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Kimberly Davis

Impact on Learning through Pre-Post Assessment (ILPPA)

Career and Technical Education, Business Education

CATE 4013: Teaching Strategies

University of Arkansas
I. Unit Context

Fayetteville is a city located in Northwest Arkansas and is part of Washington County.

As of the 2018 census, Fayetteville has a population of 86,751 people. The student population at
the Fayetteville Public Schools represents over 10,017 of 86,751 total population. Population
rose % from 2017 to 2018. As of the 2018 census, 67.9% of the population is white, 12.2% is
Hispanic or Latino, 9.3% is black or African American, and 3.6% is Asian. The median
household income between 2017and 2018 was $37,350. The percent of people living below
poverty level between 2017and 2018 was 38% of Fayetteville’s total population.

Fayetteville Public Schools budgeted $110,873,445 total expenditures for the 2017-2018
fiscal year. The Fayetteville Public Education Foundation raises private funds for resources,
programs, and other opportunities that students would not otherwise have available to them
through the district’s budget. The foundation offers grants to community members, businesses,
and organizations that propose a project to support resources, programs, or other opportunities in
support of Fayetteville Public Schools. The Arkansas Department of Education’s Arkansas
School Recognition gives WJHS a public-school rating “A”. To have an “A” school rating is
dependent on the state accountability.

Woodland Junior High School currently serves 746 students in the 7th and 8th grade. The
student-to-teacher ratio is 14:1students for every one teacher. The average class size is 19. 5% of
WJHS are English learners. 13% of students are eligible to receive special education. The 2017-
2018 school year student population was represented with 73.1% white students, 10.5% Hispanic
students, 5.8% Black/African American students, 3.2% Asian/Pacific Islander students, and 0.3%
American Indian/Alaskan students. Woodland Junior High School offers a breakfast/lunch
program that allows students to pay with no cost. 25.7% of students are eligible for free and
reduced meals. Students are offered a variety of courses to choose from in art, music,
engineering, journalism, technology, and business. Woodland Junior High School provides
academic and enrichment programs that include archery, chess club, anime club, robotics, and
quiz bowl.

I have selected second hour KeyCode class to plan a unit of instruction. This is a diverse
class of 7th grade students. The class has 14 students total, 4 females and 10 males. There are 12
white students and 2 Hispanic students in the class. The class has two students who receive
special education services in school.

II. Design for Instruction

My Design for Instruction is centered around KeyCode for grades levels 7-8 from the

Arkansas curriculum frameworks for BUED. For my planned instruction, I will cover Standards

1.0 and Standard 4.0. In Standard 1.0, performance indicator 1.1, recognizes and discusses the

academic and professional benefits of participating in a CTSO. In Standard 4.0, students will

create simple documents using proper formatting techniques. These standards follow the

Arkansas Department of Education Division of Career and Technical Education and aligns with

standards for Arkansas Computer Science Coding Block, Common Career Technical Core, and

National Standards for Business Education. This unit is focused on creating simple documents

using proper formatting techniques as well as incorporating the investigation of Career and

Technical Student Organizations. My learning goals are for students to be able to use simple

formatting techniques on different programs. I have planned for six days of lessons each

building up to our exam day.

Lesson Plans:

Monday: 02/17/20 Professional Development

Lesson 1

Week 7

Lesson Title: Discovery Channel: CTSO

Grade/Name of Course: 7th Grade/KeyCode

Link to Standards:



Curriculum Framework: Unit 4

Standard(s): 1.1.1,1.1.2


Materials and equipment: Computer

Brochure Template



Objectives: The learners will be able to…..

● Discuss Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) such as


● Define a CTSO

● Investigate CTSO competitive events

● Analyze the differences between FBLA and DECA

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

Today we are going to focus on discovering the world of CTSO’s . Can anyone tell me

what CTSO means? (Wait 15 seconds) . I want you guys to take a look around the room

at the logos that are placed around the room. Go ahead take a piece of paper out and walk

around quietly to check out all the CTSO’s that are at our school and Fayetteville High

School. On your piece a paper I want you to write down which ones stuck out to you.

