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The University of Jordan EE478 - Electric Machines Lab Essay Due Date

Electrical Engineering Department 2nd Semester 2019-2020 Assignment April 30, 2020

Student Name: Student ID#:

1. What are core losses in a transformer? Why they occur? On what factors do they depend? What
are the usual methods that are being employed in reducing them?

2. How does change in frequency affect the performance of a given transformer?


3. Can a transformer be excited from a DC supply? Justify your answer. If a transformer has a
turns ratio 1:10, and the input voltage is V1=10 V, what is the output voltage V2?

4. What are the losses measured in an O.C test?


5. What are the losses measured in an S.C test?

6. Is a high or low value of regulation preferred? Why?


7. To control the speed above or below the rated speed, what method can be applied?


8. How can the direction of rotation of a DC shunt motor be reversed?


9. What happen if suddenly the field circuit of a DC Shunt motor is opened?


10. What is the difference between a separately excited dc generator and shunt generator?


11. If a DC shunt generator fails to build up voltage, what may be the probable reasons?


12. In a DC Shunt generator, why does the terminal voltage decrease as the load current increases?


13. How the direction of rotation of an induction motor can be reversed?


14. State two methods of speed control of a squirrel cage induction motor.


15. How can a synchronous motor be started?


16. What is a synchronous condenser?


17. Connect the following DC separately excited Generator by completing the proper electrical
connections of the current and voltage meters and other equipments.

F1 A1

+ -

+ - + - A
+ -


F2 A2

18. Draw the No-load characteristics of Separately-Excited and Self-Excited DC Generators at
two speeds n1 and n2 where n2 > n1.

Vt(V) Vt(V)

If(A) If(A)

19. Draw the relation between the induced torque and the armature current of a DC Shunt
motor. Draw the relation between the motor speed and the induced torque of a DC Shunt

Td n
(Nm) (rpm)

Ia(A) Td (Nm)

20. Draw the relation between the motor speed and the induced torque of an induction motor.


Td (Nm)

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