Defence of The Reich - Hitlers Night Fighter Planes and Pilots (231 P, Scan)

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5,hare files w'· h eMule!

IJJI!i.s'r,r~i~·O'n' cfed'ir.5i: Fa!ck 37. Jabs 5S, Nl9cko '15; BiJlI'!:~-e~a!'C,hiv 59. ImpenBiI MWi:oum 3, AMP 1. Hall 10. IDienli:r 80, DombrowSKV 10. via Ad!a'1'S ,27. Drewe~, 9, Rumpeihllrdt U), F'riil'lgler ;;H~. Scholl 21. USAF t NlonllliOnfrfUlchilu.8\, Do~niQr 11. Fuerst 8, FM-kker 6, L,,'.!ranl '1. Cr!ll>w 1. AiJ'ttiot$· Co~leciioll1l t2'~ plus twtll d.mwinQ5i bV B~b L JisIV.

AdfJiJ.iD,{Jal SlUJI,f:jJS.; A-ders. G.esc},k-llre deFdemschen Maf:irtjagd: B ekJkEl r, AlngfiH$hfj:fj~ 4(}OO; Ob@rJI11Z1 iar, Die lNllO!kul!il~I'~~j' de! l uft:wtlffe'.

Pu'blisl'i;od in 1 9'62 bV

Ans ,lind' Arfi'110 yf P'J,e.Si5~ L ion:l!~ iLevernh;a11i. imUiud

Gn'I~t IBrita ln: 2-6 ~ !J!fI1:!};;llead H ig~ S\1186t. London' NW3 1 co Al!.!!slT41liU ~ 4-12 ''lia'~tersaHs lane. M elbourfl.ll, VLclnri'!!I1 :30QO

Fir9~ GemrUlI1'! - ~8 nguBge edition Die dfj,!jU:~l'e NaC'lUj/ifld

10 M O'lm'bm::h 'Vor'o g. PO!iu,a en '1311[), 1000 51[

First En{lilis:h.~iDf);g iJiDga EI'di'~irotl CIt L len e,~ Leventhal ~Jmil)8'1l, 1982

A~I rriglllits. f!!!I:seNed- No p~r1Ii)I: til is !llu'b1ication may b'i1lrnprodu DBd. 'Mo:red in 9 !'eb'iuval :5!vstem 01" U.i3 nsmi,ltodli n ,any' w,ay Ib)i !lfliV means ,ete:cll!'~ca~. mechen leal or oithif!l1Wi:!Mli wiU!u)lII'~ filflSt :seekiil1g 'l'he'w,nltren pel!Tlflis:s~olli .of tllrre OC!IPy~~ght (lW~E! f' en ~ of '.he 1"1 ubl'i:sher.

8dt~ Library. C8i:fl/'(Jg,uing in Publka,tiDj'j P~t~:

Th e Die'riBnC:8' ofl1ne IRc~ch.

l. (iol1lTl\l3:ny. l Lditw;pH!ii[i-Pi!C~orlal works

:2. Worrdl W,~ 1', '19JB-194,5-Ae rlii11 ,oper,iill:ioniS. GomNJ n-tP'i CI'(irfi~1 W,er rk.5i ,3_ F i ghMf' plillri"i&S-P iClcj~ei'1 wcr~ks,

l, 11"11 i!Jh:R. W'i;)!l'fler II. NI!iI!l1.lIlf()~h, ,Ii-,filliger

II t. D ioe, O~ ytsch e Natih~ia~!d. ,Et~,gJish

!l40.54,'~ 943 D 787

ISBN 0-853684 '14-13

· h eM I


6 P' reta ce

7 In the B,e'ginn,ing

33 Helle NI~lcht]ia,gd: Nligh'itfiglh~ing by Searchliqht

1 " Combined N iightfightiilng

89 Long-range Ni'gh'tTlillghting

99 R:ussili,a~ Africa and Special~ Mi,ss.ions

1 '15 The HI irnrnel bett Sy':s:t,e'm ': 'In e Be glli n n iingl ot Dark IN iglhtf~ghting

141 D ayli·ght Sorties ::' Senseless Sacrifice

148 e:y'es for the N~lghtf~glhtef: from 'Spanner' to

'Lichtenstei n'

183 The' ~Wiid Boar'

1910 New Hopes

,200 The Last Victories

222 The' End

S.hare files w·· h eMule!

WtH3JiI1 WleJ be, n corn ",i I iog 'tli! is p iictoriall ",o.liu me. ttlil~ pee iIJ I'i,a ti ties cQlnne,cted with ~he [heme of III ig'h'l1ii gh ting we:re elesr in 0 iJi~' m i·nd:s:. A prime diHiCl!! Ity I a,y il(il w,e needed to luse photographs sh owing 'lhe .sr:;u.'!uJi,ii111 cenditiens invohjl',ed 'Uill iIl!~'~h~' eembat: but th e night. t h@ '118 hJ~a~ e I,emen'l of 'the ni ghtfightew~, ,all ~ows Iii nle in the, way ,O'f: phctograp.hy, with the result tiha;t. the' IP UJ(:111 re·men~. of suitab ~e photographs. w,!aJS not ~'a5,V. esp acla IIV o.f those 'conv1ey i IlI,Q '1 he: ,~;Mmosp htei"l(! of n ig ntft,gh~ing. 'ihis bo@!k. is nehhe'r' a detail led ch r(llil ide' [!'lQr a treatise 'ora te ChllFiii ca ~ developrn ent: it is i 0 teo dad ,rathelf tOlenablle ~h,e re~de~'U\Olform a viJv~d im,pr&!liil of: th e ri! j'g h tl'igh~)er' s ~ ~ade. With 'U18 h'l3!lp of' these p i:c'iul'es., ,00 e can ~ mag,ill1e' in pa rt 1:h I speeia Ili:z.e.d to rilc:l i~~olns a n at Irequ iir&m€ults to wh ic h Ini gJh t combats nts we ~e, subj,ec1~ Ar[ij:st5' im,p'J'&ss i:ons, hel,p to. cls riify certain is i tuat ions, in which IP nomg~aphy walS, lim ~ pr~clie:abl,e. ~ n t:0'Jvie,ws W~U~ numell"ol!l.s ·for·,

mer members of the ni gJntfighler .serv~ ee h aViial .p'~o·du ee d a 'Q ~e\~M dea ~ of i nforma ticl", Irapo,i1S. sugge,s.\io illS; and phoftog!aphs.., alii of '~ih iic h ~Ire combined in th~s book.

We' are de ep~ V i n deb ted to th€:1 f,oUuwii III g g~ntleme'n. who lhelped in 'the p ~lepa ~iitia.n of this book: 0 bsrst W,eMgang F a~ick (if"8'nldi.)" t,(c mmodore N.J G 1: Obarr.sUe utili ani H aasJ,oachim J1abs (reteL). Kommodorl!!' NJG 1; M ajar Mia rti n DIM,wes (r8~(L). I ~ II NIJI G 1 ; M ajar He ill'll: N aeke (retd.], Kommande u r' ~ I/N!JIG 1'; Messrs. RU!mpeUiiar,d!!, D len er, Ade,~s~ D'o mbtrDwsk 'lt~, H o~,z, Flengler ~ 5chlolz ilnd Nonnef!!miJI,cher .. W'e' shcutd also like to ~ han k 1h e ,[) orn ler c,cmpa ny 100f M Ii.! n lc h, 'Ihe B undesa rch iv i n IKob~e nz, tl1 e Un~ te d SUHes .Ali r Flolroe.. Wash ington. the Illmperia I War M uss'u m .. Londen, iI n d me' AM F, 0 u bendort "flu t heirr enth us lastie SIlJ P P on.

Werner H el dan dl H alger Nelli ~oth

In the

The First Worl d Wa,r saw the first So!!J eee ssful ,a nem,1Ill at nic hlJigh1ing. Unfor unat Iv. lhese successes were k~rg(]nen one . the WI.1r ,I F'I ded. on d lh e kn owl edg e a n,d exp erie-iii ce resulhin 9 hom the m we re lost If'! 19316 -3 7 some simple expertment In nig '( comb t 100. place; tha ~esult5, were not very prom~:S~ 119. but the' wh ole attempt had lnte'n r,il3lt:h er hi aph;Ud and h3C k ill'lQ t h spur of n eC'8ssilty.

N'o~hing cihang,ed untH April 19410. when Haup'lmslFllFl Fal'ck. the. commander of I.llG 1 based en th e ca p t ulretCJ 10 an ish ,[I lrfleld ,of Aaill)org. deci cled t,IO try In exparl mem of iii is, own. He . ad been IPonderingl for some time the qu esti (U~ Df how to i n '~.el'\cePt '[h eRA F bombers tl1at ~llew O'il!EU' e'ilery ,evenilll'Q. and placed a f@,w e ~ews on stand' n 9 a le n" Thus one ievEmiing Hauprmann Falld(, OOl8rleut· Ii'll ants R ad usc h ,Ill n d S1,r-e'ib~ a nd a b erfeldwobel Th ie~' 1,[1'1 in wa i ~ ro r the' British, Th ey were com ple~elv on he i. own. for 31 'th a~ time here was no grOUl1d control to, he~p


