Ref Manual - HA SFC Diff Cements - A Mishra PDF

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Refractories Manual 2/2012 107

Special technologies

R. Sarkar*, A. Mishra*

High-Alumina Self-Flow Castable with

Different Cement Binders
The author Abstract Keywords

The corresponding author, Dr. Ritwik Sarkar, Asso- A high-alumina self-flow castable was de- alumina castable,
ciate Professor, NIT, Rourkela, India, has about 15 veloped with a distribution coefficient self flow, cement,
years of experience in ceramics and refractories. He q=0.21 (Dinger–Funk’s continuous particle properties
has work experience with IFGL Refractories Ltd., IF- size distribution model) using two different Refractories Manual
GL Bioceramics Ltd., CG & CRI, R&D of ACC Ltd., types of high-alumina cements at an amount 2012 [2]
and H&R Johnson Ltd., all in India, and at the IKKM, of 4 and 6 mass-%. Castable compositions
RWTH Aachen, Germany (DAAD Fellowship). Dr. were processed as per conventional pro-
Sarkar has received many awards in his career for cessing techniques and self-flowing charac-
academic excellence and his contributions to Ceramics and Materials teristics were obtained using a maximum
Science, including the Young Scientist Award. A life member of the In- water content of 5.2 %. All compositions
dian Ceramic Society & Indian Institute of Ceramics, Dr. Sarkar has were studied for their flowability and various
more than 80 research publications and 9 patents to his credit. E-Mail: properties under dried and fired conditions

1 Introduction commonly used hydraulic binder in refrac- lithics, the type of packing plays a vital role.
The ever-increasing demand and applica- tory castable compositions, but the presence Furnas [6] stated that maximum packing
tion of unshaped refractories to replace con- of CaO in the cement results in low melting density is obtained when particles of smaller
ventionally shaped refractories due to many phases with Al2O3 and Al2O3-SiO2 refracto- size fill the voids between particles of great-
major advantages [1] have inspired scien- ry systems [1, 2]. Other important concerns er size. According to Andreassen’s model
tists and manufacturers to continuously in- for cement-containing castables are the cur- [7–9] particles cannot be of a particular size
vestigate these materials in depth and to im- ing and dewatering steps, which must be instead they come within a certain narrow
prove their quality and performance. Since carefully conducted in order to reduce ex- size range. The cumulative percent finer
the early 1960s, the availability of purer cal- plosive spalling [1]. A significant increase in than (CPFT) according to Andreassen’s
cium aluminate cements (CACs) with high- the life and performance of alumina-based model is given by
er alumina content has made the unshaped castables has been made possible by de-
refractory system purer allowing their use in creasing the cement content, thus avoiding / CPFT = (d/D)q x 100 (1)
various high-temperature applications [2]. reducing the chances of explosive spalling
Among the various unshaped refractories, and the formation of a liquid phase at appli- where d is the particle size for which CPFT
castables lead in all the areas of research, de- cation temperatures, which in turn improves is being calculated, D is maximum particle
velopment, manufacturing, and application. the corrosion resistance and creep strength size, and q is distribution coefficient.
Physical, mechanical, chemical, and ther- [3–5]. The drawbacks of Andreassen’s model are
mo-mechanical characteristics of various Again flowability of the castables is very im- that he did not assume any specific mini-
castable systems as well as their processing portant for application purposes and their mum particle size and assumed that the par-
and bonding mechanisms are the focus of final performance. Better flow of any casta- ticles can be infinitesimally small which is
such investigations. ble allows one to make a good lining and practically not possible. So this model was
Refractory castables are combinations of re- makes it possible to line an intricate shape. modified by Dinger and Funk [10] who con-
fractory aggregates, matrix components, In this regard self-flowing castables are the sidered a specific minimum size of particles
bonding agents, and additives. The propor- best as no external energy is required to flow to make the model more acceptable. The
tions of each component used vary in each the castable, it can flow under its own weight CPFT according to Dinger and Funk’s mod-
castable composition to achieve the desired and the best lining performances may be ex- el is as follows
properties essentially required for the in- pected from these self-flowing castables.
tended application. Among different bond- This flowability is dependent on the particle CPFT = ((Dq–Dminq)/(Dmaxq–Dminq)) x 100
ing agents calcium aluminate cement is the size distribution and packing of the castable (2)
The particle packing in refractories can be where D is the particle size for which CPFT
* Depart. of Ceramic Engineering,
National Institute of Technology,
divided into two categories, namely, discrete is being calculated, Dmin is the minimum
Rourkela - 769008, Orissa, (India) packing and continuous packing. In mono- particle size, Dmax is the maximum particle
108 Refractories Manual 2/2012

Special technologies

1 cured, dried, and fired. Various properties

of the castables were studied for a compara-
100 tive understanding of the effect of addition
of the two different cements.

