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Key Terms Guide

 Adoptionism- heresy that states Jesus lived as a regular man until his baptism,
when God adopted him as God the son
 Amillennialism – theory that this present age, the "church age," is the
 Appollinarianism- heresy that states Jesus had a human body, but a divine
 Arianism- heresy that denied the eternal existence of the Son
 Christology - belief or theology concerning the person and work of Christ
 Congregationalism - a type of church government that puts the authority of
the church in the hands of the congregation
 Docetism- heresy that states Jesus was not really a man, but only appeared or
seemed to be a man
 Ecclesiology - the study of the church
 Ekklésia - a group who is called out
 Eschatology - the study of the end times
 Eutychianism – heresy that states Christ possessed one nature that was a
mixture of divinity and humanity
 General Revelation- God's revelation of himself that is available to all people
at all times in all places
 Homoousia/Homoousios - of the exact same substance
 Imago Dei - the image of God
 Immanence – Of his own free will, God is involved in his creation
 Inaugurated eschatology - view that the kingdom has been inaugurated but
not yet consummated
 Inerrant- it does not contain error
 Infallible - it tells the truth
 Inspiration - God-breathed
 Justification - a legal term; through faith in Christ, God considers us guilt free
 Ministerial (service) gifts - gifts such as administration, hospitality, and
 Miraculous (sign) gifts - gifts such as tongues and healings
 Modalism - heretical understanding of God that describes the Trinity in terms
of modes or states of being
 Nestorianism- heresy that states there were two different beings dwelling in
Jesus’ body - one human person and one divine person
 Omnipotent - God is all powerful.
 Omnipresent- God cannot be defined by size or dimensions. He is not limited
by space.
 Omniscient- God has all knowledge of himself and of all things past, present,
and future
 Original Sin – from birth, all humans possess a bent or tendency to sin
 Penal substitution -sin placed humans legally and morally in debt to a holy
God, a debt that required payment; Christ died as a substitute, a legal
payment for our sins
 Postmillennialism- theory that the millennium will follow this present
"church age" but it will be ushered in by the success of the church
 Preexistent- Jesus has always existed
 Premillennialism – theory that Christ will return to the earth before the
1000-year millennial reign
 Reconciled - We are made to be at peace with God because of Christ's death
and our faith; brought back in to fellowship with him
 Regenerate membership - Baptist distinctive that a church is only made up of
born again believers
 Regeneration - the transformation that takes place in believers as they are
given new life
 Revelation - uncovering or removing a veil; divine self-disclosure; God's
manifestation of himself, his will, his purposes
 Sanctification - the progressive work of God and man that makes us more free
from sin and more like Christ in our actual lives
 Soteriology - the doctrine of salvation
 Special Revelation - specific truths about God, his will, and his redemptive
purposes that are given to specific people in specific places
 Sufficiency - Scriptures contain all of the words of God that he intended
people to have (all necessary for salvation, for trusting him, and obeying him)
 Total Depravity - human nature is totally corrupt
 Transcendence - God is greater than all creation and is independent of it
 Trinity - One God in three persons

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