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Name : Kurnia Yunita Rahayu

No : 4415107001

Prodi : Pend. Sejarah 2010 (non reg)

English Midterms

My Reason to Choose History as My Major

Originated from my love to the temples, seeing and trying to understand the reliefs there, makes
me want to learn further about messages and values contained there. Beside that, since I was a
young I was a lovers of fairy tales and history of Javanese Puppets, which are often told by my
father. My various experiences above forming the image in my mind that the “classic things” is

Along the increased age, I became a book lovers. Not comic books, or teenage novels, but I
prefer the history books or historical fiction books. By reading various works of history, many
figures becomes an inspiration in my life. Such as HOS Tjokroaminoto, how he summon up all
the Indonesian people under the banner of Sjarikat Islam conduct a national movement to cast
out the Dutch from our beloved country. Tan Malaka, one that consistently take the fight way
against the invaders through his thoughts that gave birth various state-strategy encompassing
guerrilla, political, and economy. And even, until now his thoughts are still colorize the soul of
Indonesian Murbaism.

I am the one who loves writing. There is no other way to capture the ideas except by writing. In
the future I wanted to create a masterpiece with the breath of history. For that reason I have to
enter college majoring in history. I want to learn how history was made, from where perspective
the events can considered as a history, and of course collecting fully history information to
support my passion to write a works of history.

Learning history doesn’t mean just wasting time because having to remember the past. For me,
we will not be able to do better without learning from history. And that is the function of history,
makes us learn from the past, to live life today, and to mapping our future. Beside that, learning
history will broaden our knowledge, because in studying history we are required to read a lot,
explore the historical information from various historical literature.
My love of history, and also my passion to make masterpieces of history encouraged me to
choose history department. And Alhamdulillah God is agreed I am accepted in State University
of Jakarta majoring in history.

Development of Educational History in Indonesia

Educational history in Indonesia is continues to grow from time to time, as more and more
discovery of evidences of historical facts are still being debated because have not been
revealed in the past.

In the reign of Orde Lama, history told us how the heroes fought independence from colonial
nation. And how the struggle for independence that has been achieved, because the invaders
tried to re-enter and colonize Indonesia.

After the reign of Orde Lama was deposed by student movement in 1966, it gives birth the reign
of Orde Baru which provides restrictions on the educational history. So many historical facts that
are hidden even deliberately omitted for the glory of the rulers at that time, namely from military.

When students returned to the movement in 1998, deposed the corrupt reign of Orde Baru with
the spirit of reformation. As a successor regime, Orde Reformasi set us free from shackles
concealment history as is done by the Orde Baru. We are free to read any history that we want.
Modern historians have no doubt to released their newest result of research such as Ahmad
Mansur Suryanegara who has published his newest books Api Sejarah, and Api Sejarah 2. The
books reveals the role of clerics and Islamic youth in the war of independence.

Basically patterns of educational history at each age is an antithesis from previous period. It
can’t be separated from the function of history especially for not recur the things that are not

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