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by Jennifer Ann Hutt

Enjoying Life One log•o•phile n. a lover of words. with unusual histories.

“Each word comes with its own story”,

Word at a Time Like many editors, computer scientist Anu

Garg has a passion for words and loves
Garg said. “If you look into the history,
it is fascinating. Just like people, they are
expanding his vocabulary. born; they grow.” For example, he said, the
“Once we are able to discern different word editor comes from Latin and originally
shades of words, it helps with communica- meant publisher. According to the American
tion”, he said. Garg compared a communi- Heritage Dictionary (fourth edition), the
cator’s vocabulary with the palette used by word editor was partially derived from the
a skilled painter. “If you are an artist”, he Latin edere, which means to distribute or
explained, “you don’t want to work with to publish. In 1712, editor first appeared, in
just four colors.” the sense of “one who edits”. But it was not
In 1994, this logophile decided to share until 1793 that the first recorded use of edit
his love of words with others. While a as “to prepare for publication” appeared.
graduate student in computer science at In addition to AWAD, Garg’s Web
Case Western Reserve University, Garg server (which he calls a wordserver) hosts
set up a Web server, gathered friends’ an anagram service, dictionary, thesaurus,
e-mail addresses, and began producing bulletin board, and chat room. Producing
“A.Word.A.Day” (AWAD). Each morn- AWAD and managing the wordserver
ing, those on his mailing list were greeted consume a few hours of each day. Even
by words like hypogeusia (diminished sensa- with the flexible hours of his day job as
tion of taste) and myrmecology (the scien- a consultant for AT&T, Garg spends
tific study of ants). many evenings and weekends working on
AWAD started out as an experiment, AWAD. But because he finds exploring
but soon news of Garg’s mailing list began new words so enjoyable, he doesn’t really
to spread by word of mouth. First he gained consider it work.
new subscribers throughout the university, Thanks to the dedication of this fun-lov-
then from other universities, and eventu- ing wordmaster, AWAD subscribers have
ally from people all over the world. “That’s seen a new word pretty much every day,
when I recognized that I had something at least 5 days a week, for the last 8 years.
very important in my hands”, Garg said. That’s more than 2000 words, but Garg said
Today about 530,000 people in more he doesn’t expect to stop any time soon.
than 210 countries subscribe to AWAD. “The English language is not static”, he
The subscription list is about as diverse as said. “Every day people coin new words.
it is long. “Editors are word people”, Garg Some stick, some fade away. And old
said, “so there are a lot of editors on the words get new meanings. I don’t think
list.” But AWAD has appealed to word we’ll ever run out of words.”
lovers in just about every profession from For more about A.Word.A.Day, see
school teaching to truck driving.
Garg selects the words he features in
AWAD himself and groups them into Words on the Web: A.Word.A.Day
weekly themes to help provide coherence. and Its Counterparts
Some of AWAD’s themes have been ani-
mals, mathematics, chemistry, and medi- A.Word.A.Day
Providing a theme is only one of the Devoted to “the music and magic of
many tasks involved in delivering new and words”, A.Word.A.Day has been deliv-
interesting words to AWAD subscribers ered to subscribers 5 days a week since
each day. Garg also researches and writes 1994. The words are grouped into weekly
the definitions, searches for real-world themes and are presented with definitions,
examples, and provides the history of each etymologies, and examples from litera-
word. He even devoted a week to words ture. Previous words are archived and are

Science Editor • November - December 2002 • Vol 25 • No 6 • 205

Net Results

retrievable through an alphabetical list of Dictionary.Com Word of the Day

words, a list of themes, and a chronologic
list of dates when the words appeared in This online dictionary randomly selects
AWAD. a word of the day, which it distributes
to subscribers on a mailing list. Each
My Word A Day entry includes a brief etymology, multiple definitions, and examples from literature.
“Your daily dosage of vocab vitamins”, Beginning in 1999, the words are archived
this site provides words each day that are by date only.
grouped into weekly themes. Featured
words with their definitions, etymol- Oxford English Dictionary Word of the Day
ogy, and literary examples are delivered
Monday through Friday and are archived This site posts a new word each day, with
back to 2000. its definition, etymology, and examples
from literature. Each entry also includes a
One Word A Day small chart showing the approximate dates when each usage appeared in the language.
Designed for those learning English as a There is no archive of past words and no
second language, this site includes audio mailing list.
clips and quizzes with each day’s word.
The featured words are generally intended JENNIFER ANN HUTT is a graduate student
to build a professional English vocabulary. in science and technology journalism at Texas
One Word a Day has a mailing list and a A&M University. She prepared this column
searchable archive. while an intern at Science Editor.

206 • Science Editor • November - December 2002 • Vol 25 • No 6

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