'lth em, S ~fe i b ,an d Th ier even lu ally rna de contact with 'the enemy. but 5trllil w,~S 1.I nab ~e [0 see t lilt British ai re i' ~ .. f1 cl early. a bert:eldwe be I Tn me rr·, flly i n 9 iii is EU 11 0 we II above 1"1 e cl OU! ds, saw the BIl'itislil f,o'rm ation ,E1lgainSl til, moonlit background, but 105,( them before he could get wit:hin firing range·. D,esp i te '[111 e 1,8c k o1f cone rete r€ sui ts, {I"u~~ crews were fu ~ h er Iorwa I'd by 0 ne ~ig hti n,~, and st~p close 'to' their gOI~1. At ~he Ib egi n n i rrN 91 of M 3Y, W,olfgang F Ile'- . was, able to pres.ent his ~·i III di n gsa nd SUI ggas~ i on s to Udli3Jt" M i ~c h Sin d K e SSEl'lring; th ey fe U ,on fenile 'Qfo!!JlI1dL On 26 June 1940, alter the en d of tbe F u~m ch ca rnpa jlgn. Fa I ek f'O'li n d himsel'f ln ~he: presertce 0' Goring. KessehinQI ,luhflo1, e cihtie'f). KSlstme (Head '0,1 P'erson~ nel] and udet (Gll!nera1 in c arge o aiJcrah p rocu remen i), P ossibl v the most irn porta m eutccme of 'this audience was the esteblisnrnent, at Goring's behest. o'~ the' irst I1IIghtfighh~tr Gaschwader, he ReiehsmilusichaJl




appointed a stertled Falck il3IS f/{o,mrruJdore of NJIG 1. The buHd-l!Jp phase was e'xception~ arly difflcult, for naither spec,ialuzed ,a,irc,raff~ nor crews, trained foil' this new ;enterprise w'erle aVlail,able, and err orglll'1~zalioll the less sald the eener. The f1I~st Nachlj.a,gddivisicn was estao Ilish e.d on 19 J IJ I 'II , 940. under til e ~eaderihip of Ober::n Kammhuber, However. 111 a G'l(pe ri men tal period 'was f'l01 ye't O\!',sr. On 20 July 1940. aher numerous unsucCe s5,f ul attempts, Obe rleutn an 'I: We rna II' S'~n;; ib scorsd the fi.rst victory fer 'Heille' NI,ach'tjagd· or ~nlllminaled nightfightifll9" He and his colllemgue's were' '~,O hlClH/EI many more sue-



c asses, but not befo re ,[I h'1 cf di'ffic u 11 ies weil'e overcome >tmd iii lot o,.f sceptics con v i n eed,

M any ,of the you ng. t1lm hell"Lo sue cessl u I.

Zelfs1,t)ref UH 11(1) Pil'oR [oak to rhis new t,vpe or fiQh~ing with ~inle enthusiasm. Even the hH U fa. 3[;,9 H Him e1 L e Iill. disc OLma 91ed sifter a few fruitless weeks. - xpressed a wish to gel back to his o~d Ze~s;lorer unit, ,allld Falck, now a M,ajOli'j hadl a hard task p'ersuadin 9 Ih im to stay ort, But 'e he way was; p .. ,~pa red. and a new b fa n ch 'o~ the. Sf! IN ice was ebout 10 prove inlelf.

Ab-CH"I',e'iBln-1 eif't: Aalbof9 Elhrtield, O'enmBrk, the DaS'B' of the Il 11'0-eqlil~ppBtd I./ZIG 11, wE-lien hrrcnme tho m.:le1eus o·f Illi'le (iorm.a n n ight~i~t1lt9r EI i'm_ rho hrst du sk ligtmn :5,Qrlle~ we!1$! flown f~(lm tle-re in lJne ~pring of 1 940.



llf;!lFt; H.aul)lmann Wolfg,;mg Fald,'ommllndeur Of I./ZG 1. insligat,ed IhG: .. rat du~k flghUi!r Ulghn;;, Dlnd U1U..5 may be cOl'llsidored Ine far her of Gierm.Bn l1Iighnlgh.II!l(l In Worlfll War' Two.

B e'low: Ttl is Vick.e'rs Weillng.on cf 149 Sqll!!adron, RAF. 'lMral!l, clalimad (0 be the flrsm lI1l{lchinhtCli~ dOWT1 on {I Ilil~h~ Mis;$ 00. ~V.o ·erreIlJI.mml Slfeib.

Btr(llrQ .he W~l-em rc.ampijign b goa.,. LlZG ~ lil'ansJerred I/O

I 5&hhfll en, ff!ilffi wh ere ahav took pari in I he in ioI'8SIOrli o.f

F cs, Imme~1 • I", ah r mllis c nnp igfl. Goring appoi I d

H P'lm nl!llFilik ernrne ore oft"e newly. eSlabli<sb1ed JG ,

- cssclrmg. sherttv bc10rc hIS prornouen to Gencml-

hall, :IIrfl'ite$ a. K i rschh I n_

Blow: HBu,PTmanl1l FBI!: _ accompanies lhEil Fel marsehatl en

1s.lou r or ~nsp cl ion of wllnt wou I d ba (alti'mu gh 1"1 C1body kllDW ~ EI! [h [It!I1e,l .INJG 1

iii iOM.: G1l11ppel"l'komm a 1111 dllu r 1F-8~eK says goodbya te IK,ISS€!'Iring In h'om 01 F~I(:k '!i Bf 11 OC,

Abov.o: A ,ane eh CH. '[,ji ell durll1lg ,8 J1I ighL Ihg"'~: ~~iIol rign'ters are work i rng in conj unetlcn w-~I'I s9Brel'dig ht ba'tIIJe des" whoso lie 1'iI

he Fe d1l1ll'1lmH .Ill;!! lI;ol;kpit,

tef-r: TI1 'l'1ighangtner~ll1ew emblem" dC!l:!lig,ned by I-I<!i! p,amann

Fakk, -'I'st Bp,p£HHed en this B. OC,

Dc,IOiw ~ Aln aU-Eilaclo:, B~ 110C: nighl iglnul on a I~r{v 'I!gh'c.

Wo'lfg8l"11Q FlI]c ,ngw a Major. returns. hOM !ill serne (lOPI) aOiiJl fltl o ndlv !:I me mm!ll fllom ahe U I1I"'S 111)11119 - haira d D i!lctishul1Id m.DI:!lCOl 'b8Iow)_



lluf Bf 1 10. wll rch did nO[ I ullil Q pel: ~atfC I'lS as iii ra:ng- i".B n@9' day liqlfi! ter r bacem EJi tho rn,giflc~tay gf Inu mgh .f~ghl)ali ~rm, U!illTlilRO II1Q In &ar'l,I'ICe III151UCC6-SSIVQ verSIIi)!'iS lIJr!ul the end' IDJ ths; W~r,


Tap ~ In '~hl!ii r:m>pagiliind,jJ ehctu'irap~. a He-In el 1'0-0 Imsboon p~irUJetd in ill SPUrlOfJS nig hHignter lin ish: In

[,of: I. f W 10 Ihls l'fpriB we ro buill. and .he\!' 'l.!llere' used ,0 nlv bV d~"" in .a

Wer ssm I 10 P, Qle-CI the Ham 61 'f~ctorv.

I. id' . e: A YOu fig le-r.nn R nr 6n., (h&P'ClVS th' 'four vlC\crms he gain d as. a ZerSlor,er ""I'tft Two Qr U, barrs represen I vic~or1es ~f! ~tr eli bol1t~ I~ ove r thi} n l'1'I1iiil'!l B Igh I.

e elow': Ano. he, feu ndor memba r wlls HEllJplt1'Um n E hilEr. I!;I ic UH60 here wj th r diOi opera 1m Wong_ Ehl • ~'l'ire !iiecond pilot 10 seeso ~ ni!ll1l victoJV, was eppo nl d KQn1ntilil1 deu r of

11./ NJG 1 in October 1 '94,0, Th ' tr ' two VI clOJI s mark dI on the' fin of his Br 1 to are POrlsh an d U18 r mind r BrIIU:s.h, I he last s( l:ullin f;j i'I igl1 a viClori s,




l_ ft. itOJi: II wa~ _ r for mOre tllan mwo i'ugl!u Igl1l rs '[0 c raU~ mg-e her.

IlLafi1i'," 'low: The wrcCI 01 {) Vickers Wellington.

e _: /1;, e r 1 0 ~.ack on lillie! gJollifidi ahe-r a s,yccessr,ul sortie.


Abo.¥',e; 60eleb r 1940-ReicosmorncnaU GOI!"!og dls.lrlbu'[ Kn I gh~'s' C 0 l.g ~h!e 'first StlCC ssflJ I mg htfightoi"S_ S 00 nd .mm IBh ics' J;tJr Falc ,slxln hom I h ObBfhmil1~fil Sue IJ Letf1 ~ S Ire.b. th [J: liifSl. pilcH I;} ~hoo't down alii aiJ~~i;I,h ill n.g)1L dvrl no World War TwO'. re.ce~'!o!'!I!IS hIS R'iuerkrfl Ul!: rFQ.m Lu fawafle Comma nden'-I n -·C !'Iiof H,g.rif1il~m n 'Gormgl,

Rei Ow: M BJm F,g1ck. jiiiisligiJlar o.f IhllB first ~~gnlf!gll Ling u, c I!S~ Ih!iJS his IKn i gtlls' C I'QSS PU'I 01'11 - irn bv colleague,


Top: Rapslrs to - emrnodore Major fclck'!i; alfli:,fi.Elih, d-EififiayG'd m l!IC~lon.

Middle; Fi!IIlck preaares for tEike-o~, Note tho GtI'scl'i'INaoo rkormmcd!l:l re's stan r:larG ,Q f'II tt'lfll ca r's rau dgu[J rd.

Belo.w: A.1r"" el! 111, 1 940 A sr 110. 0" 4,./ NJ G at the endol the funwDV, awaiung the sI9nai 'to ':.ike off.