Learning activities/procedures:

● Gallery Walk

● Unit 4 Pre-Assessment

● CTSO investigation worksheet (work independently)

● Venn Diagram

● Think pair share: Find a person who has a different CTSO

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions:

● Can anyone put into their own words what a CTSO is?

● Differentiate between DECA and FBLA?

● What can a CTSO do for you?

Summary of the Lesson:

In this lesson students will define, describe, discuss, interpret, organize, and design ways in

which CTSO is can be incorporated in and outside of the classroom. By doing this they will have

researched the different CTSO’s and created a Venn diagram with the class. They will have

investigated the similarities and differences. Closing the lesson I would like for them to Think-


In addition to have learned about CTSO’s they will have taken a Unit 4 Pre-Assessment which

will help them evaluate the skills they are struggling to learn and the content they will be


Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

Think-Pair Share with a person who has the opposite CTSO as you. Share something you found

interesting. Today we learned about different CTSO’s and their similarities and differences.

Why do you think having similarities are important? Why do you think the differences are


In life you are going to find that the best way to connect to people is finding commonalities and

celebrating your differences. CTSOs allow you to build relationships with others and a


Objectives: The learners will be able to…..

● Discuss Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) such as


● Define a CTSO

● Investigate CTSO competitive events

● Analyze the differences between FBLA and DECA


I am going to use a variety of formative assessments. To evaluate my students they will

Think-Pair-Share and create a Venn diagram. I can determine how well they are progressing by

listening to their conversations and evaluating their work.

Lesson 2

Week 7

Lesson Title: Simple Formatting

\\Theme depending on month

Grade/Name of Course: 7th Grade/KeyCode

Link to Standards:



Curriculum Framework: Unit 4

Standard(s): 4.0: Create simple documents using proper

formatting features

References/Resources: Microsoft Word

Google Classroom

Materials and equipment: Microsoft Word

Google Classroom

Objectives: The learners will be able to…..

● Demonstrate simple formatting techniques on Microsoft Word.

● Learn how to navigate the Home Tab
● Create a flyer for the Food Drive

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

Before they start the quizzizz and google classroom notes the students will open their microtype

program and work on this for 10 min. This is what they normally do at the beginning of the class

period and would like to keep it consistent with what Ms. Nash day by day.

Open your micro type and set a timer for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes I will have someone

ring the bell to stop and open up their Google classroom assignment.

Today we will be learning how to use simple formatting in a word document. Who can give me

their best guess what simple formatting means? What does this look like? (15 second wait time)

- Have popsicles ready to call out some names to learn them

Let’s start off opening quizzizz. Everyone go to this website and

enter the code I have written on the board to access the activity. I want you to have fun

with this! This is just for me to see how much you know! We are going to split up into

teams and begin the game! Good luck!

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions:

● What do you think simple formatting is? (Beginning of class)

● Give me some ideas you can make with simple formatting? (Beginning)

● Can anyone explain what alignment means? (Middle when we are doing the

guided notes worksheet)

● What do you think would happen if I didn’t save my word document? (Middle

when we are doing guided notes)

● Why is it important to create professional documents? (End)

Content to be presented in lesson:

Good morning class! *Name of student* How are we feeling today? If you have any

questions please raise your hand and I will get to you either immediately or later on in the class.

Today we are learning how to use simple formatting features using Microsoft Word. I want you

guys to open your guided notes on Google classroom. I will demonstrate how to do this on the

monitor. Raise your hand once you have done this! Awesome! Let’s start with a pre-assessment

on quizzizz. Please go to google chrome and type in your web browser “” in a

moment I want you to put this code “________” type your name and wait patiently till I help

everyone else! Go ahead and try your best on this! You guys are split into teams! Try your best

and good luck! We will talk about the results when you are done! Today’s objectives are to

navigate the home tab with different formatting ribbons. Does anyone know what a ribbon is?

