On The Evolution of Ac Machines For Spindle Drive Applications

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5, SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 1992 1081

On the Evolution of ac Machines for

Spindle Drive Applications
Antonino Fratta, Alfredo Vagati, Member, ZEEE, and Franco Villata, Member, IEEE

Abstract-In the field of ac spindle drives, the induction motor axially laminated reluctance motor (ALRM) [l]and calcu-
is widely adopted. Synchronous solutions (reluctance, interior lating the needed inverter oversizing, which is nearly valid
permanent magnets) are often suggested to overcome some
drawbacks of the induction motor. for both ALRM’s and IM’s, once the constant-power
The paper compares the different options by considering the speed range is given [21.
machine torque-density and the inverter power size needed for a On the other hand, the interior permanent magnet
given constant-power speed range. It is shown that an axially (IPM) synchronous machines have been intensively stud-
laminated reluctance motor gives more torque density than the ied in recent years [3]-[6]. Of particular interest at the
induction motor but nearly requires the same inverter size.
By adding a proper quantity of permanent magnets, the present time is the analysis made in [3]. It is shown there
inverter size can be greatly reduced. A comprehensive discussion that a tradeoff exists between the power capability at high
is made on this subject, aiming to point out a design solution speed and the amount of PM flux once the anisotropy
that is “optimal” for the whole drive. characteristics are given, that is, the IPM machine can be
suitable for field weakening if it is properly designed.
It will be shown in this paper that these approaches
I. INTRODUCTION converge to point out an “optimal” solution for spindle-
drive applications.
T” E AC DRIVES for spindle applications require, as
known, high torque density and wide constant-power
speed range that is typically greater than 1:3. A totally
enclosed motor construction is preferred, and a forced A. The Torque Density
cooling is normally considered, acting on the stator of the As far as the comparison is concerned, let us think
machine. Moreover, high dynamic performances are re- about both machines having the same two-pole sinu-
quested, particularly with respect to load disturbances. An soidally would stator and only differing in the rotor struc-
overload factor is often needed that is typically 1.5. At ture.
last, for certain applications, the feasibility of an axis-like Referring to a d , q frame, rotating at a speed w , it will
position control is appreciated. Anyway, a positioning be synchronousyith the rotor for the reluctance motor
feature is nearly always requested for tool replacement. (RM), with the A, rotor linked-flux vector for the induc-
At present, the commonly adopted ac machine is the tion motor. Because 5, E, and are the stator voltage,
induction motor. The field-oriented control strategy is current, and linked flux vectors, respectively, (1) can be
coming into general use because of its high-dynamic pre- written for both machines. The torque is expressed by (2).
rogatives. Neglecting the magnetic nonlinearity and considering,
The adoption of the induction motor (IM) certainly for the IM, that the rotor linked-flux module A, is con-
constitutes a positive step with respect to dc solutions but stant, the vector diagram in Fig. 1 is valid for both
still exhibits some disadvantages, mainly regarding the machines.
torque density and the inverter oversizing needed to ob- Nearly equal stray inductances L , are supposed, for
tain wide constant-power speed ranges. both machines, because of the same stator structure: this
The aim of this paper is to analyze the suitability of the gives evidence to the “principal” flux vector 4. Equation
synchronous choice, as compared with the induction one, (2) can also be written as (3):
by pointing out a possible trend in optimizing the perfor-
mances of the whole drive. dA
RE+ - + j w h
The authors faced this subject in previous works, show- dt
ing the possible higher torque density obtainable from an

Paper IPCSD 91-134, approved by the Industrial Drives Committee of T=$xE. (3)
the IEEE Industry Applications Society for presentation of the 1989
Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October The reluctance motor rotor behaviour can be defined
1-5. Manuscript released for publication September 6, i991. through its d and q axis magnetizing inductances L,,
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Polytecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy. and L,, .Analogously, the induction motor behavior refers
IEEE Log Number 9201857. to the parameters L , and k,L,, where L , is the magne-

0093-9994/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE

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id Wd d

Fig. 1. Vector diagram of both machines.