Schema lie jfli]PfIlllSOflla'tio n oJ a J'I igh I. combaL, A. \llstJ1a~ ooflll:.:;u::m: I no t(ijermafll a i'filmafl. has ,IUS1 crCl&&dl ~h~ 1faek Of lne 8rihSi'!! ember, B. ~ ha B f 110 lha~ turned i!lll 'to ~olllow lits ~fI'0 Fien I. .an Ji':I closes tlile rillnge. C. Iho G'oii1man 'righlat~ pas·Sls be~e.t!lh ~he [urn i ng;oof and' lhell climbs Elbow rt, D. ttl hgnter "hs>s ,81 sweeping tClJllr'!.i'e 11o, b~ing I~ .j"i'hl 'firing [J:Ioslti'Of!J,


AOO'll!;(j1: ArrJ10U refS, work II rsless1v ~oQ keep Ihf! g yliioS I n good

11'1,!l crder,

IU lilt: A line b!.lt i mpartarl ~ ~aSik '~o~ Ihe EU1Igifl 81 mechanics. woo' cl'ie-d I 1'1 {I 'B f1gmo' revs agell FIst prope I~er p itch sel:a~ngs" as: hen-; on a IB( ~ '0 o~ l./iNJG 1

5etDi, ~ Ii!. rer repairs Ih!l1l airc!'tl'Ft ,BInd ns c..quipmen't rEI ~esmeo In 11191' .. ,


Top: fh night IV b IOllingl S(]SSI~1li tU L&ywarrllolrl

IMq ddl Ill: The lill's'[ iiJll r~raft of I he Staffel iillfe pmpl'JorQ..1 I'.or III e- orr.

B 1iiI,lcW'. A [lo , J K~ u~ fll:tljgws, a En 1 , 0 gf II.J NJ G 1 OIiJ t to the ru (IlWB V 811 bn.rwDm6n,


lOP: HaUPlm!ili"IIi'i1 Slliillb, Kommllmfo(}ur of 2,tNJGi t

e iiloi!!rmrn i rig! til a g uns 01 {I WolImgllol1l !he h B d 511-ot dOWfl Ih 1;11 pr8'1.!'ious night

Be ~ow left: 11'110 nrocltOtgfl ,of n my. bern be rs prClv!d'ed ~e leoma raw m~umial 1m til B' G rman EIIrCrarl Iflch,.lSHy. Bilow right: RAf ll:mmber Crews JCil"! 'chEW AlI"WiIV comuutrl!S on mornmg r,c 11- (:311 Ifli a IF' OW Cg;Fi~p.

ILlt: La u'tnim Wol~giil!n9 .Sch nauler, t!I[ lhifi' time a n8W ~ cgmilllw 110 flli.Sjhlliglhtifl g~ bo.arrle his Sf 1 to.

R ig:!nI1:: IH ~ IPrcpD~ '[-or ms lil':Sit o pa II"Eillll 0 i"!.ei I !SOuie. Hie went on to beeeme the [oj!) Jill ighlifig I, Il' ace,

IB,e ~ow: A 8'f , , 0 It! es 0" ,f]1 JI1Iighl.


',op: Two, 1 " 0$ i1}~ 1.1 N J G 4. !Sl!lifIJlIg ; 941. Mrid~liIlli: Hau~:rcmBnnB SLFOIb ai'iliifl N,gct, . ralax OIol'>fIl~ IClOHee In SHlri!!le_

Bekl!w': The Fheger-HJ (81' branch of 1he HI~fEl'r v.i!iU~t1) l"Iamild a tra in[I'II'j) glilfkjr aUGI' HII:!nfir.'iC h N ~ck, • Evenl ((Iil sue;h ~ nck&my Or 'ft 'the pilot looks de.te,mmed tn I€Inicy his ~i tit

f igh •.


'Top: A d awing by arts L, a of a Sf 1 Ul

1"'9 aine'SS ~hde anethcr rakos off. This :ikeu:oh WB;S ~ubllshi3:dl Ifll Si11:£1 ~ magazine.

M ida Ie: GlI:1s~tlwe ~"r le.aaer Maler F,[]~ck" 1of1S1'[Ir'ig He uplmElinn Stmi D"S 'GrIJPPQI, 'Wii~ches: a rHlirCFEI,h tn' (i oK.

Below: PiOil 1':51 of 1"lIghlf"i;ltning; le I to .g,lll~ Obarhn!lmml Eck rd, HaiU~Hl'fmnn Nac. e, l-liaup~m3f11ili1 S~redHmd HaupDma:rm RadlJlsch_

lOp p _ 9 •

tap: 'lfri:lin e--e lI'adl~ op iln':n~!S learn air gu I'1n ~ry wi Lh the ,'lid! 01 ,~ Mcdel W(:iIIln Q'tOr1.

O,PPQ5i"ta pi g • . e~Qw: A Ju 5,2 ~ 'Ylflg classrOQm frQfll1 the IBof,d un arsehul ~AIrbom Radio Cperi1lllOlIS' SchOQI) at Halle.


L ft ~ TIhI~ newcomer"s k !'low.e.dge' is pu ~ La tt'ifi test en his firsm Hight ~~ oil Sf '1 '10.

I!e low: 1H ain;! R ~ er 1!l!I th e; He' 5 1 'oN 111 en served as .s til'S i nor ~U ttl g N acl1 l~a9dVOJsctnJ le (EJeme n~arv Njij}~trigl'ller Lralll"l iiMI~ Scihool) at N Dull:uniji'g if'! 19411 111 IiHllfiCriiiil1 lCiiiH'lilici all- black

III ightrightel' ca i'J'iIou1'iIIQe,

ap 11'_ fit: H~U;!Jltmartll Hialls- 10 h m Jabs. el ready a 8UC,ul ZerslOl"lg.r plfo'i., uan sIt: t d 11.0 II1l{1h I fighuHs in Sep- 11!':f!'b.e r 194', iI nd II'OS!IlI re

_ ITt Q n iIlf 111131[ 'Cl!lIcvi ~':!ii

OlIl.s.1 ndin-g ~er'!ionaJit es, Top lI"i ht: M :JInin [)./t!W S rea tho IIHgli'lt~'igt'IUn.'t1I :I,m :!It h , ilUI of '~941: 61(1' tee

iI'ii 1 on to becomea hig t,V

t s:S'- ul P 1101.

B law: Oberle!!.! In~lfit

D l'llwes III 01 rnmated conver- 11\111 1'1 WI.iIl F efdwiil'b{; I E.r leh Wifl~lt1)g, n',edi 0' Q[:IiI;;ll'(nor to Ha -JDilr:him Jlllb5i.

AbO've: Oberlfl'L.nn S I"II't E Dk3 rt- Wllhtll'm VOrl Bon in S!l~1:I h,QffII the radio ~oj'lItor"s po-siiiol'i durlngl pte-para. Ions (.or lake-off, Left ~ 0 &1l'1.alJ!tntell1t ven Bgn I n ("9h c) discusses SI mlssion Wd.n hls cre . He' lIew with II./I"I,IJ,G 1 ~i'om 194' r and was aWl)in\ed cOJ'IIlIm ndr (:If 111.:U Gmpp in 19 'J.

IBelo,'I,IW: Ob:erleu 'n.arit von Bonin ba953ed- tlns 'Wollmgron 01 11'5 Squadron, RAF. which handed wi~ho!.H further da . agr at Bol!'I~o·.s b-ase.

Left: Flefu elhn 9 a Bf 110 of II,/NJG 1 ~'H D~elen I autum n 1 '940, Below.: H auJJIII ~ m;)!1In Ehre, K om ~ 1n8 ndeur 0" It/tUG 1 hotn Octo'ber 1940, Wllh hils md 10 cpef'QlIOT, O.berre Idwehe'l Wen;. In 'fi"fHlt Clf II'um B f 110 J IJ~ ~ It:III~'rore a sortie,


lles w· h eM


.1 by

In···g·· '. --; .. ,.'.

'. .. . .. :

. -

He' "'lle' achtla "g" d -.1 IN" IIII-g·_lht· "-!III

_ 1"" 1"--/ '-"'1' II, '._,".',.'. II "·-':.1'1 ..


By lne' beginning o'~ 194-:1 the l1Iightfighter Ii!! rID W;l S h ... U y m a 111 rI e dl, Qrg:anized and e qlii ip pe.d for ;a,c1,~Oln" !,~ ~t rete hed from Hamb IJ ry 10 til e vic ~1i1~ tv of' l (J Ui,clhl; b'ld ~ its Iii n e of search I i gil! t clo,va'rage was subsaq uen t Iy exler! de dI a~ f,i!lf as F~ e-nsb u ~g i ill 1 he north an d "Ie i m s in the, SOu ~h. The, di&fe rn sive be I,t was initi rrul! 'II divided into 1 B secno ns, EH;~ e III 45 Ill: m (30 m i las) 'W i,de sn d :3,5 k m (20 m i~es) deep. sec liolll h ad a sea rch Ii gtn t datac hlme nt, lin ~,e IB' a ircrraft, an d a enrrrm U n1 i cati ons eo rn~anl "I. The sys:te m we rke d ,a S 'fo I lows , A F'rey,!1'J ~,ad1a r sta li,of!! was set up ali ea d .of the sacti on to de I:ec: land ra 11 ge vncom ln 9 raids, FlO u r WG rzbu r'gl radars 'then 'took over and tracked €I riJeil'nV i]i rc ~aft I passl n'9 [heir inf'OiimatiQ fa U) ! he, sea rc h ~i~ h t Ib erte ries via ~ he 10 cal co n trel reem, Tne :sea rc h I:i 911 1'9 'th e,n i U umi fHl!lted th e raide'rs, for tha 'fi!9 hi ~e'rs. Of lh e sectio n' s 'Ihree, Sf 1 ~o.smn~ W,i:iI5 a~nnlldv airborne, 'the second 111 re'a din ass and t'he th ird was hell d i III weS8flle. l.ater the orrgan iaa tion was II: 0'11 sol ida le,d bV