We will also learn how to use different formatting techniques and create a flyer for the food

drive. Does anyone have any questions? The most important thing you must do is save your

document on word. It is not like google documents that automatically save. Let’s save as this

document on our documents as Simple formatting notes. We are going to listen and practice. I

want you to be able to be familiar where these formatting options are located. Here is what we

are going to uncover:

- Home tab

o Can anyone describe where the home tab is?

- Font ribbon

o This is where you can find anything that is related to fonts i.e. font style,

font size, decrease font, increase font ……..

o Who has a favorite font style?

o Which one do we use a lot in school?

- Font style

o Type Pumpkin and change it to Goudy Stout

- Font size

o Type scarecrow size 32

§ Increase and decrease

- Decrease font

- Increase font

- Bold

o Type the word spooky and bold the “o” in spooky

- Italics

o Type the date Halloween Time and italicize Halloween

- Underline

o Casper the Friendly Ghost underline the whole sentence

- Strikethrough

o Type the date October 30,2019 and strike the whole date

- Font color

o Change October to Accent 6

- Text highlight color

o Highlight 2019 to your favorite color

Give me a thumbs up down or in the middle if we are confident in these techniques.

Since we have learned some formatting techniques we are going to create a flyer for Woodlands

Canned Food Drive! The elements that need to be on there are will be on the checklist located in

your google documents. This is due today if you don’t finish please finish this as homework and

turn it in on google classroom! Make sure you read the directions and follow each requirement

that is on the checklist! Be creative and let me know if you have any questions!

Learning activities/procedures:

· Use quizizz as a means to understand their background knowledge of simple formatting

· Guided notes

· Flyer Food Drive creation

Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

Today you learned how to use formatting for a flyer! As you can see there are many

techniques to form a professional document. Important things to remember are keeping

your content relevant to your topic and adding a dash of creativeness to it.

\\ Restate objectives

Objectives: I learned how to…...

● Demonstrate simple formatting techniques on Microsoft Word.

● Navigate the Home Tab
● Create a flyer for the Food Drive

Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

I can assess the students learning by using the quizizz to evaluate their prior knowledge

of different formatting techniques. The guided notes will allow me to see what

information they are writing down and if the pace of my class.

Lesson 3

Week 7

Lesson Title: For Sale: Formatting

Grade/Name of Course: 7th Grade/KeyCode

Link to Standards:



Curriculum Framework: Unit 4

Standard(s): 4.1.1,4.1.2

References/Resources: Microsoft Word

Google Classroom

Materials and equipment: Microsoft Word

Google Classroom

Objectives: The learners will be able to…..

● Discover page formatting features

● Utilize paragraph formatting functions

● Create template for a Certificate

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

Yesterday we learned about font formatting on the Home tab, now we are going to dig

deeper and learn about paragraph/page formatting. At the end of the class we will create

certificate of achievement for your accomplishments! Let’s get started.

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions:

What would happen if I used .34 line spacing in an essay?

Why is line spacing important in an essay?

What do you think is an important line spacing default number?

Content to be presented in lesson:

Paragraph Formatting:

- Decrease indent

- Increase indent

- Text alignment

- Line spacing

- Spell check

o Type receive or receive

Page Formatting

- Borders

- Text

- Page

- Numbering list

- Favorite celebrities in order

- Bulleted list

- Name

- Birthday

- Favorite candy

Learning activities/procedures:

● Play Draw Something with Formatting Icons for paragraph ribbon

● $2 summary of why formatting is important in school

● Google slide of the Design and Layout Ribbon

● Plickr evaluation

Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

Students will have learned how to navigate the home tab and different ribbons. They will

understand that they are different ways to present these features and there’s more than

one way to make these formatting features. They will have a $2 summary about why

formatting is important in school and where they would use it in their future careers.

Objectives: I learned how to…...

● Discover page formatting features

● Utilize paragraph formatting functions

● Create template for a Certificate

Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

I will assess their learning by using plickrs at the end of class. In the middle of the lesson

we played draw something this will help them understand which formatting icons went

with each definition. Using the plickr I can see which students struggled with this

matching activity.