Fig. 2. Schematic of an axially laminated two-pole rotor.

tizing inductance, L , the stray rotor inductance, and k, Therefore, at low speed values, where the iron losses
the rotor coupling coefficient. are neglegible with respect to the Joule losses, it can be
ThereforeJ4) to (7) can be written for the RM. For the concluded that the ALRM gives more torque density than
IM, analogously, (8) to (11) are valid. The stator resis- the IM because of the second term in (111, which is
tance R is posed to be equal for both machines, as has comparable with the first one.
been seen. The IM rotor resistance has been indicated as However, in a spindle drive, iron losses also can play an
R,. The quantity P, represents the Joule losses amount. important role in defining the torque capability at high
The following represent the reluctance motor: speed. Therefore, it is necessary to prove that the ALRM
does not exhibit more iron losses than the IM, in princi-
(4) ple. Unfortunately, this is not true if the rotor is not
suitably designed. This is due to the effect of the stator
slots on the rotor laminations.
Let us refer to Fig. 3, in which a slotted stator is
schematically depicted (two slots per pole per phase),
together with a laminated two-pole rotor, in a certain
reciprocal position. Of course, the first harmonic mmf
P, = R( i i +ii) (7) distribution will be synchronous with the rotor.
The slots rotate with respect to the rotor, producing a
and the following represent the induction motor: periodical variation of the airgap reluctance “seen” by
each rotor segment. During this rotation, two kinds of
segments are to be pointed out: those for which their
airgap ends “see” the stator slots in-phase (continuous
lines) and those for which their airgap ends “see” the

T = L , 1--Y r ) i , i ,
stator slots in opposition (dashed lines). Let us focus, for
the moment, on a nonskewed machine. The flux conduc-
tion in these two kinds of segments is very different.
The first kind of segment shows the highest total airgap
P, = R(i2 + i i ) + R,(k,i,)*. reluctance ripple (Fig. 4), but it does not produce ripple
on the flux between adjacent segments. Therefore, iron
By inspection of (6) and (101, the torque capability may losses are mainly related to the large segment flux ripple
differ in three factors: the magnetizing inductance L,, or in a rotor having only this kind of segment.
L,, the reaction coefficient between brackets, and the The second kind of segment (dashed lines in Fig. 3)
current capability at a given loss amount. shows reduced total airgap reluctance ripple (Fig. 51,
For the reluctance machine, the first two factors can be thanks to the phase opposition between the reluctance
made equivalent to the IM ones if an axially laminated distributions of their airgap ends. On the other hand, high
rotor structure is considered, as schematically depicted in ripple on the adjacency flux is expected. Therefore, care
Fig. 2. The pole-flux can be nearly the same at a given must be taken on the choice of materials to be interposed
maximum induction value and a given airgap. between segments of this kind. Anyway, in a rotor having
The quadrature magnetizing inductance L,, , more- only this kind of segment, with electrically nonconductive
over, can be made “equivalent” to k,L,. The L,, value, material interposed, the rotor losses are low and mainly
in fact, strongly depends on the ratio between the thick- located close to the airgap ends. This is due to the ripple
ness of both nonmagnetic and magnetic materials. This of the adjacency flux. It lowers the flux ripple inside the
ratio can, in general, be dependent on the rotor angular segment, which is at maximum close to the airgap ends.
coordinate 6 (Fig. 2). A complete analysis is made in [7]. In a real case, the segment thickness is a finite quantity,
At the present time, it is easier to consider this ratio as a comparable with the stator tooth. Two strategies can be
constant, for example, unity. followed to lower the rotor iron losses.

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(a) (b)
Fig. 6. “Real” rotor segments.

Let us report, at this point, some results obtained from

Fig. 3. Influence of the stator slots. measurements made on prototype machines. The iron
losses of three different four-pole machines have been
measured, by a no-load test condition, at a fundamental
Total reluctance
frequency of 50 Hz and at the same maximum induction
value at the airgap (0.5 T). Machines 1 and 2 have a rated
torque of about 30 Nm, and machine 3 has a torque of
about 150 Nm. Machine 1 is not skewed, whereas machine
2 has a stator skewed by one tooth pitch; machine 3 was
skewed, as was machine 2. Machines 1 and 2 have a rotor
built with a larger number of laminations, approaching
the situation in Fig. 2 (except for a four-pole situation, of
course). The third one, on the contrary, has been built
following the rule shown in Fig. 6(a).
Because of the different dimensions, we will refer to
Fig. 4. In-phase segments (airgap ends reluctance distributions).
per-volume losses only. The following iron losses have
been found:
Total reluctance machine l ( 4 9 kW/m3)
machine 2 (45 kW/m3)
machine 3 (16 kW/m3).
The comparison between the skewed and nonskewed
machines (1 and 2) shows that the previous considerations
are nearly applicable to a skewed machine as well. The
great difference in losses between the first two machines
Fig. 5. In-oppositionsegments (airgap ends reluctance distributions). and the third one, on the other hand, can mostly be
referred to the different rotor construction, proving the
validity of the above made considerations.
If a large number of real segments is wanted to produce When considering full load conditions, a test (machine
a near ideal “distributed rotor anisotropy,’’ then the rotor 3) did not show any significant increase of the iron losses.
segment pitch must be one half the stator tooth pitch. As a conclusion, it has been stated that a properly
These segments are to be positioned with their axes like designed ALRM exhibits iron losses as low as the IM
the dashed lines in Fig. 3. does. As a consequence, the torque-density of the ALRM
Conversely, if a lower number of real segments is is superior because of the absence of rotor Joule losses.
wanted, for practical reasons, the ends of each real seg- This increase can be roughly estimated around 20%.
ment must be as wide as the stator tooth pitch or, in
principle, multiple. Therefore, the induction oscillations B. The Inverter Sizing
at the airgap mainly affect the iron close to the rotor The inverter size, which is needed to obtain a constant-
surface, and the flu in the deeper iron is constant. Let us power speed range, is of great influence on the cost of the
observe that, in this case, each segment acts as a magnetic whole drive. If large constant-power ranges are requested,
shunt on the stator teeth, producing some increase in the as in the case, the needed size strongly depends on the
stray inductance. speed range itself.
These two “practical” situations are shown in Fig. 6. As shown, at least in steady-state conditions the RM
The extreme segments near to the q axis are omitted. and the IM behaviors can be described by the same set of
The above considerations have been made on a section equations. In fact, (1)-(3) are valid for both, and there is a
of the machine. Skewing does change the situation, pro- one-to-one correspondence between (4)-(6) and (8)-(10),
ducing axially flowing fluxes. provided that L,, = L, and L,, = k,L,. At present, it