(lJJ!-j}I!I$.118 Ipage; heqlJ!BiI1I~ rEi rry ni'fJIntSl, ~me necessiillry as bl:5ii!s,'We1"El shl(cled a'tmLlI1~ The ISf 110 In 'ih'-'i lOP phc~o~l,']phil is I.em II./NJG 1,

the il rna Ig.rllliflilliorll of t h@ secti 0111 s into larger zone's a 0 d 'UTI e creation ot ,a ssnciated ID UlI1Ike'l n ac h tiagd {D',~lirk n ighdli 9111 [i n g) 20 nes, The IS ri ~:usn, who had by now wo ~ke d ou t the Germ~r! tactics, took [0 divblnlg th('\ougl1 the ill I umi n ated a rea S. 0 r else flying arou rtd '! h em. ~ n th e f fst case t he 'fig hters co u ~d fb,ot en ga g,e before ~ he bombers had Ileh the U lu m i n ated zene, and ~n tl,e second 'they never milde co nte ct. Th u S thE! lI'11um b i9f ol S!oJ Gc@,sshml i n rercepnon s h~~~. 9 ~v i n g iii po o,r retu ~1Il for Ih e m aJSSi\N2 'Ie ch nli ell I a 111 d pe roo n ne~ ~ nvestrn ent, A it.@r J UI ilia 194, ',. alth 10 ug h Hlelle N a ell t.jagd (i'i ~Ulm i nated n~ gil tfig hti n 91) WfJlS sti II re gliste rij I'iI 9 v ie torias, l.h e svstern w,~ s a han don ed, A further reason 'for this disecminuation was Ih at H it~ er' s G ii!I U leite rs "D ~s1fi ct P anv Leade rs) I seei n gJ 1,h e svstern's dwindl ing su ce asses, derma rl1de-d t ha ~ '~he sea rc h iii g,h rs be sen l back. to essis t t hie ~ I alk, defe nces aro IJtid major tOW!i1 S.

J10sef I< amm htJber 9$ta:b· Ushed Ih!ili hrSI JiJgddivll'Sioll1 in J IJfliBI ~ 940. FJiiBIsh hom f'l"!E!nch <C~Ptivit't. h ' bUill, UI.) tile mghthghter arm and Lin' i I 19-43 I d lila! XII~h Fliil39urkQrps (FIVlng Corps). whlcnllll[c:.crlD!i)~.:nl!d all I,n!l!l n Igl1 I defence u ruts He was

I nspe<ctor or N ~ghUig nt, FrS Ill.! !lui Novembell' 194 J, An 81~ClrC-(liIlOn wath 11m Hlgh Command It! d ro h iii; (8· rnova l trom h emu defence, wtJ ere uaon he was PO$19'1::I 10 command luh· (lotte [All' Fleet) 15 in No.rwllY·


Top: tit. il k se;Jf'~hl~ghI15 tramed on the approach 1 no {J:n{lfflV

M'· d(jll_ ~ Searthllgh I bea rns sweep' the skv in SIiI';jJIIi"'lO:'h of U'I!iIi el'l nsh bomb I::.: rs,

B. low: Aboll l ne r;it'f. III !J!!I1lllrllle bv s ~r,chhghts. lares and hfl s, ill

nig • Iul'nor I I 5 a Bnlls_n bom r (TIr. nsl tors nete Tile Pro.-pa . and'a

. orp3 artist Io\1hDSB I I prasslen I IS WM J;,IidiBlUly DI ought B- Us WerE In u s:e !iJ,:S n~gh I bamtfe rs ~)



Top: A B'r 1 ~O ~hmbs mto IJI sk'i h ·u,ll by (13k bursts and S8OU'cnligtlllll. (,0 ~elll'p, ao t01l;1'f'llt Wll~ a dle51-Qm'lll.e d o-ppo non I.

II _ ~ QW. A,., a nemv blOmbm is hu, ThliEi bll!! rnIfl!D pmnl In ~t'I(J sky ".~pears·as a b~iglH 8tfQ!lK. an th ~QlI1Ig. e.l(pI»UF'B ph a toglapl'h

fop: . m:::lUlmDl~ co.mb ... , "ofi wed kOIT! .iI fighter. 6 bomber ics

~hiJ Iignuu'S !iiu:lIboard beam. andthe mld-uppar gl!!lnn r hiS neci hre on Ine [6f 1 ~ o.

[Bel. W': ~u n 1 ~'1Ulighter I urn S; in en I he Bmish OOAtl:UU an d c,tlns 'I reo

RigJli1t: The bUfllll'lg bomb r 11;)11£ te eartn. i IS fiam:e-5l i Ilu mm I3llJrLg Ihe unh roke n cloyd COVII:! r,


IOppO _ iit,a pa gjj,e': B r 11 as o~ ii B, Ie 1,]ch'U!iJg ru~pe. whose job rl was to drop PDrilllCI'I LJtQ liar _ s in ~o I hiQ combat ,a rei!) '!In .he o. dh.!fUi1na-nng 1'!Hgats hu l!he ligh lelS ..

11;'1 is p,ng IJ .. tlOP ,aliil d ml,l!lIIdle;' Th bUIfI!"I't-(nJm remains cif,an Awo t.ances-

hl r at p r IAv- X.1MI1 Ell

I!i!h~ loW' i The k ~l'1Ig"IfQg rlIuj i5vmbols on this alfCfBU mdreate on AlJslfa~ian r.:'l~W, TI'IIlI~s,' r,aid Vil,aS I;I'iiI M!iIIl"'Il1helm; ll'ne name lOr '~h e .own h B6 been wri tl'~ n m, bU'1 thEl' s¥fJ!Il>cl W,B~ n!lli~l!u 10 bo pBinl!llldL

As the 1"1 ighlJigl'Uiii!lJ pilQllC~q_:iie5 ('o:fi nil ralllge, he walch G<S his Qlii'ponent iIlH6f1UrV IhIlClUgh !tine' Flo-vi (lI'ofl,g e;tOIr gu nSligi1'l) , Shots ,sll'ii e homo ~o ttl rigln tWling rOOt O'~ he Wallington.


10 ': TIl ~ S~ i ~ ue 01 :JOEl (P',c I~sh)

:s qood'ron, A:AIF" W<E!S, 'S~o~ down while m8Jk I ng a lew -Iavel Slltllck 0111 St. iron d .oilfield.. which was i ne base of 11.1 N J G

1. o,n 1;2' SeRJ ~ernb~r 19l'1! 1.

iddlle: ~ 11.1 NJG, '·s '!ofie nr boo d. Blow: A B'~ 110 'lJf 1111./· JG 1 11"1 th. l'YPII: I all-bt:::m . lI1isl'1 01 tho JirJ nig hi hgli'lluns_




Abov:~: SL. Trond aniield.

loft: louilinani Grein Bi' righ ms his pip: ever iii 9ijrne oJ chess, 011'1 lhew,plls or the Qffio~r::ii' mess ait St.lrond are 131 eernrel ¥oke nne 'V (I rh;;rus ifJth Iil'r pi'I}C.oo of Bnllsh bombe~ cqu ipmQni< !ll'lid ,;;j .... tCIOI1f table_

B,elo~; S;~. "~'O11 d - I he 11 l-ghlhg h~er statron in d'flyllght. Mill!· cbanlcs ca rv 01.1 t ne.cessary fIiliDil'ltorl'EIJru:e on Uu~ aii'lQr1!ifl


1"'013: A SU!flel Or .~ INJG "1 ~ak oft. 011"1 B hlll'lfY fligh I.

RlIUdodlle: Sf 11 O-s oHlj N J G t. Below: Obe~1 ecUUH] nt Helmer, 11'1 El n ma pilJrtllBflCod inn Igl'llfigh lin 1;1-

Lloft: Lauman AlJtenrie~h hangs up s new IJrophV a (uoo1ag rounds I hom a Sri. ish b:ornoor in th '0' . I ce rs' I1"!.es5 811 :S1. TrondL

Abov,e': Major - ate on tUSWiliV 10 a Geochwad9i'COft'ln and J'S' ennteren CQ: to his I ,n I~ HI up DI1I an Su;!,i n c ,wll 0. WEl'nt on to win ~he Kl'1'Iigl1l's Cross wilh Swords (Fhued:.roIJ:l mi~ Sc;nW(lrlen)! and to ll::ommDll!lld llirlc· fi rsl j III I, hg;n~t.r' GEise nWoEId€lr

B. claw: Dmi ng I nl!l d.~V ~he 1Il'I;ec: l"'ullIes are p.nrrkod un dar guard 01'11 ~l'ItJ ,ill.proii'li. ThE! (;.gmph:ne absence or camcunag i ndi COlles tha [~h is ph o'~oQ,r,aph was. takoen In l!he early dav5i 1J<1 n I rahlhg hti ng


'TOp; I ,IN J G 4, ffl.rfft9:d tI ul 01

I JZGI 26 in 11'1. s~rifl 91 or 194·1. Tl1ls .a i i1:rah is lEI 11 mute 10 Moo. ~~IIQ' nQW unh's base.

Midd~ Ie: OberrellJ'trU'll1t D'e c - er oon· V,i'Sfl'Si wiln Obert lilwcb!IIJllR:uppal. a' ll'igh m of plCilil a: lief IS el'~webe I IPp Jnilelil;r.