Lesson 4

Week 7

Lesson Title: Formatting Techniques and CTSO

Grade/Name of Course: 7th Grade/KeyCode

Link to Standards:



Curriculum Framework: Unit 4

Standard(s): 1.1.1,1.1.2, 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.1.3


Materials and equipment: Microsoft Word

Google Classroom


Objectives: The learners will be able to…..

● Recall information from the CTSO lesson

● Choose which CTSO to represent

● Identify which components students need to incorporate in their CTSO brochure

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

Today we will recall our previous knowledge of DECA and FBLA. After reviewing, we will
choose a CTSO and create a brochure. You will have the whole class period to complete this
assignment. What do we remember about CTSO’s?

Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Questions:

What is a brochure?

What elements can you put in a brochure?

Content to be presented in lesson:

What did we learn about CTSO’s? Our goal as a class is to create a brochure for your CTSO that

you choose. Where do we normally see brochures? When we are showing information or selling

a product it’s important to gather important facts and display that information. Brochures give

the ability to show information and make it appealing for people to read. Marketing is an art and

could be a future career if you enjoy doing this. Let’s go over the criteria for your brochure. In

the brochure:


 Name of CTSO

 Mission Statement

 How to join

 Due

 What can this CTSO do for your future career?

Learning activities/procedures:

● Create a brochure for a CTSO

● Show them a sample of a brochure

● Review the CTSO rubric scoring and rubric

Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

Review the criteria needed to get a finished product for your brochure. Tell them to email me if

they have any questions. They have today and the weekend finish their brochures.

\\Monitor progress throughout the class

- Give plenty of time to finish

- Review the criteria

Objectives: I learned how to…...

● Recall information from the CTSO lesson

● Choose which CTSO to represent

● Identify which components students need to incorporate in their CTSO brochure

Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

I will go around and see if they have started their brochure and make a checklist for myself to see

if each student has progressed.

Lesson 5

Week 7

Lesson Title: CTSO Presentation of Brochures

Grade/Name of Course: 7th Grade/KeyCode

Link to Standards:



Curriculum Framework: Unit 4

Standard(s): 1.1.1,1.1.2, 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.1.3

References/Resources: None

Materials and equipment: Students Brochure

Objectives: The learners will be able to…..

● Differentiate types of perspectives based on peer’s brochures

● Create a presentation of their brochure

Introduction to the Lesson/Hook:

Show them a video of presentation etiquette.

Today each student will present to the class their brochure. You will have 2-3 minutes to show us
your brochure. Who would like to go first?

Content to be presented in lesson:

Each student will present their brochure to the class. Highlight which parts you value and some

formatting techniques you used. Talk about your CTSO and why you should join this club.

Learning activities/procedures:

 Video: Etiquette of a good listener/presenter

 Power clap demonstration

 Presentation of CTSO

Summary/Closure/Review of Content:

Today we brought it all together and presented our CTSO’s and created our project by using

formatting techniques. How many of you are interested in joining a CTSO?

Objectives: The learners will be able to…..

● Differentiate types of perspectives based on peer’s brochures

● Create a presentation of their brochure

Evaluation/assessment of student learning:

To evaluate my students, I made them present their information to the class. At the end they will

do a self-assessment of how their CTSO brochure turned out and add any additional comments

on how they like this lesson week.

Lesson 6

Week 8

Lesson Title: Exam Day

Grade/Name of Course: 7th Grade/KeyCode

Link to Standards:



Curriculum Framework: Unit 4

Standard(s): 1.1.1,1.1.2, 4.1.1,4.1.2,4.1.3

References/Resources: None

Materials and equipment: - Pencil

- Exam

Objectives: The learners will be able to…..

 Assess themselves to see if they have understood main concepts of Unit 4

 Take Unit 4 Test


Today we tested over Unit 4 and incorporated parts of Unit 1 as well. In the real-world, you will

learn to build off each project and collaborate them together. Learning formatting techniques will

be a great asset for any career you choose and being a part of CTSO in middle school and high

school can be the start of it.

