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Your Name: Heather Jun Genre of the Book:

Realistic Fiction

Book Title: Not Norman: A Goldfish Story Author: Kelly Bennett

Publisher: Candlewick Date: 2008

1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Standards: 2nd Grade

Ask and answer such questions as who, what, when, where, why, and how to demonstrate
understanding of key details in a text.

2. Objectives:
Students will be able to explain who, what, when, where, why, and how from the story, “Not
Norman: A Goldfish Story,” and write their own Realistic Fiction short story.

3. Materials/Equipment:
Book- Not Norman: A Goldfish Story
Blooms Level (SWBAT)
Realistic Fiction Worksheet
Lined Piece of Paper

4. Teaching:
A. Reading the book:
o The teacher will explain what Realistic Fiction is to the class.
o Introduce and read the book, Not Norman: A Goldfish Story, to the class.

B. Extension Activity:
o The teacher will write, “Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How” on the
o The teacher will ask the students to raise their hand and give the answer for each
from the book, “Not Norman: A Goldfish Story.”
o The teacher will write the answers on the board.
o The teacher will then hand out the Realistic Fiction Activity Paper.
o The teacher will explain to the class that they will use this worksheet to develop their
ideas about their own Realistic Fiction short story.
o The teacher will explain to the class that they are to fill out who, what, when, where,
why, and how about someone their age and a problem he/she must solve.
o The teacher will then tell the class that they will use this information to write their own
o A piece of lined paper will be passed out to each student to write their own short story.

5. Closure:
To wrap up this activity, the teacher will ask the students to raise their hand of who would like to
share their own Realistic Fiction short story. The teacher will ask the students if any of them
have had a similar experience to that of the boy who had Norman as a pet.

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