasonable BW, gain, ηA, even though such low gain antenna
is preferred in wireless communications. Although the proposed perturbed antennas (ASR-
Stub, ASR-SRR) are not an ESA, these antennas are the miniaturized antennas since values
of ‘ka’ are less than 3.45. The design of multiband reactive load and its effective use in the
multiband ASR antenna for miniaturization, improvement of ‘ηA’ and reduction of surface
wave of ASR-SRR by –6 dB with respect to ASR are the contributory works presented in this

Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Sajeed Sirajuddin Mulla

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