III. Assessment Plan


In my pre-assessment I have attached the physical layout of what it looks like along with
the unit of instruction. It is aligned with the learning goals and objectives of Unit 1 and Unit 4.
The pre-assessment and post-assessment are identical to each other. The pre-assessment will set
the tone for my weekly lesson pinpointing the weak and strong points of their prior knowledge.

Formative Assessment

For each lesson during the week, I have provided different formative assessments to
evaluate their skills and techniques correlated to their objectives. In these assessments, they will
act as an indicator of how well the students will progress throughout the week while learning
new information. The majority of my assessments will be a mixture of independent instruction
and interactive instruction. In business education, it is important to create your own personal
work and collaborate with others.

In my pre-assessment I have attached the physical layout of what it looks like along with
the unit of instruction. It is aligned with the learning goals and objectives of Unit 1 and Unit 4.
The pre-assessment and post-assessment are identical to each other. The pre-assessment will set
the tone for my weekly lesson pinpointing the weak and strong points of their prior knowledge.

For my first lesson, the students will investigate different CTSO’s. Alongside this lesson
I will provide them a worksheet to follow along to search for important factors relating to their
organization. The main objective for this lesson is the define CTSO’s and analyze the differences
between FBLA and DECA. For their assessment I will have them use their research to create a
classroom Venn diagram of the similarities and differences of the two organizations. For my
closure, I will ask for a $2 summary correlating to which CTSO they think best fits their goals.
For my second lesson, my students’ objectives will be to demonstrate simple formatting
using Microsoft Word. An assessment I have planned will be to use a quizizz to test their prior
knowledge of using Microsoft word techniques. The quizizz is set up to be played as a an
individual but each point scored is counted as collective team based off of which team the
website put you in. This assessment gives me a detailed statistic on students who are answering
correctly and which students are struggling.

In my lesson on Wednesday, I plan on playing four corners to get my students walking

and engaged. My main objective for this assessment to see how they are doing in the middle of
week and how much knowledge they can recall from the past two lessons. I will ask them a
series of questions about CTSO’s and formatting techniques. Based off of their listening skills
and knowledge they will decide which corner suits the best answer for the question. This

assessment will show me who understand the content as well as I can see who are leaders and
followers of my class.

In my lesson on Thursday, we will create a flyer about DECA or FBLA to put our
knowledge to the test by performing the techniques learned in the past week. On the flyer, it will
require four facts about the CTSO’s researched and four simple formatting techniques used.
They will then print out the flyer and annotate their work describing what formatting technique
was used. This assessment shows that the student understands what they are creating and can
produce a finished product indicating their techniques.


In my lesson plan for Friday, students will take a post assessment that will show
academic progress from the beginning to the end of the week. The pre-assessment and post
assessment are identical to one another. By the post assessment, my goal is for students to score
higher than their pre-assessment. The format of the post-assessment will look like a traditional
test with multiple choice, matching, short answer, and an essay question. The post-assessment is
slightly different because since the first lesson they have researched and analyzed CTSO’s hence
the addition of the essay portion that is not on the pre-assessment. I want the last portion of the
assessment to let me as a teacher to read my students interpretations of their investigated
organizations. Learning and understanding the importance of competitive events and what
CTSO’s have to offer are part of Unit 1 in KeyCode the framework.

Name:__________________ Date:__________ Class:__________

Unit 4: Pre-Assessment

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement. Write the LETTER of the correct answer on
the answer document.

_____ 1. A horizontal line that is placed beneath characters?

A. Bold C. Italics
B. Underline D. Subscript

_____ 2. How do you capitalize a letter?

A. Double click the letter C. Hold down the shift key and the letter being capitalized
B. Scroll over and click D. None of the above
_____ 3. When characters are evenly slanted towards the right they are said to be:
A. Italicized C. Bolded
B. Underlined D. None of the above
_____ 4. Which color corresponds to Microsoft Word?
A. Purple C. Orange
B. Red D. Blue
_____ 5. Places text in the middle of the page
A. Left Align C. Center
B. Justify D. Right Align

Identify the formatting icon that corresponds with the definition. Write your answer choice with a word
in the right column. A word bank is provided below.

