Trabajo Kevin Ingles PDF

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COUNT NOUNS and MASS NOUNS (Countables and Uncontables Nouns) Delante de un sustantive contable puede haber un articulo definido, un articulo indefinida, o un numero. Cuando se usa ONE, 5¢ da éntasis en la idea de cantidad. También sueie usarse ef articulo indatinide Aor AN. Example: a student, one student. Los sustantives no contables se usan solo en forma singular. Example: bread, milk. Delante de un nombre no contable puede haber un articul definida, pero no puede haber numero ni articulo indefinida. Para indicar la idea de cantidad hay vartas expresiones coma: a piece of (one piece of), a glass of (Iwo glasses of), a cup (three cups) SOME and ANY: Indican una cantidad indofinida. Se usan generaimonte con sustantivos no contables (any cteam, soma suga') 6 con nombre contables en forma plural (any pancakes, some epgs). ‘Some se uss en preguntas y en dsclaraciones aflrmativas Any se usa en preguntas y en decisraciones negativas Is thera any cream? ‘Yes, there's some. Na, there isn't any. Dowehave some sugar? Yes, we have some. No, we don't have any. Don't you want some eggs? Yes, want some. No, | don’t want any. Don't he want any pancakes? Yes, ha wants same. No, he doesn't any, MUCH, MANY and ALOT OF: Much; Singular. Se usa con sustantives no contables en preguntas: y doclaraciones negativas, raras veces an afrmativas. Many: Plural. Se usa con sustantives contables en preguntas y deciaraciones afirmativas y negativas, Alot of: Se usa-con sustantives no contables y con sustantives contables en plural, sobre todo en Seclaraciones afirmativas, Ex: Does he have much time? Yes, he has-a lot af ime. No, he doesn’t have much time. Do you write many latters? Yes, | write many latters, No, don't write many lnttars. Yes, | write a lot-o! letters. HOW MUCH and HOW MANY. How much se usa antes de un sustantive no contable y haw many antes de un sustantivo contable. Ex: How much water do you drink every day? I drink a lat of water, / | don't drink much water, I don’t drink any water: How many restaurants are there on this Street? There are many restaurants /, there are a jot of restaurants, / there arent many restaurants, there arent any restaurants, How much se usa con el verbo to be an praguntas que piden precios. Ex: How much is If? {Lis one hundred pesos ‘How much & that toy? ITs five thousand pesos. EXERCISES: Change these sentences to negative orm introducing any in place of some. Translate into Spanish. 1, Thore are some extra chaira in the net room. 2. We saw some gaod films in Bogots. 3. They have some pretty dresses in that store 4, The teacher taught us some important rules of grammar. 5. We learned some new words in class yesterday. Complote with seme or any. Transiate into Spanish 4. Frm sory, but | didn't have, time to prepere the lesson last night 2. He never makes rmestakes in spelling. 3. Weneed ‘oranges for breakfast 4, Don't give money to Henry. There aren't students inthe room at the momento, 6 6. The doctor gave me medicine fot my cough ‘She never gives the poor dog water to rink. wanted to buy thresh tamaioes, but there weren't in the supermarket. 9. There are famous museums in Mexico eity but we didn't have time to visit them. 40, The teacher won't find mistakes in Helen's composition, Camplote with much, many or alot of. Translate into Spanish. 1, She smokes: ogareties, ‘2 There are factories here 3. How meney do you spend.on your books each year? 4. How time do you spend on your job? 5. There is. ‘ofl in Venezuela, ©. Mow windows aro thete in your classroom? T. This Factory produces: different kinds of products. 8 He hasn't ‘Friends in thit, school. ®. Matide drinks cotfes. 10. There isn't sri inthis glass Ten eal unin cua? 2 Cuainto vale un pedazo de torta? 3. Cudnto yale una ensalada de trutas’? 4, Cudinte valen las hamburguesas? 8, Cudnto vale un vase de juga?

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