B low': A SJJi r~fO .hal w hn ...mIle a'tt!ilcki no Sl i"rol'1d airfield a I1d fmood '~O I nd 'Rne~e. ( ranslator's note' Tne alrc~,Elif I appaliFS ['Lil hav 'lh!eell ElJ(tll!'lIl~iY6~'!Ji' f9,:H1 i FiliQd! W~I h SIiJ urieus RAiF n'liEi rt:in.g:!:il. hilv~ng prcsulmllbly C3mriei!ll German celeurs fOii':) m'ime.~


LB'it: a be lou Inani Fie I ntiold Ec arll:P~ of II./NJG 1 In CQfI'YerSC!i'~ion wiilh ;an Oberl:eu tfi Ii! fl~ Il}fl the Tech [neal e ranch, at Sl. Trend In thelste summer 01 1941. Ee iOm,dt had lust II't oaliltiV been ,awardEd tl'la, FHUElrkreUl af r Ms Iwelhh \fic~ollY. '

,bove; Armourers, CldJl.I~tll1lg the QiJlns om Obcrleulnarn IEckalfdt's 1St 1n.

Bolo' : Wi'ln the alj'cr,IJf'[ J~oed-IJP' II"! ,8 lcr~zOrrliilIIPOSi~ljon. [[tie< 91.! Il'IS a rEi adj,Ys!ed an the ~'ltinQ rEling . A elese gi"OLi,lllin!l 01 hilS Olli ,8 'U1rQ. L disc at 'Iho i'igtr l di Sit£! nee ~iii!die!i!il~ 'Illal the' WiJ'~i=lIon Ei ,~r'e' IProPer~v harllflon Iud.


'lrop: A pUo.t ~ 1'I~lru~d with his coc:kpll ehee , by his gro.!.IIlfllid crew chullf. Here no· o'lP.;POlollI'S to !be [Qstil!ll!jiJ t.i is o~'!JI'gQltl sup~11iI'-

1M itl;d~ e ~ C Ie:B r f,e r-lake -of -f. The !hODVV figh'~lr I!'gilJ5 loff down Ihe runwrilY.

BoHom: S con ;ill tWiis:ti" 9 lrail of fire I n the sky a nno unces illI10lhe n IQh ffi ghlEr vtClQIl'Y,


Oppa;s ~t _ Pi! t .e', ~ E!ift: an 3 1 May. 194,2 Leu mant Nik la 'hfJl dow,., British bernbar, bu~ 1m the nrnoess his. B.f 110 W"-S badly 5b0.l-UP by U, boi'rnbe.r·s rear gu nn er, !OJ'(i;ri19 h irn to crash -ta nd. tlNl ~as Vilas 5ubsequonLly 'illedl while ~111i1ckil1lg lin Arli'ierlc-Sin 5·'~" in d'aylight_l

Op.,pJosi UJ po,ge'. wi gfn: Iii! nd be lew: The d;;tmagell s'IJ5l~EI1i nillid by Nlklas· 'r.ghl)er. wi Ih h hs to th Ell clOclkp~1. nose" wing~ root P01"[

en: inc DllId hiS!Ei lage.

I] O'lii ; Oblil'rleldwcbol G i Ian M (rr1glrlt) and l utn nt H,e hn

«(I" lutelh(}QllJar Of hltll10ur Erherrec@lving the., fhrterlueuze

Irom Gi:lnC!lrafll(;~iIlTll1Ii.lll!Jber (c: ntll ). -

Right. 0 !ilrsl~6.tlilmml, Fa!ck c:oogratulaliD.S Ob€lffelrlwebe-I on llis,lRilki r rl!!lu:z;.

Albove: Ob rfE!~d~ebel Grldnell"s crew bO:JrdlaTig ~"'El!rmi!lichin for anot har op~ ratio n.

Leofl: Gild ner j3 nd U Atllli',i!:jiKi:;!ior uUer losp~el <iii Walhngton til a'll ~ad sho. dl!}wnl qt'le PII'flVIOIIJIS niS'hIt. 13 Mi8rCI'i 1941. The 'Wimpv' crashed at JIp&inghllll:i!:On ,ii1 flCrl nerl'1l H'ollandl

AbD'II,e ~ A rear !a.unncr checks tus MG a l. Thenill WiElJiB times WJ'I n .ihe Iwes !:)if Itl'le wHllcf CM3ir,,\1 i1alltlnd'E!d on h IS vigil~nce and the cm~Cl 'fullioC uornn g or ms weapon.

'ight ~ 'Tliile ·~!ilce· of D IB'[ 1 U) n ig.ufi gtllQ r,

IE! IGw. A III i 10m: n th rough I he iiJmiloured win usc aen a n

r eta r' QlIIl'ISi Slhl t1,f !'us B fi 1 10 !HIe is Wfi.o .ng his oxygen mask.

'.IIiJ"ilch. 1'111 e na BriCish _ nd Ame,lcallfl eQurvalents COnlalfilQd IlIJ micropllOnG:, ,a 'Gh l"Oat rmerephcn ill wa s· ijiH'I(I!ard!lllll Ihe Luf'i;"w':) EI

- e.ft~ Obell'leulmmll@I'H rm:cen/!D h-s RiUcrkNlu:lol'li '30 AU9U$1 19~,'11. ahur >aigh' day an.d fg uneen III igh'~ vml'{;l IiIIIS.

FI;i ght: Tho l'lfli of I!_ant";e IBf 1 ~ 10 wi ah ~tJ I rw vl'CU:mes c;ihalk'e:d !.!~Belo,w: Le nt eSlabHshes ~I./NJG 1. oos@d ~t SL Hond, in NO'l.lltmb r 1941.


I - - --

- --


Top: Helm!.!. Lelll, ne.woII Hauptman n, ~1:Sle ns on th (II i'tIlldi 0 IJelephOfl;ij' ~!UI his cr8'1011,1'5 i rI acticn.

1M iddle.: After ~hc w[li aetlen. ~t':5i

papaM!D iti mo. IH allJjlili'ililiiU'1 n He-rg8!1

is tjElEI n h re. ri ling -up Ins repen, Below: Till;} f~i'S1 n'9h, rlg'hl~ r version 01 m .. Iii Ju 88 IS dehver,ed to the fro.nI lirH!I; here '0' e. ,P08nrB in rOIlITl,a~ion willl [I H·I 110.



Lefl:: Deilalls Oof crews in Deli on; 'time of tak< • oft an dl 8110. ted are nOled o-n iii b'ackll:lI~,ju'd In the opertil~i0J'13 mo.m Below: MaJOII' He rgel ,EI nd his crew prelParefor mt'i ai r i'1 i';l'1Il t sortie,

o PPQsi ~e f:1N£! ge. tc;p; A I( ette (. hree- plane l'Ormation) of 7./ NJ G ,4.'s 1 HDs sets out ·M a 'rlt'l rry Ihg'hrr:,

(Jj'pposito Jlir ,go,. hellow: 3~ AIR, a ElIr 110 F-2. was,llowlil by Ob r euli'ilant iKitmp, StBffalkapll,an ,of 7,(. JG 4.


R 19!f! ',: D FIe 0'1 hllJ ndr as.!l)'m nig,hi combats. ~ vl'5luallzed bv an artt5t Tho ccOllfIb!lllf ls a Hahfol)l.,

BellleViol'i The A..,~,o, l ElljlfJc:~s~ai' willS jl::IIooobRV '.he most reclolll!b.ta'bde. 0$1- fi~:f1 ,n'~ amon 9 E3: .. iti h bembo rs, (TIi'l~s, IOn6 'NBS hom '16 .,1 H !i1V'CQfi!l.l'i!!illlironl iUnim.Qll'1Id Ihorehxe a tramer.]


Cbe r1eUilnaflil U;i!fll wniles, way ~he 'lime ·~o his n B:JCI oortl.[l· wit~n [j e~p tl game' of !Skin.

Tile lelE!phOnG ~ingS. and the nfl'rv6~rillckirllg '';\!.ol~ is ov r.L 'nt leee·vas 'the Q emil' 10 'serllmbl'



lOll!): In Bmain. the- ~usllbambe rs, sue h as Ihi::. SIIHH1[ Stl r 1m g 01 .218 SqLl S dr·on. HI:!: i Oljgt 10 I..EI e eff

rlilUmIldl -: M.mjm 'F'D~ck. Kom· molito.r of N J G 1. J:;iIr 1P..a~es to meat • hem, Ell Dfow Ih COCkpit of ~is mtra[ll$ tAU ladvblrd em rem of rus former Stal . .,

:2 ,/ZG 76, wi th wI"! Iii: !lQ wa v r-V ~Y~CE!~r 1.11,

Be low: I n the lost Ir.oys Oof tho Sl!I'tlllf1l'l;ll sun.;;! Bf '1 ~ 0 .$IIS fue1led E!1I,d .ii!lrmed ready to fly ilJsaUIiSI Ih nighl-ljm!1loR


T Opl: MeChOtllliC5, wGrk b If 'fIi,cocllQln en iii de1eChVtl Ol1'II· ,gino, Than 5- 'to

III 1'5e mllln, tfi'l'fl'

nigllUig r ~lfm

nioy ~ a hr. 11 level of Ircr!l1 I_ SfI Icl!ttlblll'''. B,elo,w ~ Ttl.

ulilder-'foseill ge wccpa!l jtlilC was Ii'l Q.'[ ,o'r~en fl a-ted la, B' 1 111

n igh'tHgl"lter.$


i[opl: SC'Df(:I'i· li@nts cast probmg lin gers ~kywards ill1 saerch [of IJne eJll!;lmv.

Middl : A tr,a 10- Ingl model snows tho . ,[I Lallica tel! IlOcks when iUuminate'd rrom be-11m"'" bV SIUlIlChlig hes,

1118 ~Qw: A 8f

1 ~ 0 closes in Qn ano bomber ham 'mh e IIe·rt las Wjfi§lj ~anks tQ lec'~i1i'ig U1tiJ' h9n~. Th is IS .1 f[!l! r sim lila. ion a the- ,appealrance I!)'f iiII nigh't ~i!:!mDat


Alba""" : T 1'119''11- ~ighle S· losses i1'ose along I h lho.l' sueccsscs.Tnii:l is I he r uli1er.a~ u'f' u I;;~W wh re h

In I:llJded Oborll[l Idw,j!Jbal Seh!JfUi i'l and lh'i'terof-, fi~ier B Slii 0 IV /NJG 1 at Leuward. n

IRt. : - IIJIi:! ma nn

J.abs.l(ommandeur 6 he 41h Grup • ta "':5 lea,", or his ~allen cemra es.