Word Bank:
Text Highlight Color
Bulleted List
Numbered List
Font Color
Spell Check
Text Box
Font Styles
Word Art
Font Size

Formatting Icon

6. 10.

7. 11.




Directions: Read each question below and write your response in the blank below

12. If I were to name all my favorite foods in order I would use a _________ list.

13. To find the spelling and grammar tool I would click the ________ tab.

14. Times New Roman is a type of ______.

15. _________ prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality,
and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

16. What does the word FBLA stand for?

F: B: L: of A:

Name:__________________ Date:__________ Class:__________

Unit 4: Post-Assessment
47 points

Multiple Choice
10 points
Identify the choice that best completes the statement. Write the LETTER of the correct answer on
the answer document.

_____ 1. A horizontal line that is placed beneath characters?

C. Bold C. Italics
D. Underline D. Subscript

_____ 2. How do you capitalize a letter?

C. Double click the letter C. Hold down the shift key and the letter being capitalized
D. Scroll over and click D. None of the above
_____ 3. When characters are evenly slanted towards the right they are said to be:
C. Italicized C. Bolded
D. Underlined D. None of the above
_____ 4. Which color corresponds to Microsoft Word?
C. Purple C. Orange
D. Red D. Blue
_____ 5. Places text in the middle of the page
C. Left Align C. Center
D. Justify D. Right Align

12 points
Identify the formatting icon that corresponds with the definition. Write your answer choice with a word
in the right column. A word bank is provided below.

Word Bank:
Text Highlight C
Bulleted List
Numbered List
Font Color
Spell Check
Text Box
Font Styles
Word Art
Font Size

Formatting Icon

6. 10.

7. 11.




10 points
Directions: Read each question below and write your response in the blank below

12. If I were to name all my favorite foods in order I would use a _________ list.

13. To find the spelling and grammar tool I would click the ________ tab.

14. Times New Roman is a type of ______.

15. _________ prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality,
and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

16. What does the word FBLA stand for?

F: B: L: of A:

Name:__________________ Date:__________ Class:__________

15 points
Read the topic carefully and write your response on the essay-response sheet. In your essay,
include your Career and Technical Student Organization and explain your position with
evidence. You may plan your answers on this exam page, but only your response on the essay-
response answer sheet will be scored.

Topic: Choose a Career and Technical Student Organization that you researched. In
your essay, describe your CTSO mission statement, competition events, and how this
CTSO impacts your educational journey.

Essay-Response Sheet

Write your essay response in the box below. Use complete sentences. Your score will reflect
what you write in the box. Refer to your exam for the essay topic.

Scoring Rubric: KeyCode

15 points

Topic: Choose a Career and Technical Student Organization that you researched. In
your essay, describe your CTSO mission statement, competition events, and how this
CTSO impacts your educational journey.

Score Rubric Approaching Fair Proficient

Position Statement ● Student ● Student ● Student chose

(5 points) attempted to provided a CTSO
answer answer, but ● Mission
prompt didn’t statement was
● No evidence describe described
of CTSO which CTSO
chosen chosen
● No evidence ● No mission
of Mission statement
Statement described

Spelling and ● Distraction ● Little ● Mechanical

Grammar errors mechanical errors reflect
(3 points) throughout errors careful editing

Style ● Informal ● Writing ● Writing

(3 points) language contains some maintains a
present informal formal
throughout elements objective tone
throughout the

Examples/Evidence ● Little to no ● Develops the ● Clearly and

(4 points) facts or topic with concise
concrete some facts explanation
details and detail with concrete
details and

Pre-Assessment and Post Assessment
Answer Sheet:

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. Spell Check
7. Word Art
8. Font Size
9. Text Highlight Color
10. Text Box
11. Bulleted List
12. Numbered List
13. Review
14. Font
15. DECA
16. Future Business Leaders of America

IV. Analysis of Student Learning Over Time


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