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1. The address bus width of 64 KB of memory is ----------------.

2. An example of implicit addressing mode is -----------------.
3. POP PSW means -------------
4. LXI H 2600 H takes ------------------ machine cycles.
5. The clock frequency required for 8085 is -----------.
6. The instruction SPHL signifies -----------.
7. An Instruction has two parts: Op-code and the -------------.
8. Examples of 3-byte instruction -------------------------.
9. An example of indirect addressing mode is -----------------.
10. A 3-byte instruction requires ------------- T-states for its execution.

State true or false.

11. The instruction register is not programmable and can’t be accessed by users.
12. The stack pointer always points to the top of the stack.
13. Pins 12-19 of 8085 serves dual purpose of transmitting low order address and data byte
in time division multiplexing.
14. When reset in pin is low, it forces the PC=0, SOD=0 and all interrupts disabled except
15. Data flows IN and OUT of the microprocessor via Program Counter.

16. Number of Address lines in 8085 specifies the size of memory.

17. Instruction Register in 8085 is queue register.
18. During the Fetch cycle,µP fetches the op-code from I/O Devices.
19. The 8085 µP has inbuilt clock generator with crystal.
20. In 8085 TRAP is mask able interrupt.

Match the following

Column A Column B
11 TRAP 003CH

12 RST7.5 0024H

13 RST 6.5 0034H

14 RST 5.5 002CH

15 INTR Non-Vectored

1. Explain :(i) CLK OUT (ii) ALE

2. Why is Data Bus Bidirectional?
3. What is “Vectored Interrupt”
4. Give the priority order of interrupts in 8085.
5. Move the contents of memory location 2000H to the accumulator directly.
6. What is Instruction Cycle?
7. What determines whether a microprocessor is considered an 8–bit, 16–bit or 32–bit device?
8. Explain Implied addressing mode with example.
9. How much memory will be accessed with 12-bit address line?
10. List conditional Call and Return instructions of 8085.
11. What is stack pointer and explain their uses?
12. Write a program to add two numbers of 8-bit each.
13. How many T-States the following instructions of 8085 need?
c) RAL
d) MVI A, Data
14. Show the diagram showing de-multiplexing of AD0-AD7.
15. What is stack memory and how it is used?
16. Discuss the function of HOLD,READY in 8085
17. Show the register contents as each of the following instructions is being executed
LXI H, X X 70 H
LXI D, X X70 H
18. Explain the function of following instruction:
a) DAA
b) LDA ,16 bit address
c) STA, 16 bit address
19. What are addressing Modes in 8085? Explain three addressing modes with suitable examples.
20. What are machine cycles? Draw the Timing Diagram of OUT 28H
21. Explain Flag register of 8085
22. What is Interrupt? Explain enabling, disabling and masking of interrupts with examples.
23. Draw 8-bit registers showing all control signals.
24. What are T-State, Draw the Timing Diagram of MVI A, 25H
25. Write a program to exchange the contents of memory location 2000 H with the contents at
memory location 2500 H.
26. Explain the architecture of microprocessors 8085.

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