80 2 Experimental
High-alumina self-flow castables were pre-
70 pared using white tabular alumina (WTA)
(Almatis, India), white fused alumina
(WFA), and brown fused alumina (BFA)
CPFT / %

(both from Orient abrasives, India) grains/
aggregates, technical alumina fines (Indal,
40 India), two different high-alumina cements
namely cement 1 (Almatis, India) and ce-
ment 2 (Polychem, India), silica fume
(Elkem, India) and additives like defloccu-
lants and set retarder. Details of the physico-
10 chemical properties of the starting materials
are provided in Table 1. The continuous par-
0.0025 0.15 0.3 0.5 1 2 3 6
ticle size distribution model as proposed by
Particle Size / mm Dinger and Funk [10] was used for the cast-
Fig. 1 • Plot of CPFT able system with a distribution coefficient
against particle size (q value) of 0.21, using the coarsest particle
size of 6 mm and finest of 0.001 mm. Table 2
shows the cumulative percent finer than
size, and q is the distribution coefficient. ferent percentages in a high-alumina self- (CPFT) of different particles sizes and Table
Various works on castable formulations are flow castable having a distribution coeffi- 3 shows the percentages of the different par-
based on this Dinger and Funk model. cient (q value) of 0.21. Castable composi- ticle size fractions that are used for making
The present work is designed to compare tions were mixed to attain similar the castable compositions. Four different
two different high-alumina cements, at dif- self-flowing consistency, and then cast, castable batches were prepared using

Table 1 • Physico-chemical properties of the starting materials of castable


Technical Fume silica

WTA grain BFA grain WFA grain Cement 1 Cement 2
alumina fines 971 U

Chemical analysis (oxide content in mass-%)

SiO2 0.04 0.4 0.1 0.2 96.1 0.21 0.85

Al2O3 99.4 95.66 98.92 98.0 0.4 71.85 73.13

Fe2O3 0.04 0.4 0.06 0.06 0.1 0.11 0.28

TiO2 0.64 trace 0.11

CaO 0.01 0.2 26.92 24.15

MgO 0.1 0.23 0.45

Na2O + K2O 0.16 0.08 0.34 0.4 0.22 0.51

Loss on Ignition 0.2 0.9 0.31 0.35

Physical properties

Avg. size / µm 1−3 <45

Bulk density / g/cm3 3.61 3.83 3.77

App. porosity 3.92 % 1.7 % 1.8 %

Spec. surface
~20 4500 4300
area / m2/gm
CA 2* CA2
Phase analysis corundum corundum corundum corundum amorphous
*CaO 2Al2O3, **CaO Al2O3
RefRactoRies Manual 2/2012 109

Special technologieS

2 3

Fig. 2 • Variation of bulk density against temperature Fig. 3 • Variation of cold crushing strength against temperature

4 mass-% and 6 mass-% of cements of two Next the mixed batches were poured into lu- conducted using the conventional liquid-
different varieties. Other than binder silica bricated molds of dimension 50 mm3. The displacement method according to the Ar-
fume at an amount of 4 %, dispersant (sodi- excess mix was scraped off and smoothened chimedes principle. Phase identification was
um poly-metha acrylate) at an amount of by a trowel. The mixes were allowed to age performed with an X-ray diffractometer
0.1 %, citric acid 0.05 %, and organic fiber for 24 h inside the mold under humid con- (PW-1830, Philips, Netherlands) using
0.05 % were used. The batch compositions ditions. Next they were de-molded and al- Cu-Kα radiation with a scanning speed of
are given in Table 4. All the batches were lowed to air dry for 24 h followed by oven 2 °/min. Firings were conducted in a
processed under similar conditions. drying at 110 °C for 24 h. The dried samples programmable electric furnace (Bysakh &
First, all the raw materials were dry mixed were then fired at 1000 °C and 1600 °C with Co., India). Cold crushing strength was
in a planetary mixer (Hobart, UK, model 2 h soaking time at peak temperatures. measured in a compressive testing machine
N50), water was added till the mix attains Dried and fired cubes were characterized (AIMIL, India).
self-flowing consistency. Mixed composi- for volumetric shrinkage, bulk density (BD),
tions were characterized for self-flowability, and cold crushing strength (CCS) (all mea- 3 Results and discussion
using a flow cup, as per Fang and others sured as per Bureau of Indian Standard Two different cements were found to be
[14]. Water-mixed castable compositions (BIS) specifications, IS 1528 – 1974, Part very close in terms of characteristics, except
were placed in the cup and after 30 s the ma- XII, Part VIII and Part IV, reaffirmed in for the chemical constituents. Cement 2 has
terial was allowed to flow onto a flow table 2002). All data represented here are an aver- a little higher alumina content and corre-
(without vibration) by drawing the cup up- age of five individual measurements. Six spondingly a little lower lime content com-
ward. Measurement of flow was done after weight percent cement containing 1600 °C pared to Cement 1. Figure 1 shows the plot
allowing the material to flow (spread) for fired samples were tested for phase analysis of CPFT against particle size for the distri-
120 s. Flow values (an average of eight dif- by the X-ray diffraction method. bution coefficient q=0.21. The highest par-
ferent directions for each composition) are Chemical analyses of the starting raw mate- ticle size of 6 mm has a CPFT of 100 % and
represented along with the water require- rials were conducted using the acid-dissolu- the lowest particle size of 1 µm shows 0 %
ment in Table 5. tion method. Densification studies were CPFT. There is an abrupt change in the
slope of the plot in the finer size range due
Table 2 • CPFT for various particle sizes with Table 3 • Percentage aggregate for each to the high fine content (33 %) in the com-
distribution coefficient q=0.21 fraction positions (low q value). The fines mainly
Particle size / mm CPFT / mass-% Particle size range / Percentage consist of technical alumina fines, cement,
mm (mass-%) and fume silica.
6 100 Table 5 shows the water requirement of cast-
–6 to +3 16.8
3 83.2 ing and the flow value. A self-flowing nature
–3 to +2 8.8
was obtained even at a maximum water con-
2 74.4
–2 to +1 13.2 tent of 5.2 %. 6 % cement-containing com-
1 61.2 –1 to + 0.5 11.6 positions required a greater amount of water
0.5 49.6 to attain a self-flowing consistency and also
–0.5 to +0.3 7.6
resulted in lower flow values compared to
0.3 42 –0.3 to +0.15 9 that of the 4 % cement-containing composi-
0.150 33 –0.15 to +0.001 33 tion. This may be due to the higher amount
of lime (cement) present causing an in-
0.001 0 0.001 0
creased hydration reaction in the presence
110 RefRactoRies Manual 2/2012

