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The Second Mannheim Rebellion

Situation Report for Mannheim:

Mannheim is the 9th planet of the Rho-137 Planetary system, in the Nimavoz Cluster, of the Ultima
Segmentum, and was originally encountered by Imperial forces in 527.M40. Initially, the population was
brought quickly into the fold of the Imperium and they enjoyed coexisting with off worlders, who were
brought to Mannheim to settle and assist in maintaining the land. Eventually the Mannheim population
lost control of their own planet. The Imperial Governor was no longer a native of the planet but a
despotic zealot who rigidly adhered to Imperial law. Those born on the planet were used as slave labor
to feed an Imperial machine, while the Imperial Governor installed an off worlder controlled oligarchy to
oversee the production. Mannheim was stripped of its natural resources in the name of industry.

For a time, this was the order of things but eventually the population grew tired of oppression. A wave
of nationalism swept across the planet. The Mannheim started to demand better working conditions,
better lives, and above all return of the planetary control back to the native born peoples. These were
conditions that did not suit Grand Chhatrapati Samunt Hindimut, Illustrious Regent of Guptanimpti and
current Imperial Governor of Mannheim. He was born on the 3 rd planet in the system, Kolkata, to a
prominent family in Interplanetary Trading Guild. He rose to eventually control all the assets of the guild
and acquired Mannheim as part of his winnings in a card game. He never really cared for the planet or
its people. He cared even less for politics. When the first Mannheim delegation arrived to meet him and
state their grievances, he had them executed for insolence. He ordered their corpses dismembered and
hung at the gates of his palace. What he did not expect was the reaction of the Mannheim born. He
would be castrated and dragged through the streets of Weinburg, four days later. The First Rebellion of
Mannheim lasted for three years, and saw the death of millions but, in the end Imperial authority was
restored, the oligarchy reinstated, and Mannheim torn in two.

Imperial authorities would maintain control of the industrial and hive sectors, the newly formed
Mannheim Worker’s Party would control the rural, agricultural, and hab-blocks. This was a symbiotic
relationship that stood on shaky legs. It is now 813.M40 and this has been accepted as the way of life for
nearly 30 years, and the Worker’s party has seen a decline. The new Reichswehr of Mannheim has taken
a more heavy handed approach to the off worlders, remove them. Seeing the new totalitarian nature of
the Reichswehr, Imperial forces have tried to appease them, not wishing for another war. The newly
elected High Chancellor of Mannheim, Adulfos Rufus has taken up harsh rhetoric against the Imperials
and has called for them to leave the planet. Seeing a disruption of production, the Administratum has
stepped in to negotiate and maintain the peace but their demands have fallen on deaf ears. The
Reichswehr has started equipping and training ten divisions of mechanized Panzergrenadier and elite
Schutztruppen to force the Imperials to leave.

Seeing that war may be inevitable, Astra Militarum units have been dispatched, as a show of force to
check Mannheim aggression. Sakzonia, Selznick, Arcadia, Janke, and Catachan units have all been sent to
new demilitarized zone, the de facto border between each side’s territories. The sounds of tanks
rumbling can be heard for kilometers in all directions as neither group will back down.
Universal Rules Changes
1. All games are to the death or until a side retreats off the table.
2. Vehicles are not removed automatically from the table if they are destroyed. It is DM
discretion as to what happens to the vehicle (i.e. if it blows up, or lurches forward)
3. Vox casters have unlimited range but orders can only be issued in relation to what the officer
can see.
4. Roads will improve movement to the Move, Charge, and Fight (Pile In) phases.
a. Paved Roads will add 3” to each phase movement.
b. Dirt Roads will add 1” to each phase movement.
i. Note: models get the bonus for each move EX: A unit on a Paved Road,
Moves 6”+3”, Advances 6”+d6”+3”, Charges 2d6”+3”, and Piles In 3”+3”
5. Groups of units may advance together using one roll so long as the following criteria are met:
a. The units have the same Move value
b. The units have the same <REGIMENT> faction keyword
c. The units have at least one keyword in common (i.e. Infantry, Leman Russ, etc.)
d. Each unit is within 3” of another unit.
6. Weapons with strength of 6 or higher may attempt to destroy terrain. Roll to Hit, Wound and
Save as normal.
Mission 1: Cross the Rhinube River (Meat Grinder)
Mannhiem Orders:
We are the tip of the sabre, Oberst! We get the honor of starting the war to overthrow our oppressors!
For far too long they robbed us of our resources and pride, it is time to remove the yolk from our necks!
Position your forces for training exercises at the Swinemünde border crossing. Issue live ammunition
to your men, and wait for the signal. On turn 3, all artillery assets in your sector will be firing on
Imperial positions, poise your troops to cross the Rhinube River after the bombardment (that is your
signal). If you deem it wise to open fire before the bombardment, do so. This may draw out enemy units
from fixed positions and into the kill zone. YOU MUST DESTROY THE ENEMY, BEFORE THEY SEND WORD
OF OUR ATTACK TO THEIR HIGH COMMAND. This is imperative; Jaeger teams will be attempting to
destroy the enemy’s communications relay to the south, before your attack, but do not rely on them to
complete their mission. Move swiftly and overwhelm the enemy.
Expect an enemy cavalry patrol to arrive from the West, Jaeger teams have been dispatched to attempt
to cover your flank, but we do not know if they will be successful.
After the bombardment, you are to cross the bridges and break through to the south, toward the
enemy’s second defensive line. If you defeat them there, the road is clear to move on Helaanburg. FOR