Top: A las t, e.xperll rcnclli-oviU bV ~he CI\FJIW (;h ie r •. AU l!'eadv 10 go, Ble iow: ,Scramble! AlIl"lC rcws go 100 'I 1'1 Q ir maICtJlna:i l!:In~ an avenue Q Brmlis'h p rop,g I~ If

Ib adGG. willIe' RAF 10 "de . eeerat II III wan . of .he CII .. W i'OOilT!-



IOppCHiiiJit!e· pa e: A e,1 1 0, C II1gin !S 811 r ull revs. aw;c il$ tl'l 'ifllfilqJIll ~o. 1'i!1ke 0'1, The ~adla op~~alm (IH~OW) checks. his insl)J'un1onBs.. 10,*: This. or 11 O,11Iown by Leufula nt Mathes of II./INIJG 1, by rS'1 iii lyre and! o "l'i!Tliu m~a on ~andi.n9 et Oe61en on ~ S F brunf'ij. 1 '94l. Middl<e: A hiS"I", .Il}PO ime' iJ~hof1i:m1 on the work5ho~ w.aU at NJ'G 1'5 base; 1m, ilfaml'otos appr(lixfll1l';:H.C~y as, "Th lLoldl'eljl:ls th I as "€lIps, till nrt_ 1\1 ",

Bellow: Y!lli[ a no~her cnanee tOIl' '.he 'b [let men' to demon IIll'rIJ to Ih i:llAi" rQl)fp:ior~'i:! ~n 9IBU!li"I 9 ;I;l 'mot- up mill" !back ili'!l 5e{'I,i'i~e ~!il I'!EI ~'~ to 1'1l0 tuna.


tOlp~n5i~)B plalge: A hlS,l.loll:l .[rt th map before bo,an~i!1Q a B,r 110 'I'm I he n I ghr's. wtnk,

l,ef~:: Th i!!IlP il!l)i. clambQI'S abeerd ~f~ the piiJle moonlight. S . ow: Sil2lbcrlllJilE naft (re.adlne-ss· . A ne rye - riilcklt!l9 all ~OI" m . e ,crdm 'to mat!l Wh n wi" II CQi'II'I4l '}



- efil:: a eo i100n ll'IIanl B~keil" ~eCellfo!\e-8 'aho FIl i I tsrk Fe uz ~ron"l GraJlm-oJ K ammln ube~ ,on 1 JulV '1942. hrllvil'll!:a :sho( down tw!itl!1lty "lirro aucrafl.. As well as iboin91 anxpert pilo~ 8e'!: er il'lUodllJCQd Illum'( !now id as and i~mVt!il'menlS rnto n~Qhflig'hhng.

FI:"gb i: o berleurtniln I.e' Lerll. Doc ~Qf mul Grldiiier sahHe the", KrcITlllnan elU •

Below: To ~l'1Id OlmerleYlnaOl BlBoker's invI{IiS'IJitUi't! cef,emOIflV. Ge~ner,i!l11 Karnmlmbelir rfi\lh~wcS Ih_ Jl~uade with! his successful nlfieers,


Alb.G\t ._ Indl below: Tn i .1:iligtnl'i d - mage d StirJII'l g was forced d Wn - nd laael Down to Gil Ri'BI'l fef J)Q;sting.

Ri ,him:: leulfioilnrl tt,:'oniQ of m,/NJG 3 pr~il:!li3es ,CQckpileadi· III .~ wilh his mascot. I fI 194,2' K(]ni~ rosot an oy.e in com at and! WillS r1lJ\l'lil1l}\l{i Ii:! hiiflllfi l1~gh'~ d!llllilB.. '" • as ihj5! tlt! I hBaIQI!IIM ca Ih!id ~Im. trll nsf,e~rt!d m dav ligMI'~in g in,DI, as StBiffel.kapiUlI'll 0'1' 3-1 J G 11 and ~E11fl1 as Ki1mm~lI'iIdeur of I./JG 11. h-e:came one or lha

ostsuccessful'defende sof 11'11 I FiI&icn". He was ltiUod in Belioli'll (I 24 M V 1 944· n'a-~ r Ka1ten k! rchen,

TO p: III /INiJ G 1 at 81 Trand ft iva ,ill ~Slt from G neral CnrkSi1i:ms-Ell), MCilor lB'rn. K'Dm' I!fH]i'1 dOLI r or all e G rUI!l-J;!le. ilCCompO nlas • no dls~mguished 9 iIII;(3S I. en his, ...... ay· to inS>pect aile guard of heneur.

M lid die; G el!1l8t'al Ch!l'i:stm nse n 91'E1E11!s H,Eiup<lmann Jabs, 81,::]'" I apil n g , INJG t.

B 1.oW: The G ne-ral ra as kS ntll 'Grlj!lppe.



Com bi ned n ~ghtfi,g h t~ r!I 9 was, i ntre du ee d1 betwe en til e mu ddls' and 'end of 1914 1 .. 1 he' Ifljew system i ~ose from ~.niE!' iii ee d to YSII3: ~he a'V~li I ab~ e g~ou rI d ('flak} a nd ,a if defe ne es ,aI S efficiemly as possib~et Combined ni'9hltii9hl~ i n'g 'fo rees, we ra envisalge d as, bei n 9 (;0111 cen ~ '~fa ted ·~rou n d K i el r Ha mb u rg, B r,emen. D u isbUlwg. IColog ne, F ~a n'k'fUlrt D a rm sta dVM.a 1110·he i in ,iiilin d 1M IIJ n ich an d. nl!1 fact, Iii e sYS:le m wa,s. on I V used in til OM areas. Th e deta uled composielon ,of Kombin~ert@j Nac:h~'jagd was as 'fo~~ow.s: the district to be defiended was divided lin'to 'th ree sse torrs. each of wh ich had II radar :S1~EMJi Or'! eq u ippe d wI~ h a long - ra nlg e f i'leva (n,a me d a'filer a godde ss who own sd ,~I rna gic neckll i)]ce whic h WEllS kept 'fow her crv ,ill de'i ty who c euld sea f,or 1 00 mli~ e.s,) ,21 n d two Wu rzbu r'g - R iese ~ {l ia nt WIU rzb i!J rg) ins:ta lla ~ ti.ons, 'Tlhe' procedure began un 'the same w:rv as 11>i d He Ille NI.a chtja'g:d; IFai d'e:rs det'Bc'le d by t hie F rava werre tra eke d ove ~ th e fli gh t:er ,a rei;ill by one Wu rzbu rg whi le ~ WI ~ oU'n~r di~ec te dI a fii gh~;er '10 Vf'! t1e:rcep't t hem, ~ n'fon~ul'ti on from the hNO WOrzbur'Q' te-ams wa~ pas$ed en to a nti - a~ ~'C fl'lt Ie iv ision al headqua rtoers. wh ewe .1 ~ was eva luate dI an d C(N"II ve ~ ted iin to p Dsitl Dr! S




on a tab te ,ma~; th is w,as made of hosted 9 1!3J~ and [he' a~ rera h h) cations were' prCl,j ~ e ~1Jed o n to i I 'fro m below :!!IS b ~ue en d rsd spots. 'ilhus the ·See,ourg Table ShOIWBC the tacticel sit uatien frern rni n liI ~e '~)O m ii1l~.;!I'~e.. and dm e Fla klei IO'flii z i er i1nTornlea 'I he se a rc h I~ 9 ht and flail< b,a t te nes ac.cordi ng ~y, whi Ie til B Jla'g,ewie'it-offi zJ'@Jr gum ded the fi'9lh re ~ to its 1;alrt~~;et IFII ak was no nn all ~V ~ im lted to be I Ow d'ne fi'glhte:rs' ope,ra'l:in@ ne,igh't Df 4·.000 Oil e1·~es. but ~h e [)i ~v 1!iS i Ofil skomma nl deur COLI ~d authorize t:h em to fire abQ\I',9I ~ h fM a ltitu de if ~he fighte~ was tmlikelv to be hit

How,e'iJ~r, fOF various raasens thus. ,sys~elm di d 111 et ,Bllwavs w,cHk as its i fI''IIe ntor h aid in Ie n ded. Ohe'll! 'til e Us k d~ visien com rna n d er, w~u~'~'h ell' from pe·~&o 111.~11 am bitle n Q r thr,ou gh poorly late rpreted data, f,1jI ill,ed 1:'0 C~\ilI sa fire at t he co rrect Itim e, o'u e ~se a figlhteii' Or'! ilill bom belr's tai ~ wo ul dl nul b ~EHi!llk off Ibefo reo it 'flew into 1 h ~ ~l~'k, ZO Il"]IE~j. Till us; Ii ~ w~s' not UIJre fa r ~i gl1l '!lers '1.,01 be shot down by th e,i r own 'fta k. Tness losses ulti Mcne.11 y led to t hel' eba ndon rnem of K,()mb i n ierte Nlach tjagd as lil 'fa,i I Ylre,


Al1Qv-e. ~ This ,artist's ImJ;llfeS5mll1l clearl" d mo.nS,!I'tI'tEl5 the prmdplQ 01 ccmbinad n~gl 1,Ii~hwlg. W"V this i1 malfle;(ll In tl'!e' rearm 01' ~near", is e.KpLa'ln e-d "'1 the ~1flI1 roduetien 10 thris Ch!il!p,l.e.r.



