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The Purpose Of This Post Is To Let Pakistanis And The Media World To Know About

The History ( And For The Record ) Of The First Ever Private Sector Television Channel
In Pakistan. NTM ; Network Television Marketing, A Former ( STN ) Shalimar Television
Network Channel. In The Beginning It Was Known As ' PTN ; Peoples Television
Network, Owned By Tahir A. Khan ( Interflow Group ; Pakistan's Famous Advertising
Agency ). The Network Television Marketing Was Pakistan's First Ever Private Sector
Television Channel. NTM Had Started Its Transmission In 1990 Under A 3 - Year
Agreement With Shalimar Recording & Broadcasting Company ( STN ). NTM Was An
Excellent Venture. NTM Started Off With All English Programmes. It Was A Short
Transmission Which Used To Start At 6:30 PM ( Before That Was Two Hours Of Live
BBC And CNN The Rest Of The Day). There Used To Be A 30 Minute Cartoon, A 30
Minute Sitcom, One Hour English Series, Then The Khabarnama. ( They Telecasted
The Khabarnama At 10 Initially As A Test Project And Found Out That 1% Viewers
Tuned In ), Followed By Either An English Or An Old ( 50s, 60s, 70s) Pakistani Movie.
The Network Television Marketing Was Pakistan's First Ever Private Sector Television
Channel. NTM Had Started Its Transmission In 1990 Under A 3 - Year Agreement With
Shalimar Recording & Broadcasting Company ( STN ). NTM Succeeded In Acquiring
Much Popularity For Its Plays, Stage And Music Shows Like ; DRAMAS = * Chand
Girhan, * Sitara Aur Mehrunnisa * Dasht * Kashkol * Jaal (Drama) * Red Card * Nadan
Nadia ( Comedy Sitcom Staring Babra Sharif ) And * Music Channel Chart. Later, This
First Private Sector Television Channel Of Pakistan Was Shut Down Due To
Administrative And Various Other Issues.

Advantages of print media advertising:

Specific Target Audience:
In print media, the advantage of catering to specific target audience opens up countless
opportunities to enhance sales figures. A fashion magazine would highlight cosmetic
products and fashion accessories. At the same time, a sports magazine would display
sports related ads to cater to its readers. There is no wastage of resources as ads get to
reach the target audience.
Loyal Readerships:
In the print media industry, readership is mostly longstanding and loyal.
Special Ad Positioning:
A major advantage in magazine advertising is that an advertiser can request special ad
positioning. This means you can ask that your ad is placed in a specific page or within a
column article. This will bring greater visibility to the brand. This is also commercially
more effective as potential buyers would notice it. It is a different matter if you don’t
want to specify where your ad should appear.
Over a period of years, magazines create a vast pool of loyal readers who feel safe in
its very credible environment. The interactive element may be less when you compare it
with the aggressive online advertising. But the key factor is credibility that print media
continues to reign over. It explains why magazines are known as potential promotional
vehicles. It adds improved quality branding that adds great value to your range of
Long Life Span:
Compared to websites or national newspapers, magazines enjoy the longest life span.
There are some magazines that are treasured across decades like valuable references.
The National Geographic is such an example as its content is never redundant.

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