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is convenient to introduce, for both machines, the ‘total”

inductances L , = Ld, + L, (or L , + L , ) and L , = L,,
+ +
L, (or k, L, L J . Therefore, disregarding the resis-
tance and in steady-state conditions, both machines can
be described through these two parameters. Let us just
w =wo

remember that the speed w in (1) is the rotor speed in a

RM, whereas in the IM, the slip speed should also be
taken into account.
Disregarding the slip for simplicity, it is expected that
the inverter sizing is the same for both machines if they I
are described by equal d and q inductances. A complete
analysis is made in [2]. Let us now outline some aspects to Fig. 7. Vector loci for maximum power.
justify the quite large inverter sizing that is normally
For a given machine, once its ratings io and A, are
defined, together with the maximum allowable voltage U,,
the loci of voltage, current, and linked flux are defined,
representing the maximum power versus speed working
In Fig. 7, these loci are plotted for a machine perform-

ing its maximum power factor at io and A, ratings; this in voio
order to refer to a well-defined working condition. “w,” is I

the speed at which the maximum voltage is reached, and w, 0 1 w

w 1 is the speed beyond which the current must decrease. Fig. 8. Voltage, current, and power versus speed.
In fact, flux angles larger than 7~/4would lead to decreas-
ing torque with increasing current; consequently, the flux
angle is kept constant for w > w l , and the current de- Some little differences may occur between the IM and
creases with the speed. This is the main reason for the the ALRM in obtaining low L , values; but the conclusion
quite larger inverter oversizing. is that a different solution must be found if the inverter
In Fig. 8, the per-unit voltage, current, and power are oversizing has to be greatly reduced.
reported as function of the speed. Considering a constant
power speed range considerably higher than w l / w o , a 111. RELUCTANCE AND IPM MACHINES

situation occurs that is close to that defined in the figure IPM machines have been intensively studied in recent
by the segment AB; the represented situation is relative years [3]-[6]. The interest in this kind of machine lies in
to a 1 5 range. the capability of featuring both anisotropy and PM torque
As it can be seen, the ratio between the inverter kVA and in the feasibility of field-weakening operation.
and the rated kW is quite large, and it becomes increas- At present, the analysis made in [3] is of particular
ingly worse as the requested speed range increases. interest. If power capability at high speed is wanted, as in
Let us observe that the maximum voltage is reached at the case, it is shown there that a particular relationship
a flux angle 6, which mainly depends on the ratio (12). must be true between the open-circuit pu voltage and the
The lower this ratio is, the wider the constant-power pu reactance in the direction of lowest permeability.
speed range results for a given utilization factor of the Let us observe that in the IPM modeling, the d axis is
inverter. normally chosen in the PM direction, but it is possible to
consider the IPM machine as a RM to which a proper PM
quantity is added. That is because we will chose the q axis
in the direction of lowest permeability as is usual for a
RM. Therefore, the ( d , q ) frame is the same as we have
The ratio (12) can also be expressed through the A, defined in the previous chapters.
permeance, the @, pole-flux, and the F, total stator mmf. Let us start from the diagram in Fig. 7. In the case of a
Therefore, it can be directly related to the machine de- completely ideal RM (Ld + w; L , = 0), the flux and
sign. It follows that it is preferable to increase the torque current vectors would always be in quadrature and no
by increasing the pole-flux instead of the magnetomotive problem should arise.
force. Qualitatively, this leads to use more iron and less In the equally ideal case of Ld + 03, L , # 0, however,
copper, which in turn lowers the stray fluxes. a A, PM flux vector in the ( -4) direction would perfectly
On the other hand, if we consider an already designed compensate for the q-axis reactance, as it is shown in Fig.
machine, it follows that its strong exploitation through 9. We have indicated h, as the reluctance flux and the
forced cooling equally leads to a further increase in the total one as h,.The flux-weakening range would be infi-
inverter oversizing. nite at unity power factor. The needed amount of PM flux