Left; A Guml, WUrIDurg_ Tho nighllighhUS· grQ.yndi Qif9iU'Iizalinn has Q ntiiJllodi U'i SI £l'rE!'C~I'Qn ie age I,OQ.

IBe,IQw:: The' inh:nma'Dion comin~ 'rom U'iQ Wur:llUur-g radars IS: col latad 10 n the, S.g i1bul',g Tab-Ie'. 1"1 a I1tU!ldi ilftil!i~ ~ts ililvenl'Or. The ptlI&iti!l) ns or IIlOll1 frie-ntll f and eniElmv ,8 irCf;!d1 :::m3: inifl'icat!J'd bV t;.hYiB al~,d red ~iglrl, SPQ'b. pmjected 0111 '.hlll g I,(ISS ta~~Q ~tQP [lrOM belew.



A Ibcve: A B,' 1 10' of ~ I./NJ G ·1··s Stabs&chwarrn ,S[~ff Fhglu). c(u:f,gd G9 + D 13" L:lIj(~S eu I to 'ID'IIo II'LlnWa'V_

- {lj'f!r: Ch.iSle rs cd 'lliare:s. lIl~n with grim hu mmJl!l" [0 both sides rnIi 'Ch,is~m;ils m~es- • .chan cd l!<le righle' s to' ttl lr qu.l]II'fV. Th nares.!;it{ e

dr,a.ppecdi 0'1,1'81' •. !<Ie· UU"9 t bV lho Brill Pa I'IIfindrs to mark CfLe a!m!~9

oi!'lt f,or lne' fo[lowl n bombers •

. 'el Ow': SCl'iI!mbta T1 iI C ..... s p~1 ~ te I.he ir i1'f1 (: iM~S.

To. .: ~m ahe sa me nme, the '!10k plfcparl!llS IQr ,EIlC· lion. Soun d 11O-'C1l moIl'S supply Iitdd~l~oll1aJI n,.~m~ wrnuBon mIl ttJiij posi'lio!'l o.r ~11 bomber

'[orrna I' 0111.

Below,: g un ~ t, 1r;1I;!r

'~eeds ahe I.e mesm ocmdi·, miles ml,Q tha REia'

gu n':Si pl'ed'iC:'[tIor.


lefit Ii!! IlId abo'ITJO': Tine- ~Igfu Hak has also op l'1i!i)d 111'· ; ~ cemblnanon of u.acer ammuni'ucln and·~ l1'Iera shake' b'iIICOS WOirdl!lJll p-es in !the nigl'lt sk V-

Be~ow: :salvo hom a b 'erv of ·~VBcm 'flak. Searchlighm

beams, pi es Oru$ fire5" tract) r r II . gun -Ii'ilQk.e E! nd 'm II fli~J'f1ll"1g . YSaS of B·.Scm slii! I s all combine to form II sp-ac.lra~ bac drop 10 Ulis nighilv drama


ifo.p~ The wrecage o18m~51'r! bcmbersbea, S ~ium65S to ~ti1e' seve n~v of ~ti j}. Pif{lV~Oi..lS njg,ht':s billittlfi'.

M il!lllld~ &: The bodYlof.a n Amer~c[J n ctO'lo'olmEln, Iru:! DDred·OUlIOO low. ;3ndlHSi par;ii:cJuJl:e failed 10 O',pen ~1fII time',

mlB~ow: Some of 'til (ii i nh . tnt:";! nts lof ObrbrlltlI 'IIU!Wi ng Ille u nderca rnilg~ of a reee ntl vCI"Cisned bomber which has lIauem:i:d much or !.he naig'hoourhood

[o.p: A ,lem Viorli.n9l;i1Ua (fOllill'-billri'cllm:dAA guo) ill DCI ien.

Mi dd~[e: Th~s, radisl sot, sp (:~iIIUy cle'i,o'€llopc d fel 01 rec uno; 'Ual!:. has lI';li'l.l'lda'l'rmlv en.IQ'I((ld son'U!I ,8 !IH::.e e SSe

[B • Ow: 3, 'Oflll lIat, snoolS dOcw!1 a low~ 'UVlng bomb n r,

Opp-Q~it' p ge; As has alll'[ dy ben n'illJm~ Ie r cum'buHld mglH ngl"i[ing had srrrjou:Si d~s. d amag _ : maf'lv flgltneJ5i wo , I'U)I CW!1 bv. 'ftrii!llTldlV Uak, 'G9 DC, n OWIrl bv Lautnant Uelt nback, I'I:J1CIili ·~jJn !!ted iin SchIIllSWI'Q at 2,23am on 9 M~V 1941.


Rill ght Ind bel,ow: ThJlil S!e.tit- W~ ,p~r.E!~hytQ was put on oyer the life-jacket just before bill)~fdi ng il'li:li Oil rCfah ail'i Ii Il1IcollTl'h:"r!l1breperch fer ~hiil~ wii:Ii 1!J<"tefli a IOlllg peu'foo 'Oil readi nass

Opllii!osi'te p~g._. ~p: Scra ble ,arl 111.1 _JG 1. wo.' or he crew j)rr,& alreadv aboard. and Ih '!;juno I J st chrabm I th I,lld~ f_

OP osU:e p, g _. bala . : 3C lR and

3C GA. bOlih ~cf 7, I NJIG ' .• HV 10 lake POSIt" on in their _I Olled sectam.


Abov,e; 1'1 '9 OWiP of DlrmerUl1 SI.tJd",: (l,strOW ••. 'I {¢ 1';19111: Sosna, K~rng, B'DrCtll;l'rs, N BII::::ke'. Jabs.Lau I'III{I. MiedieaJ (JilI'::!!!r (un lI:dOllllifi dJ Huuem.Eluch. W gner and Kat I iSiBromf ow. rEtrll[o right. LOHelm,mnl'l. Gl iher, F~etmElnn. Hahn, R.adecb. -Sangwa.d and Df8w 51. Opposite p' ge: -.- any • lied the nervl!'-racJmg 1II1ibetween actions WI!:h a game [Jf e f5£..


To.p; H lmutl.en] bri fs. ~i .cra . bofOi'ei ta e·off.

Mli(!j'dle ill! ncB below: i()1fL ~'[iIU a no! her HUll lig hters ~a i out. if 1.0 I'\unway was b riQfl1{

ill!.! Mlna ted J liS [ b-e lore ea~'El:·ltl'~t

Opposite p go: A !GiI;l.rm n mlv on flffi. Al che beginnl g Of mil" BrfClsh air ofl>iJrlS VO

ag i s~: GelTI"lln dlti ~:5, the 'Iallgcts wiBre r im!II'€! t:d , 11) mi lit ry instal anen Si ,0 nd a ri"I1 ll1!un I prnducnen ecnt -. The GIHrm.a n nigh iJl'ig • .ai'S. all hough lraw In IIlwnbltr Of! dl no'[ a Iw,t!IYS used to flilill a~::hi.ofll,;;]gO. PI,III IUP a h erose fi{l,ht b. Ul could! n Ii:) C ji:I rEiveOi U'I e de'l,i!as~ohon IOiiil such awu::ks a I:i hlev~d


lQP: '. elm Slfelti) i!lrnves t Ven a h::l t k_ O¥ r NJiG 1. 1 JUIIV 1942.111 . eu '13011119 iKomrnod'or9, no. her lou IiidB-D1f1rnhi 'I Oi~' the tnl!EI'hlthghiter 5ienrEOO, is 'Wol'rgo illig iFald:., hots s an Clmm.ollv gmoti ng his. iSuCI;!(!!S!i!Or.

M'i L'I : (3 IBr5,leutnant talc, 0 1li8S en ,summoned liD 1.3· up a s~a, IPos... . IJvcrs:I [pari I i'lg' P - .a c h lQ 11 is G~ wi -r

I-low: We II1lCIi'SU ibformallh; -kes nlli



A further GrlJppe wa'Si established, simulteneeuslv with I./NJG 1. It was d'~s~gfilated 'from rha be Q inn ing as a 10 n~ - rSJfrI ge ng h ter Glruppe' and acco:rdingl equipped with Do 17s and Ju 88s_ T '11~ ndghdighteii' uni was ed by Ha u ptrnann Hevse, a nd w,~s, 1,1' er, as I./NJG 2. N) become the' nucleus of a highly SLI ce esshJ! (; eschwade r, Tn e aim o.f Ion ssa Ill[g e III ~ghtii gh '! ing wa,s 'to attack th e one my w here he, least axp acted it. n amel v ,~)'I"i'E! F his ow n bases in Brita in. a III e tact~c of the Fe nnach1ja'gd was to ,joiin the ratu llIingl British fonnations and attacs them during t h .i r II nd i n 9 at p proach I wh e n they we ~e 8'[ rhs iF most vulnarahla. Another 5tra~ageml w ~ S to ~islen with ~ Illwe,rf IJ I receivers [0 the' ra dio traff e in Brlta ~n; C III lhe IP re m i sa 'Ih at p~ a n e to- pta n e co nve rsa t; on s i ncreased considerably as sets were' lufted lin st Ill, beglinning of a nai.; As, on as a rase in r dio activity was, rEi'par( d. firgnters all ready loiterling in Britis,h ~Iirspace we're' directed' 0 rha s,UiJPose;dl British assernblv point. The B~itish

bomberS. e 111 grossed in the compl[e);. manO~ UVfl!!S. of h"~mi III 9 up, were 1 h n a n ~asv [,fa rg<8[ for the inn IJ de rs,

Speciali"sts arose arrnong . h pilo'ES. who deve~ oped new \f,e ri ane ns 0 , lh' sta n d Ird tactics, and Fe~nnalch'ljagd. succ .sful from theo beg inn i iii g. b ece me, eve n me re !!'l1ec:t.ive. h was thus an the' more sLlrprising and inc Qmp reh e nsib ~e \l\l'lhe n on 12 0 ctober 194 1 HbtJEH lordered the sbandenment of IOli1lgr a n'g[e n ig Irltfi ghting. Seve ra I reason s we re ,gliv,eon for this d cision, One' was tne f~ICI '[!hat F,enilfl8chtjagd victory claims could not be Checked. and anot e was 'he l"Ie d to ~ r, Ide shot-down e-nemy arrc;rah befor 'tile civilian popu 1,['.I11uon, wh 0 we ~e h av iog to sp e n,d me re and more nights in cJellers and she~~er:s. Desp i tie tha ban. man y crews con I i 11 U ad to fly sortles over IBri['~ln. and seer d victories. Long-Irange nigh'tfi'ghling Wi3IS officiaUv reins~ated at 011 I·' eginning of 1940, hut owl 9 'to the' gen ral state ,of iIIff!ili s ani y a few to k en 'IV ic to r~ es res u ti1l'd.



