Discover Your Future

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CHS Portfolio

Discover Your Future

Who do you want to be?

1. What are the things you are most passionate about?

Sports, learning new things

2. What do you not like to do?


3. If you had all the money and time in the world, where would you go? What would you do?
Who would you spend time with?
I would go to Hawaii and relax on the beach with my family.

4. What are your health goals? How active do you want to be? What are you willing to do/not do
to meet your health goals?
My health goals are just to stay fit enough to play sports and stuff. I want to be active but not all
the time. I am willing to do something active everyday, but I won’t go to the gym.

5. What are your career goals? How hard do you want to work, and in what kind of environment?
How much money do you want to make? Do you want to work alone or with other people? etc.
I want to work really hard to get a job, my career goals is to make money to help others, and I
want to be in a not so serious environment but I want people around to take their work seriously.

6. What are your family and relationship goals?

My family and relationship goals is to keep them all close to me.

7. What kind of a house/city/country would you like to live in? How important are material
possessions? ​I would like to live in California still and I do like having material possessions
because I like to have stuff I like and stuff that I want to keep my whole life.

8. Whom do you admire most in the world? Why?

I admire my father the most because he goes to work basically everyday for like 6-9 hours to
make money for me and our family.
CHS Portfolio

9. Finish this sentence: In ten years, I will be ​living in a apartment

in California with a good paying job, that's what I hope anyway and just enjoying life.

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