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qt voio f

Fig. 9. Ideal behavior ( L , m).


Fig. 10. Vector diagram of two differently compensated machines.

is Lqio;the compensation effect depends on the current
value, of course. For a current value different from the
rated one io, this compensation is detuned. Another evi- voio+
dent drawback lies in the necessity of a certain q-axis
current, even if zero torque is requested, when a total flux
lower than A, is wanted.
We will return to these drawbacks later. Let us now
analyze the effect of the magnetizing current considering
a realistic machine.
Referring to the Fig. 10 vector diagram, a compensating
amount of magnets equal to L,i,, as in the ideal case,
would lead to a current that is always lagging over an
ideally infinite field-weakening range; this is related to the
Fig. 11. Power versus speed curves of two differently compensated
MO locus. machines.
It may be more convenient, in practice, to add a magnet
quantity that is slightly higher, as indicated in (13), where
a is a number slightly larger than one. the current is, in general, different from io, when a torque
smaller or larger than the rated one is wanted. In both
Al, = aLqio. (13) cases, the compensation is detuned. The MO or PN loci
in Fig. 10 shift vertically; the shift due to the current
In this case, the locus NP is obtained, which leads to a
variation from the rated one is proportional to the L ,
leading current at the highest speed values, and to a finite
value once the considered current value has been defined.
field-weakening range. The related power versus speed
Therefore, low L, values produce low sensitivity to detun-
curves are reported in Fig. 11 for a practical case and for
resetting the linked flux to its rating. If the requested
As we have outlined above, at.“zero’’ torque and at the
constant-power speed range does not interest the cut-off
highest speed, a q-axis current can be needed to reduce
zone at highest speed, it may be convenient for the NP
the flux value beyond the hl, one. This current is reported
compensation, which exhibits better cos ‘p, values.
as i,(T = 0) in (14):
The strong advantage that has been obtained through
the magnet introduction must be observed. The inverter
size is now only related to the cos cpo value, and any other
oversizing is not necessary, which is different from the
RM case. In other words, we put the magnet in the A0

machine mainly to reduce the inverter size; improving the r a = -.

way the machine works occurs too, but as a consequence
of less weight. The L; value shown in (15) is the maximum L, value
The comparison between the ideal situation in Fig. 9 allowing a “zero torque” regulation at the highest speed
and the real one in Fig. 11 points out the effect of the L , not implying any current flow. It depends, of course, on
value. The larger its value is, the better the cos cp, will be the wanted constant-power speed range “r.” If a large “r”
and, consequently, the exploitation of both the inverter is request (at least 1:5), the L: value is quite small. As an
and the machine. As far as the influence of the L , value example, in the prototype machine built following Fig.
is concerned, although a little advantage would be found 6(a) (machine 3), this value should be 3 mH, for r = 5,
in relatively large L, values from the point of view of whereas the measured one was 5 mH. A “demagnetizing”
cos cp, only [3], there are many different reasons for current flow at high speed is consequently necessary.
keeping as small as possible. To obtain low L , values, a structure of the types of Fig.
Equation (13) is a “design” relationship; when the ma- 6 is needed with a reasonably high number of segments.
chine is working, it is no longer valid. First, the PM flux Comparing (12) with (15), it is possible to state that the
can vary, following the temperature variations. Second, ratio (12) must be made as small as possible, independent

