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Name : Gita Dewi Mayangsari

Class : 2D/D3/TK
NIM : 1831410129

The Negative Impact Of Corona Virus

Mother : In May we will celebrate Eid Al-Fitr and we will go to grandma’s house in
Son : Mom, don’t you know that there is a plague in Indonesia named Covid-19?
Mother : What is Covid-19?
Son : It’s kind of virus that attact respiratory system. This virus will attact alveoli
and will disrupt the respiratory system
Mother : So, what is the correlation between Covid-19 and going to grandma’s home?
Son : We have to stay at home until this plague is disappear mom. Covid-19 will
be very fast in infecting humans
Mother : How can we get infected?
Son : This viruses will stick to an object, if we touch this object and accidentally
touch our eyes, nose, or mouth, these viruses will be enter our body. Most
Covid-19 patients do not relize that corona virus has invaded their bodies.
Some of them show symptoms and some of them do not show symptoms but
can transmit it to the other people.
Mother : So, what are the symptoms if some body has been infected?
Son : Infected people will show symptoms of cough, flu, high body temperatures
and others. But there are also those who are infected and show no symptoms.
This case will make Covid-19 spread quickly.
Mother : What should we do beside just stay at home?
Son : We have to wash our hands and drink mineral water oftenly, do social
distancing, and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Mother : So, were not going to grandma’s home this year?
Son : Maybe if this plague is quickly resolved we can go there. Hopefully the
Covid-19 outbreak will quickly resolved and we can go to grandma’s house.
Mother : I hope so.

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