Edu 210 Law Definition Test

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Julie Shaw Roster #8

Quiz Taker _______________________________________________________ Roster #__________

Test Chapter 4

True/False – Please circle the correct answer

1. U.S. Citizens have a federal, constitutional right to a public education T F

2. States have the power to specify textbooks and to regulate the method by which such books are

obtained and distributed. T F

3. Public school teachers do not have a right to determine the content of the instructional

program. T F

4. Educators are not legally vulnerable when they are teaching the prescribed curriculum even

though their superiors instruct them to honor requests from school patrons. T F

5. State laws and school board policies establish the basic contours of the curriculum, but teachers

retain some discretion in choosing relevant strategies to convey prescribed content.


6. Teachers cannot be forced to discontinue instructionally relevant activities solely because of

parental displeasure. T F

7. A student’s record can be released to school employees authorized to review such information

and to officials of a school where the student is transferring if the parents or eligible student are

notified or if the sending institution has given prior notice that it routinely transfers such

records. T F
8. Informed consent must be obtained before placing subjects at risk of being exposed to physical,

psychological, or social injury as a result of participating in research, development, or related

activities. T F

9. Personal notes pertaining to pupil progress that are kept by educators and shared only with

substitute teachers are considered education records that must be made available to parents.


10. Composite information on pupil achievement and discipline can be released to the public with

written permission by Mickey Mouse and can contain identifying personal information about

the student. T F

Multiple Choice – Please circle the correct answer. Additionally, please circle the correct answer for fill

in the blank questions.

1. What does FERPA stand for?

a. Family Environment Recreational Party Act

b. Fred Eventually Remembered Peter’s Address

c. Family Emergencies Require Prior Authorization

d. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

2. The Supreme Court concluded that peer graders are not “maintaining” student records under

what act?




3. Proficiency tests used as a prerequisite to high school graduation will survive legal challenges if

a. Students are advised upon entrance into high school of test requirements as a prerequisite

to graduation

b. Students have the opportunity to be adequately prepared for the tests

c. Tests are not intentionally discriminatory and do not perpetuate the effects of past school


d. All the above

4. Which of the following factors are used in assessing whether copying specific material

constitutes fair use or an infringement?

a. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature

or is for nonprofit educational purposes

b. The nature of the copyrighted work

c. The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work

d. All the above

5. Most states mandate instruction pertaining to which of the following?

a. Federal Constitution, American History, English, Mathematics & Health, Drug, Character and

Physical Education

b. Federal Constitution, Disney History, Spanish, Tagalog,

c. Instruction on how to become a YouTube star, Mandarin, Chemistry (with an emphasis on

how to create explosives)

d. Agriculture, Pole dancing, Yoga, Computer Science

6. A national initiative was launched in 2010 to develop _____________ ____________ state

standards, which are designed to provide a clear understanding of what students nationally are

expected to learn at each grade level and to reflect the knowledge and skills that individuals

need for success in college and careers.

a. No Child Left Behind

b. Common Core

c. WIC Program

d. New York

7. To date, courts have not allowed mere parental disapproval of instructional materials to dictate

the public school ________________.

a. Lunch menu

b. Teachers’ hair styles

c. Curriculum

d. Bus schedules

8. The only federal law that has survived a First Amendment challenge is the _____ _____ ____

____ Act?

a. No Child Left Behind

b. Children’s Internet Protection Act – CIPA

c. Garfield Act

d. Tax Act
9. Joint custodial parents must be given equal access to education information about their


a. Dog

b. Home

c. Child

d. Son’s Ex-Girlfriend (with or without permission from the ex)

10. Courts in general have ruled that the state does not have to alter its academic standards for

students with _____________.

a. Two hands

b. Disabilities

c. Collections of Marvel comic books

d. Divorced parents

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