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Topic 1 Test of Credibility of Rape against him and that the testimony of

Victim’s Testimony his daughter was inconsistent and not

credible. Moreover, he alleged that the
delay in reporting the incident makes
G.R. Nos. 135554-56            June her accusations doubtful.
21, 2002
RTC imposed reclusion perpetua upon
PEOPLE OF THE accused on the rape incident which
PHILIPPINES,  plaintiff-appellee, vs. occured in 1990 and death on the
DANILO DELA CRUZ y rape incident in 1995. RTC also
CARIZZA, accused-appellant. awarded damages.

FACTS: Two (2) informations for rape ISSUE: Was the testimony of Jeannie
were filed against accused Danilo dela credible?
Cruz for allegedly having carnal
knowledge with her daughter, Jeannie
Ann dela Cruz, when the latter was 11 In rape cases, the issue invariably
years old (1990) and 16 years old boils down to the credibility of the
(1995). victim’s testimony. The trial court’s
evaluation of the credibility of the
Another information for violation of RA
victim’s statements is accorded great
7610 was filed against the accused for
weight because it has the unique
the same acts. The information reads:
opportunity of hearing the witnesses
That on or about the 2nd day of testify and observing their deportment
August, 1997, in the City of and manner of testifying. The trial
Baguio, Philippines, and within court judge is indisputably in the best
the jurisdiction of this position to determine the truthfulness
Honorable Court, the above- of the complainant’s testimony. Thus,
named accused, did then and unless it is shown that the trial court
there willfully, unlawfully and overlooked, misunderstood or
feloniously commit sexual abuse misapplied some facts or
on his daughter either by raping circumstances of weight or substance
her or committing acts of that would otherwise affect the result
lasciviousness on her, which of the case, its findings will not be
has debased, degraded and disturbed on appeal.
demeaned the intrinsic worth
The Court has adhered to the rule that
and dignity of his daughter,
when the testimony of a woman who
states under oath that she has been
human being.
raped meets the test of credibility, the
The accused pleaded not guilty and accused may be convicted on the
denied all accusations against him and basis of such testimony. A rape victim
contended that the the case was filed who testifies in a categorical,
due to his daughter’s resentment straightforward, spontaneous and
frank manner, and who remains The trial court committed no error in
consistent, is a credible witness. imposing upon accused-appellant the
penalty of reclusion perpetua for the
In the cases at bar, the trial court
rape he committed in September
found Jeannie Ann’s testimony to be
1990, since the offense was
"natural, coherent and touching as she
committed prior to the effectivity of
recounted her harrowing experience in
Republic Act No. 7659 (the Death
the hands of her father."
Penalty Law).
Topic 2 Effect of Delay in
However, the Court finds that the
Reporting Rape Case
lower court erred in imposing the
ISSUE: Does delay in reporting the supreme penalty of death upon him
rape incident impair credibility of for the rape committed in July 1995.
testimony? R.A. No. 7659, which was already in
force at that time, requires that the
RULING: NO. circumstances of the minority of the
The delay in reporting a rape incident victim and her relationship with the
does not necessarily impair the offender must concur for the death
credibility of the victim where the penalty to be imposable.
delay can be attributed to the pattern In Criminal Case No. 15164-R, the
of fear instilled by the threats of bodily father-daughter relationship was
harm, especially when made by a alleged in the information and proven
person who exercised moral in the course of the trial. However,
ascendancy over the victim. It is not Jeannie Ann’s minority, although
uncommon for a young girl to conceal likewise alleged in the information,
for sometime the assault on her virtue was not sufficiently proved. All that
because of the rapist’s threat on her was offered to establish her age was
life, or on the life of the other her bare testimony that she was born
members of her family. on April 18, 1979. The prosecution
In the cases at bar, Jeannie Ann failed to present her birth certificate,
repeatedly explained that accused- or in lieu thereof, other documentary
appellant threatened to hurt her, her evidence such as her baptismal
mother or her siblings if she did not certificate, school records which would
give in to his desires. Her fear of what have aided the court in verifying her
accused-appellant would do to her, claim that she was a minor when she
her mother and siblings if she was raped by accused-appellant in
revealed his evil deeds was what July 1995.
compelled her to suffer in silence for a In the absence of adequate proof of
long time. Jeannie Ann’s minority, the penalty
Topic 3 Imposition of Penalty imposable for the offense in Criminal
Case No. 15164-R is reclusion
ISSUE: Whether or not the penalty perpetua.
imposed is proper
Topic 4 Designation of the Offense
ISSUE: Whether or not the violative of the accused-appellant’s
information for violation under RA constitutionally-guaranteed right to be
7610 was sufficient informed of the nature and cause of
the accusation against him.
Topic 5 Damages Granted to Rape
It is readily apparent that the facts
charged in said information do not
constitute an offense. The information ISSUE: Whether or not the damages
does not cite which among the awarded by the RTC are proper
numerous sections or subsections of
R.A. No. 7610 has been violated by
accused-appellant. Moreover, it does It is likewise necessary to increase the
not state the acts and omissions award of damages by the trial court.
constituting the offense, or any special The lower court in its decision ordered
or aggravating circumstances accused-appellant to indemnify the
attending the same, as required under complainant in the amount of Fifty
the rules of criminal procedure. Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) only in
Section 8, Rule 110 thereof provides: each of the cases, representing moral
damages. It failed to award the
Designation of the offense. –
prescribed amounts for civil
The complaint or information
indemnity, the award of which is
shall state the designation of
mandatory upon the finding of the fact
the offense given by the
of rape. This civil liability ex delicto  is
statute, aver the acts or
equivalent to actual or compensatory
omissions constituting the
damages in civil law. It is not to be
offense, and specify its
confused with moral damages, which
qualifying and aggravating
is awarded upon a showing that the
circumstances. If there is no
victim endured physical suffering,
designation of the offense,
mental anguish, fright, serious
reference shall be made to the
anxiety, besmirched reputation,
section or subsection of the
wounded feelings, moral shock, social
statute punishing it.
humiliation and similar injury. Under
The allegation in the information that prevailing jurisprudence, when the
accused-appellant "willfully, unlawfully penalty imposed on the accused
and feloniously commit sexual abuse is reclusion perpetua, the amount of
on his daughter [Jeannie Ann] either Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00)
by raping her or committing acts of should be awarded as civil indemnity
lasciviousness on her" is not a to the rape victim. Thus, in Criminal
sufficient averment of the acts Case Nos. 15163-R and 15164-R, an
constituting the offense as required award of Fifty Thousand Pesos
under Section 8, for these are (P50,000.00) as civil indemnity for
conclusions of law, not facts. The each count of rape is proper.
information in Criminal Case No.
In addition to civil indemnity, moral
15368-R is therefore void for being
damages are automatically granted to
the victim in rape cases without need
of proof for it is assumed that the
private complainant has sustained
mental, physical and psychological
suffering. The Court affirms the award
by the trial court of Fifty Thousand
Pesos (P50,000.00) as moral damages
in Criminal Cases Nos. 15163-R and
15164-R, since said amounts are in
accord with its current rulings.

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