Ensayo y Crítica

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What should we teachers provide our students in order to succeed in

By: Brian Esmeral Ariza

The vast majority of parents are convinced that education in schools

consists only of information and knowledge. ​However​, what they and
almost every person in the world do not realize is that the most important
thing that a teacher gives his students are the values that make
knowledge and intelligence be used in the best possible way. ​In other
words​, it is the job of both the teacher and the parents to guarantee the
integral growth of the child, so in this way, joint work is carried out where
everyone wins.

One of the fundamental values to introduce students is confidence. ​In

that order of ideas​, ​teachers help their students to be successful
basically by building and developing their confidence so that they feel
empowered and can design their strategies for that same success.
Building confidence is more important because those students who have
difficulty maintaining confidence also have little or no self-esteem that is
influenced by fear. ​For instance​, ​they are afraid of not being "smart"
enough like others or thinking that they don't know too much and that
others are better than they are in one way or another. ​In many cases​,
students do not like being excluded from the class in front of all their
classmates. ​Now​, for any teacher in a new school year, the most difficult
and requested task by others is to have an appropriate strategy that
helps students develop their confidence while acquiring new knowledge
and academic information.
To conclude​, it must be said that we must join efforts to make our
students find the best way to succeed in life, based on the foundations of
our teachings, both academic and moral values, in this way the other
skills, abilities and human values will forge that path to the success we
desire for them.

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