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of the presence of the “compensating” permanent mag- [4] B. K. Bose, “A high performance inverter-fed drive system of an
interior P.M. synchronous machine,” in Conf. Rec. 1987Ann. Mtg.
nets. Therefore, the “optimal” structures for RM and IEEE U S , pp. 269-276.
IPM are the same. Let us observe that this also works in [5] T. M. Jahns, “Flux-weakening regime operation of an interior
the sense of reducing the induction ripple at the airgap P. M. synchronous motor drive,” in Conf. Rec. 1986 Ann. Mtg.
IEEE US, pp. 814-823.
due to the quadrature mmf, which is a problem in the [6] B. J. Chalmers and S. K.Devgan, “Comparative performance of 7,5
conventional IPM machines. In fact, a fairly large number kW P.M. synchronous motors, with Sm CO 5 and Nd. Fe B
of segments in the rotor allows this one to react to the magnets,” in h o c . ICEM I988 (Pisa, Italy), pp. 41-43, vol. 111.
[7] A. Fratta and A. Vagati, “Axially laminated reluctance motor: An
stator quadrature mmf wave by a staircase wave that analytical approach to the magnetic behavior,” in Proc. ICEM
better approaches the sinusoidal excitation. Therefore, 1988 (Pisa, Italy), pp. 1-6, vol. 111.
low L , and low losses goals are contemporaneously
IV. CONCLUSIONS Antonino Fratta was bom in Torino, Italy, on
1957. He received the degree in electrical engi-
The field of ac drives that is suitable for spindle appli- neering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in
cations has been analyzed. 1982. He received the National Ph.D. degree in
A comparison between asynchronous and synchronous 1987 from Politecnico di Torino, concentrating
on high-performance synchronous reluctance
solutions has been carried out on the basis of the torque drives.
density of the machine and of the needed inverter size for He holds three international patents (one
a reasonably large constant-power speed range. pending) on synchronous machines and power
converter structures. He worked as scientific
The following has been concluded: consultant in the field of ac drives and as project
0 The induction motor gives less torque density than head for the innovative designs of synchronous machines and power
converters at the Magnetic R and D Centre. He joined the Department
the other solutions if they are properly designed. of Electrical Engineering of Politecnico di Torino in 1990 as Assistant
A reluctance machine with “distributed anisotropy” Professor. His research activities are in ac drives, involving the machine
(i.e., with a reasonably high number of properly dis- as well as the power converter design, modeling, and control.
posed segments) still suffers, as does the IM, for a
quite large inverter sizing.
A proper magnet quantity added to this RM reduces Alfred0 Vagati (M’87) was born in Torino, Italy,
the inverter size to nearly its “theoretical” value. in 1945; he received the doctor degree in electri-
cal engineering, with honors, from Politecnico di
Therefore, the “best” solution for spindle drives is to Torino in 1970.
use a “distributed anisotropy” IPM machines. This one From 1971 to 1974, he was employed as a
must exhibit the lowest possible permeance in the mag- researcher at Olivetti S.p.A. He joined Politec-
nico de Torino in 1975 as Assistant Professor.
nets direction, whereas the permeance in the other direc- From 1982 to 1990, he was Associate Professor
tion must be as high as possible. Some IPM machines of Electrical Drives in the same university. In
partially follow this requirement; but the number of rotor 1990, he became Professor of Electrical Ma-
chines and Drives at the University of Cagliari,
segments should be higher than one. Moreover, the flw Italy, and in 1991, he joined Politecnico di Torino in the same capacity.
produced by magnets must be directly related to the His research and professional interests concern electrical machines and
lowest permeance; otherwise, large field-weakening ranges power electronics control of industrial drives. Current activities include
high-performance ac drives, with particular attention to synchronous
cannot be obtained. reluctance drives.
The design of such a type of rotor poses magnetic and
mechanical problems, of course. Once properly solved,
the superiority of this synchronous solution in comparison
with the asynchronous one will no longer be a matter of Franco Villata (M’90) was born in Firenze, Italy,
in 1941. He received the degrees in electrical
discussion. engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in
REFERENCES From 1965 to 1966, he was at Politecnico di
[l] A. Fratta and A. Vagati, “A reluctance motor drive for high Torino as Assistant Professor. From 1966 to
dynamic performance applications,” in Conf. Rec. I987 Ann. Mtg. 1967, he was employed at ENEL in the power
IEEE Industy Applications Soc., pp. 295-302. plant design department. He rejoined Politec-
[2] A. Fratta, A. Vagati, and F. Villata, “AC spindle drives: A unified nico di Torino in 1967 as Assistant Professor.
approach to the field-weakening behavior,” in Proc. Int. Motor-Con From 1983 to 1986, he was Associate Professor
Conf. (Munich, West Germany), June 6-9, 1988, pp. 44-56. in the same university. Since 1986, he became
[31 R. Schiferl and T. A. Lipo, “Power capability of salient pole P.M. Professor of Electrical Machines and Drives at Politecnico di Torino.
synchronous motors in variable speed drive,” in Conf. Rec. I988 His research and professional interests concern electrical machines and
Ann. Mtg. IEEE U S ,pp. 23-31. power electronics.

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