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Tanner Smith


CCP Comp

September 12, 2019

Grilled Cheese Please!

Susan Loosend has extreme lactose intolerance. If she eats one spoonful of yogurt, you

wouldn’t see her in a couple of hours, just her shoes as you see her sprinting to the nearest

bathroom. Her favorite food category was sadly dairy so this would happen often. I’m very good

friends with Susan and I am known for my famous grilled cheese sandwiches. “Can I please

have your recipe!” Susan asked excitedly, “Your sandwiches are my new addiction.”

“Aren’t you allergic to dairy?”

“Yes, and?”

“Okay, well I guess, I have it memorized in my head so I will have to write it down for you

to easily make, I will get back to you within a few days.”

“Thank you so much!” She yells walking to her next class.

Ingredients: Step 1

Firstly you are going to want to gather all your ingredients

for the grilled cheese sandwich. I prefer to use pepper-jack

cheese but you could use any sliced cheese from the store.

You want to get a non-stick spray for pans. Two pieces of

bread for one sandwich. About one cm slice of butter. Lastly

pepper. Put these all to the side, you will use them in a

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Pan selection: Step 2

When you select a pan for your grilled cheese, you have to make sure it can fit the

sandwich, and the sides aren’t too tall. Also, make sure you have a handle that is sturdy so the

pan doesn’t move around.

Preparing the pan: Step 3

To start cooking the sandwich, you must set the stovetop to high and spray the top of the

pan while it heats up, you don’t want your sandwich to stick to the pan. Now is also a great time

to lay your one cm slice of butter onto the pan and let it melt while you spread it around the pan

with a spatula. Keep the spatula you just used around because you are going to have to use it

for the sandwich soon.

Making the sandwich: Step 4

Open your two pieces of bread on a countertop. Place the cheese on one of the pieces

of bread. Now place the other piece of bread on top of the cheese. You now have to place the

sandwich on the pan that is currently resting on the stovetop. You should hear it sizzle as you

wait about ten seconds before it becomes cooked. Then,

carefully, you’re going to want to flip the sandwich on the

other side.

Flipping the sandwich: Step 5

You are going to want to grab the spatula so you can flip

the sandwich. Put your spatula diagonal as if you’re gonna

slide it completely under the sandwich. You want to start

scoping as you are three-fourths under the sandwich and

lift it off the pan. Then turn your hand 180 degrees so the

sandwich will land on the other side.

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Finish cooking sandwich: Step 6

Your sandwich should now be on the other side. Let it sit for about five seconds, it

shouldn’t take as long as the other side since most of the sandwich is cooked. Now you want to

repeat the process of scooping the sandwich in the last step but this time put it on a plate. Your

sandwich is almost done. Make sure to turn off the stovetop and put your pan in the sink.

Adding flavor to your sandwich: Step 7

Lift one piece of bread off the sandwich and

grab the bottle of pepper. You want to shake the

pepper up and down either in one or two motions. You

don’t want too much pepper because It will overpower

the sandwich. Now you can put the other slice of bread

back onto the sandwich.

Take a bite: Step 8

Your sandwich is now complete, take a big bite

and enjoy. You now know how to make a perfect grilled

cheese! Make sure to put all your other items away

after you’re done.

Usability test:

For my usability test, I acquired the help of my ten-year-old brother, Teegan. He is a

grilled cheese connoisseur so I assumed he would want to learn how to make one for himself.

We did it in the kitchen of my Mom’s house. Sunday night, we decided to perform it right after

my brother finished his homework so he could have a snack before he went to bed. The steps

seemed pretty simple to him. Some of the directions though confused him because he has

never cooked in his life ever and didn’t even know where we kept the pepper, so obviously, to
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fully understand how to cook the sandwich efficiently you have to have basic knowledge of

cooking. I also didn’t specify where to put the materials when you were done so he left a big

mess so I made sure to leave some cleanup instructions.


The grilled cheese sandwich steps are based around the audience of people who like

grilled cheese and want to learn how to cook this simple meal. You need to know how to use a

stove beforehand though and also understand differences between cooking pots/pans. Making

a grilled cheese is very quick, easy, and doesn’t have many steps or ingredients to use to it is

essential to know how to make one for yourself. I have learned how to describe details so

someone can learn how to perform a new skill efficiently, also the amount of thought needed

before actually writing a successful how-to paper.

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