Special technologieS

4 ment 1 containing ones. This greater extent

of densification of 4C2 and 6C2 composi-
tions was because of the presence of the
higher extent of impurity phases in cement
2, as observed in the chemical analysis
(Table 1).

3.2 Cold crushing strength study

Figure 3 shows the variation of the cold
crushing strength (CCS) values of different
castable compositions against firing tem-
perature. Degradation of strength at inter-
mediate temperature due to the breakage of
hydraulic bonds in cement-containing cast-
able was not very significant for all the com-
positions. A higher amount of cement of
both types showed greater values of CCS for
all the firing temperatures. However, ce-
Fig. 4 • XRD plot ment 2 showed relatively lower strength val-
and peak list of 6C1 ues for all conditions. Castables fired at
composition fired 1600 °C showed reasonably very high
at 1600 °C strength values for all compositions,
which is associated with the densification
of the products.
of water, demanding a greater amount of cement showed little higher density values
water and the resultant hydraulic products for all temperatures. Reduction in BD val- 3.3 Phase analysis of 1600 °C fired casta-
degrade the flow values. ues was not observed on increasing the fir- bles
ing temperature from 110 to 1000 °C due to Phase analysis by XRD of the 6 % cement-
3.1 Bulk density study breakage of hydraulic bonds. The increase containing castables fired at 1600 °C
Figure 2 shows the variation in bulk density in density values upon further increasing resulted in similar characteristics in both
(BD) of the different compositions studied temperatures was caused by the sintering the cement types. Corundum is found as
against firing temperature. All the castable of the compositions. The slope of density the major phase and grossite (CA2) as the
samples show relatively close BD especially plots for the cement 2 containing 4C2 and minor one for both 6C1 and 6C2 composi-
at 110 and 1000 °C. A higher amount of 6C2 compositions was sharper than the ce- tions. No hibonite phase (CA6) formation
was observed. Again no peak for the calci-
um aluminate (CA) phase was found (which
Table 4 • Batch compositions (in mass-%) of different castable com-
was present in the cements). This may be
positions because of the reaction between fine alumi-
Particle size range / na and the CA phase at high temperatures in
4C1 6C1 4C2 6C2
mm the matrix of the castable increasing the
–6 to + 3 (BFA) 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 grossite (CA2) phase. Figure 4 shows the
XRD plot of the 6C1 composition as a repre-
–3 to + 2 (WTA) 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8
sentative one.
–2 to + 1 (WTA) 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2
4 Conclusions
–1 to + 0.5 (WFA) 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6
The effect of different high-alumina ce-
–0.5 to + 0.3 (WTA) 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 ments on high-alumina self-flow castables
–0.3 to + 0.15 (WTA) 9 9 9 9
(distribution coefficient q=0.21) was stud-
ied. Good self-flowing properties were ob-
–0.15 to + 0.0025 tained for all compositions using a maxi-
25 23 25 23
(tech. alumina fines)

–0.15 to + 0.0025
4 6 - -
(Cement 1) Table 5 • Water consumption and flow value of different castable com-
–0.15 to + 0.0025 positions
- - 4 6
(Cement 2) Water required for
Composition Flow value / %
casting / %
–0.15 to + 0.0025
4 4 4 4 4C1 4.4 96
(Fume silica)

Dispersant 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 4C2 4.6 91

Citric acid 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 6C1 5 86

Organic fiber 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 6C2 5.2 82

Refractories Manual 2/2012 111

Special technologies

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