Special Rules:
1. Mannheim Forces have 3x Sustained Bombardment (pg 197 BRB) and 3x Heavy
Bombardment (pg 203 BRB) Stratagems for free, in addition to their normal CP allotment.

Sakzon Orders:
Captain, the situation is a precarious one. You are to act as a deterrent to check Mannhiem aggression at
the Swinemünde border crossing. For the past several months, the 3rd SS Division has been holding
training exercises as a show of force to intimidate us into going home. The negotiations have not
been going well and communication between the Adminastratum and the Mannhiem leadership has
deteriorated to the point where war may be imminent. They have mobilized their entire population
against us, every facet of their lives have been controlled to make them think that you are their
oppressor. You are all that stands between anarchy and order. Do not let them intimidate you, but do
not provoke them. You are outnumbered 10 to 1, and there is no immediate reinforcement.
Your orders are to:
1. Observe and report if you receive any hostility and await further orders until you have
established communications with high command.
2. If you are unable to hold, you may fall back, in good order, to the south. Our secondary
defensive line has the Arcadian 706th waiting for you. They will cover your retreat until you
arrive. There you must hold at all costs.

Special Rules:
1. Imperial Forces have 3x Foxholes (pg 197 BRB) Stratagem for free, in addition to their
normal CP allotment.
2. Starting with the first turn, Imperial forces can attempt to warn High Command of the
attack. Roll 1 D6 and add the current turn number, on a 7+ High Command will believe you
and attempt to send reinforcements.
Mission 2: Breakout (Blitz)
Mannhiem Orders:
Oberst, break through the Imperial second defensive line and move towards Helaanburg.
Make them weep.

Special Rules:
1. Mannhiem forces have the Sustained Assault special rule.

Sakzon Orders:
Captain, hold at all costs. If you fail Helaanburg will be lost
Your orders are to:
1. Repel the enemy.
2. The 5th Armored Regiment has been dispatched to assist you. If they arrive in time, you are
to counter attack and push the enemy back to the hole they crawled out of.

Special Rules:
1. Imperial Forces have 3x Foxholes (pg 197 BRB), 3x Fight to the Death (pg 134 AM Codex) and
3x Fire on My Position (pg 134 AM Codex) Stratagems for free, in addition to their normal CP
Mission 3: Assault on Helaanburg (No Mercy, Dawn of War SDM)
Mannhiem Orders:
Helaanburg is ripe for the taking. Artillery assets have shelled the city, and your route should be clear.
Imperial forces are in full retreat and are attempting to evacuate.
Your orders are to:
1. Capture the City of Helaanburg.
2. Prevent a mass evacuation of military and civilian personnel.
3. Capture the airfield intact.

Special Rules:
1. Mannhiem forces gain 2 VPs for every military unit destroyed instead of the normal 1VP.
2. Mannhiem forces have the Sustained Assault rule.

Sakzon Orders:
Captain, Helaanburg is about to fall. You are to evacuate as many civilians and military personnel as
possible. Hold the outer hab blocks as long as possible. Air assets are coming to assist in the
evacuation, provide air cover, and gun runs to slow the enemy.
Your orders are to:
1. Evacuate as many civilians as possible.
2. Evacuate as many military personnel as possible.
3. Hold as long as possible.

Special Rules:
1. Imperials will gain 2 VPs for every 20 civilians evacuated.
2. Imperials will gain 1 VP for every military unit evacuated.

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