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PROBLEM 9.16 WuowWr: An air. standard Otto cycle has known condihens at the beginning oF compression, The maximum cycle temperatuya varies over a given ramge and the comprecsion ratio fakes on specified values. EIWD: Investigate the eftect of maximum cycle temperature Ow the vet voork per unit mass of air. 1c $ love < 1, ¢ 2200k + g a Rethar Example dit, 1 T2295k 1 See From Tale ADR, Uy 2210.49 alk Vy,2 647.9. For the compression proces Ving? CB) vy, = (Bearer 8099 T= H62.74 Ke uy2 483.15 Kally Now, at me tooo K ; “ey KS lkeg Ve 32 25.17. For He expansion Vey sv, (4) try = BKAS.17)= 201.36 Uy = 336,50 LTIky teaatwiveviced, Qari? Uy-Ua) md Qar/m = (U.- Ug): For He Cape, Weycle = Que. The Wepele/m = CU y-Ur) +( Uy Ug) = (798.94 ~ 483.15) +(21049 ~ 3 36,50) = 149.78 kT/kq ‘oon ie Yave 1 TAO8 6 Tawe 700 TaWO UO RODD 2709 2700 1K) We see from the plot that the net Worle Tnorenses With T at fixed compression Fabio, iso, ee S (ross each other, Wa the relation of Weyehe ‘tor aiflers det aes om Tz. PROBLEM 4.29 KNOWN: An air-standard Diesel cysle has o. known manimam ute ama o specified she at ha beginning of Confeestion. "Tha wekss of ir EID: Determine for various amugnion renin Cay tha net work, (b) the = thee uo and ce) the mean effective prectune ae ENGR Moder: See Example 1.2. a MINAS 1S 18, a1 Pa By ¥ Rees kPa 1 T=300K ANALYSIS: From Table A-22 o£ T,= 300K , U2 21,07 kT/kg , Up, > 6212. Also, ot Ty =1800k ; ha = 2003.3 kT/kq amd Upy = 3.944. foreach compression ratio, Vi/Va, Urals found using tire > Ur) Thus, Ta oud ha cam be feud sa Tale 4-22. For He icentropic SEPM ey =) oes + SEY) wee “K) (HE) oer Thus, Ty aud uy con be found in tL tha Table as well. Key results for Fis various compression Yatio ave (4) ,&) The net work avd thermal etticioncy are evaluated using Wejta (thg- hg) -Cun-t J, Ler rem eg -hy The mean eHeckwe pressure is gwen on = * ep VS Evalucti eh mets 42g) CP ee z) (seen) wa) Veta fet KR C45 kPa) (i's Nie we | ET = 0.01067 m> The results of calculations for parts @yb),oud €) ave tabulated below: Kerevany A. Ae comprestion vahe increnies, VL inereaves and mep decreates,

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