A Do 11 ., liZ' of Il./iNlJ G 2 m 115 dispe rsal JI i'lL


1Ir IDip ~ lFhiS·.J u 88C· 6 be~ong$ w. (he Er!tll~ !111Un gs-gruij:i1pe (flI'eserve G ruppe) IOf NJG 2.

M ie! dl e: Til JLI 88C~ ti~ Qr E {NJG 2 wel\!iJi sulltlOned .a I Gibe R'ijlE! n, Holland In MaV 1'943. This. machine was.lown

V Leu 10 j''!I B run r;:I H eilff1flCIii. Un t rofhzl!lu Hoirmch Scholl end Ge f'flite, II( arl C hu s,

B,e~ciw,: A Ju SSC-6 5iI1Q downl (;!n Iho lan din g a prolllCti by Bnl1isll mgh. fntru dars (!tim 9 j ~jIluaFY. 1943.

'111"'1'; A ~8rm::lJla'lv sm:os!lfL!llllong-ra!'11]1lli Illghl1 g'hkl Ci',g;w w~!ji ~h{il o' H,ell'11z Rokk.'~r. 1lE:l'1"{J Sfiiili!u ::.;\r.apj:;I i1o{!j m Roe WIS Dw.i::i rded Oak Leii'~'OO toO h is II( l!'I~gtl m':s, CrOfi;$,

IMidd~e: A,rJkk-eF and! hrs crew, 2./NJG 2'; frortl lef[ [0 "{lint. Cal'loo ,ug n I (~tl!arch radar ODer 1011'). Hi) nz Ro e (pilot). Franz Franz (grol..i d Crew chiel), Hans- Heinz Mausr

'radio ope eter), FI'I£ldlll:M ,relJlr'II~'I€r (00-

serv r} This pnlllA;;lgr ~ ph __ as tak '1'1 in ~Jl!rif'l'!J 19.45, by whl en lime fc ng· ra ng I nigntfigltnm 9 had bean Offl CI :111'1 r I ns.~ .. ued,

BiIII~!l}w: The 'tti;!dltmnal egg !jIP isdrunk aner ;J sucl:;es! SOIfI~C o 'a! ,!} r' B r 11,1)111. The IQl;.iil ion IS Twen Ie', IH oll,:md in I he spring or , 945.



L ft: A ~r-w t,];(;!l8U:iilng 'hair JIl!l 88 'r,ontl n i.ghlly raid an the BlI'ni sn Isles.

Be-low: O,l(vG nl .on.

'IIl",op: A, 11'- dm OI}CII',i3lmr's '10m ,'; al ngtn, BI'il SN 2 ro,d'm SQ't

B II Ilow left ,~lhe rEl'a r '[1 un ner, His.inb of plllClt!Dt:ting ~he aircrn'f1 wa~, PEI:rti'C-1.lialfl V (lhfficul~ I n ~h6' dill _

B'8'low right': C hooks ~ ra pulled ~wiilv J1I'Om thE:! Ju sa's wn Il'II: Is.

fh end 010 stJc.cgssfll'~ fight oro OOOr!eI!J!Df!'iIIl1!'m SnOnin;l. who. re.ce~'io!'ed Ollk Leaves tlOI lrIis Rititerklf'au;z 01'1 20 JUI~V 1 ~944.

O_erleutlilEim Pau~ SemraU! r iPmt b_ ck 'Pr,om eil sortie in hieh qe. sec ed l'INo vicl.ories_ Oii'fl 1 No-vElmb·IH' 194--4. Semlfau was ap.p.ointQd K om mo-do !'E!I af NJ G :2.


l"it!)P:· E2ICI GEisc;:hw;;jd' "'.d 11 rganlungs- 9r1U~f,n;, or reserve un i g, IJI1 wh~eh II1I€iW c.rews· WEI re eo!!tdl ~I1iIGi D;P!Q,a. iOIl 1 eOn dlt[Ofi!i. by their mOre e~perio!i! need 0tlIlieilgue5~

Mi a.ddlle: A.J!..JI 88 plDYs tD~ge1 [or a C new I Fi ll:i'aining. Of till:!! v<lli'i-c!.!~ aUlc pal ems; prac-

lset!!' the eornmenest was to' appmBc1n 'he en mv f om b !'lmd an d b fcc >

Beno- -_: .A f]'lgl1l of JUI ass apl!lm ehes its Huil Iclll1llB.B a,i 12 R ijCl1 Hl du:s.k.



Top, and middle: This.J1...I RBC·!:] , C I",(ld SQ\I{i ra I hlts O'IJGr Bl'il;!l]i"i ~ll'Id ~r.ash-liiI !'Ideo ahQrl gf i l5 h erne a I rfie ld, MifU::hDlIlics.·1 Il:Im '~hlil aill'liold main (<8 nanc Uilnit .Q'lt·e-mpl to ra!lSe- Ih~ bel!v·lail"lded ;!I~rcl!'ah with arr b!a{ls (middle) 50 hal II ce n be COfi iQd bae 100 basa. Blow': Thfi:! Ju asc~ was it ccnve smn <0 the Ju 88A~4 born I SurprLosing,ly. lh uanaeessm 'if and dr g·IPIQducrrng di'lo!t1 r. es w9'fIQ no. ~~



Gener;Qlm.aJor .f!mmhulDer and l.eutna I Hahn just ah _ . a Knighfs CfOSiS ii'iVE!sl'tlLme, H!aIlFl woo Ihe most SUCoC!Bsslul nighl in.rue f' pilot nt'11 his aOillU., on 11 Ocrober , "'. when he cclhdad . illl BI Brillsh aircr'[]I!'1 O~!!n it:ngl.ond.


Til 8 SUGCiI!sS, une of nn gh dig hters !!"! t tU~1 easte r 11 .a III d S.OlJ! t hem th eetres did n ot comiP'i'n with ulun o'f the home def8I1der:s. ince 'fEll'w night unlts we e 51 m 1Q lhese parts. n rlrlev lacked any specialized control organ~zation. Adde d to 111 ese preble ms wen~ I n adeq lJa te,ly equ .ppe d ai rcra h (many with out. a nv h:3 rml of radar] a rn d th e hu 9 e ezpa noses of land to be cov,er,ed.

For a "ong time in this theatre there were' on I V a few ,e t tempts at ni'g h trGghtin9 r undertaken on persoll1al initiative. L,euU'lIant IL "1- kaild of JG 54 shot down six Sovie't bern ers whill nVing a IBf 1091G on ~he nigh'l of 23 J ne 194 . Other pilots 'flew thair regul~r uriil machines: for ekamplle. UnteroHizi,er Doring of KG 55 flew an He 111 bomber

fined wi~h several fOlrw,Sird-firing guns in the nose', Eve-rn fw 58 eornrnunlcaslore and Fw 189 AIlmV-tOCper,!;Irtion allrcraf\ were preseed into service ag'ainst Ithe very low fWld ~slowflying Russian units. IM!ak .. e-shift nigh~ jlghter 'form-aulions !flrrose plecemeel r a ill d th ese wene eVEn"! ~ ua II 'i/ desig na ted a f'I d eq u i pipe d as prepa r III ig hlfi'g h te r uf'lits. As they we~e joined and inslrlllcll'ed by experilf!llc@'d crews from the home front, the situation changed lo' the better. but it was not until t e establishment o'r IV./NJG 5 under Prinz zu Sayn-Wiugens.tein mar the nighUigltl1er arm in the lEast be'gfllf'll 'no SCore re.gui I!l!rly.

A rica

The main ni'Qlli1tfighler urut In Africa was 1./ NJ G 2j bu 1 ~ he res l of 1,he G esch VIla d er




was C CC'QSiOlf[l ally sent to. join them" Besides t hei I' inltJanded I'cne. N J G 2."s J UI 88s ,a lse had to '~I ¥ escort for c on'!JOV5, a nd air tran9po rts, As the situ atio [l C h ~nge d~ and it was IJ.I SU iii~ Iv foJ' ~ ne w,orse. the L iJI flwafif,e un Ii rs fI,ed to move 1- eir bases. After tbe surrender 10,1 Ul@1 Afrika IK.Qr s, the nighlrfignters ope'[' '@Id from W en u e' Allies, Ilanded a Palermo, the rrem,a'nllirng niglhdighters. moved to central Italy.


On 12 F,ebrLi a ry 194·2 [he nig h ~'hgh'n,ers of NJ G '1 took pa rt in Q p eration '0'01"11"1 €uke i I' (Tbu nderbol t} . Th H5 was the· brsa k - ou ~ of the· ba~dec~uise'rs Scha'fnho.rst and Gne;senau and the heavy cruls r, Prinz Eugen f om Brest and their eastward dash up tne Channel to 'Wilhe~mshav.,en and lKieL EU 1108 of NJG '1 [0 ok eve r [.n,e convoy's ail!' colter ai d us hi; ,

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