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Open sample data, and change Student# to your own student id.
Open WEKA software, and double click “Explorer”.

1. Association rules
(1) Click “Open file”, and open dataset “Association Rules.arff”

(2) Select “Associate” tab

(3) Click “Choose” button and choose Apriori.

(4) Click space next to “Choose” button as shown in the following figure, set lowerboundMinSupport = 0.4,
metricType = Confidence, min metric = 0.9, click OK.
(4) Click “Start”, and the results are shown in the “Associator output” window.
2. Clustering
(1) Switch back to “Preprocess” tab, and open dataset “Clustering.arff”.
(2) In the “Attributes” window, click attributes UserId, Age, Gender, GYear, GMonth, and click “Remove” button.
We only keep attribute “Reading” and “Posting” for clustering analysis.
(3) Click “Cluster” tab, and click “Choose” button, choose “SimpleKMeans” method.

(4) Click SimpleKMeans setting next to “Choose” buttion, set numClusters = 4, then click OK.
(5) Click Start, and the results are shown in the “Clusterer output” window

(5)In “Result list” window, right click “SimpleKMeans”, choose “visualize cluster assignments”.
(6) In the pop out window, set X as Posting, Y variable as Reading, adjust the jitter level, and observe the
clustering outcomes.
3. Classification
(1) Open dataset “Classification.arff”, delete attribute User_id as it is irrelevant with our classification problem.
(2) Select “Classify” tab, and choose “RandomTree” method.
(3) Keep the default parameter settings, click Start, and the results are shown in the main output window.
(5)Right click the result in “Result list” window, and choose “visualize tree” option.
(6) The visualized classification model is displayed as below.

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