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Standard 7 Rationale

Name: Carson Hope Program: Early Childhood Special Education

Name of Artifact: Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment Team Report

Artifact Source: ECS 476 – Assessing Young Children At-Risk for Disability

Instructor Who Originally Evaluated Artifact: Dr. Christine Spence

Introduction to Standard Addressed

Common Core Teaching Standard 10

CCTS standard 10 addresses collaboration. The standard states: “the teacher seeks appropriate
leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with
learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner
growth, and to advance the profession.” In other words, it is crucial to student success for educators
to collaborate with everyone involved in learners’ education. Collaboration also allows professionals
to grow and problem solve with colleagues. Indicator 10(q) states that the educator “respects
families’ beliefs, norms, and expectations and seeks to work collaboratively with learners and families
in setting and meeting challenging goals.” This indicator identifies the learner and the family as part
of the team and emphasizes the importance of working with the learner and family in meeting goals.
Council for Exceptional Children Division of Early Childhood Standard 7
CEC-DEC standard 7 addresses collaboration. The standard states: “beginning special education
professionals collaborate with families, other educators, related service providers, individuals with
exceptionalities, and personnel from community agencies in culturally responsive ways to address the
needs of individuals with exceptionalities across a range of learning experiences.” In other words, the
standard emphasizes the importance of the team approach. The standard recognizes team members as
the student and family, educators, service providers such as therapists, and other professionals that
work with the child to provide the best services and education possible. Furthermore, the standard
explains that educators can work with not only other professionals in the school, but the community
as well. Indicator K7.2 states that special educators understand the “roles of individuals with
exceptionalities, families, and school and community personnel in planning of an individualized
program.” To expand on this, it is crucial that special educators know the many roles that play into
the team process and have an understanding for each member’s responsibilities in order to
collaborate effectively.

Introduction of Artifact

The Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment-2 (TPBA-2) is a non-standardized assessment protocol

in which a provider and a family member(s) plays with the child, and evaluators observe the
interactions and each area of development (sensorimotor, emotional/social, communication, and
cognitive). For the team report assignment, I worked with three of my classmates in ECS 476 to
develop a report for an individual being assessed with the TPBA-2 after watching a video of the
assessment interactions happen. Each of us focused on one of the four areas of development while
watching the assessment: I focused on sensorimotor. We shared our notes to write the team report
collaboratively. The report included observations from the TPBA-2 matrices and notetaking forms as
well as recommendations for services and goals for the individual.


The comprehensive report I completed in collaboration with three of my peers in the Early Childhood
Special Education program perfectly aligns with both the CCTS Standard 10 on collaboration and the
CEC-DEC Standard 7 on collaboration. Both standards emphasize the importance of professionals of
different roles coming together within in a team to share their knowledge and better support their
students. To complete this report, three of my colleagues and I roleplayed different roles within the
evaluation team to observe Kassandra in the videotaped Transdisciplinary Play Based Assessment-2 to
focus on different aspects of Kassandra’s development to come together to write up a plan. As a team,
we developed a plan that states Kassandra will receive services from three specialists: physical
therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language therapy. The plan also states goals for the early
childhood special educator to work towards such as creating “meaningful cooperative play sessions”
and “experiences to expand her attention span.” This report models the collaboration that I will need
to be comfortable with as a special educator because I will work with a variety of professionals in
evaluations, IEP meetings, and in the classroom.

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