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Back to Session IPA12-BC-101


Thirty-Sixth Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2012



Daniel Ranta*

ABSTRACT multiple benchmarking requests from industry peers

and others.
Houston-based ConocoPhillips is an international,
integrated energy organization. The organization is INTRODUCTION
the second-largest U.S. refiner (the fourth largest
worldwide), the third-largest integrated energy Smart managers intuitively understand the importance
organization in the United States, and the seventh- of the problems that Knowledge Sharing efforts are
largest holder of proved reserves as of December often designed to address: Sprinkled across most
2010. The organization operates in more than 30 organizations are people doing very similar kinds of
countries globally. As of June 30, 2011, work, but they often remain unaware of one another’s
ConocoPhillips had annual revenues of approximately successes and failures. Some of this lack of awareness
$244 billion and almost 30,000 employees is the result of waves of downsizing, reorganizations,
worldwide. During 2012, the company plans to break leadership changes, and new acquisitions. But even in
into two separate energy companies – one exploration the best-managed large organizations, employees who
and production oriented (ConocoPhillips) and one could benefit from one another’s experiences are
company that will be made up of refining, pipelines, often isolated by formal structures and mechanisms
and chemicals (Phillips 66). that subdivide work into different reporting channels
and focus employees on local, rather than global,
This IPA paper describes our knowledge sharing (KS) goals. Although formal structure is generally meant to
approach at ConocoPhillips. We go into detail about ensure accountability for the execution of work, it
our knowledge initiatives and use of lessons learned often neglects employees’ ad-hoc and unsystematic
that have propelled ConocoPhillips’ current needs to talk to colleagues who may not be co-located
knowledge sharing and learning platform forward. At but are working on similar problems. To address this
the end of this paper, readers will understand the gap, Knowledge Sharing researchers have urged
rationale that has propelled Knowledge Sharing at organizations to seed and support informal
ConocoPhillips to a world class level. communities of practice, which provide a forum in
which birds of a feather, as the saying goes, can flock
ConocoPhillips recognizes the value of global together.
knowledge sharing as a way to meet the company’s
safety, environmental and operational challenges. Communities of practice have emerged in a variety of
Global collaboration within and across job functions shapes and forms, but they all grapple with the same
and business units, including “streams” of our problem: How can people who are geographically
business, delivers significant cost savings, dispersed but face similar challenges and work on
productivity and cash flow benefits. May 2012 marks similar problems tap one another’s experience and
the eight-year anniversary of the rebirth of expertise? Many firms have launched electronic
ConocoPhillips’ Knowledge Sharing strategy. In the discussion spaces to provide a meeting place for
last seven years, the KS effort has attained numerous people who share a passion for the same kind of
milestones, among them: enterprise-wide work. Unfortunately, the dream of technology-
organizational status, external media attention and enabled communities rarely lives up to its billing.
However simple it may seem to connect people
* ConocoPhillips electronically, online discussion forums often rely on
the energy of one or two people; when they lose communities. A culture of knowledge sharing has
interest or change departments, the entire idea can die emerged, in which network members take
a sudden death. With a few notable exceptions, such responsibility for helping their globally distributed
initiatives generally succeed in creating the online colleagues – even if the members of a NoE meet each
structures that employees could use to communicate other face-to-face only once or twice a year. More
with one another, but they fail to attract and sustain an than seven years after the first NoEs were launched,
engaged member base. They become digital ghost ConocoPhillips can point to specific networks that
towns; visitors stop by for a quick look and, finding have documented annual cost savings and revenue
no activity, leave. Those who do post questions generation in the millions of dollars (and some even
receive few answers, and because activity levels are in the tens of millions of dollars).
low, those answers often come days or weeks after
they were needed.
Cost savings can include cost avoidance, as with the
case of the Upstream Rotating Equipment Network.
It has become conventional wisdom that a “build it
and they will come” approach is naïve, and that In one case, an employee in Indonesia posted a
effective Knowledge Sharing is more about people question to the network’s online portal inquiring
and processes than it is about technology. Yet whether it was safe to extend the run time of a power
managers still grapple with what this means: Which turbine beyond its scheduled maintenance overhaul.
people? What processes? And how can managers The timing of the overhaul would have resulted in a
make sure that a global network is focused on a significant impact to production while the turbine,
measurable, sustainable, and attention-grabbing and the gas compressor it drove, were temporarily
business impact? shut down. Expert engineers in Alaska, Australia, and
the corporate engineering group all responded,
FULL PAPER (BODY) indicating it was both safe and permissible to
continue running the equipment as long as the power
In 2004, ConocoPhillips faced these questions and it produced was acceptable and vibration levels were
many others as it launched a large initiative to create below alarm limits. By temporarily extending the
internal communities of practice that would enhance turbine’s run time and deferring the overhaul to a
knowledge sharing within the firm. For this more opportune time, the Indonesian unit avoided
international integrated energy company with millions of dollars in additional lost production
thousands of job sites (often quite remote) spread without compromising safety.
across 30 countries, the challenge of sharing
knowledge was very real – and the potential payoff The company’s Networks of Excellence can also help
was large. Facing fierce competition on all fronts, generate new revenue. For example, workers at a
ConocoPhillips knew that to continue on its success
Floating Production & Storage Offloading (FPSO)
trajectory, it needed to rapidly and effectively harness
platform in Indonesia needed to shut down crude-oil
the knowledge of its highly skilled but geographically
cooling equipment every two weeks to remove wax
distributed workforce. Instead of assuming that
technology either was the solution or was irrelevant buildups that, if left untreated, could cause
when creating online communities, senior managers problematic pressure drops. But this involved a time-
understood that effective global communities required consuming solvent soaking process. Members of the
new processes, roles, cultures, and technologies. Facility Optimization Network at Belanak reached out
Moreover, they recognized that each had to be through the network and found a solution using
focused on solving difficult business challenges. thermal cycling to melt the wax, which allowed them
to increase production by 104,000 barrels per year.
With over 15,000 employees participating in about
150 of what ConocoPhillips calls “Networks of In the remainder of this paper, we focus on the
Excellence” (or NoE, pronounced as “know-eee”) as principles ConocoPhillips followed to develop the
of the writing of this IPA paper, and a growth rate of vibrant and effective networks that have resulted in
about 5 new networks per year, the company has these kinds of cost savings and revenue generation.
developed a set of valuable principles for identifying, Below, we group these principles according to the key
nurturing, and enabling these topic-focused question they address:
1. What key decisions determine whether or not a challenging performance improvement goals for
new network should be formed? turbines, compressors, and pumps.
2. What kinds of roles are necessary to ensure
network success? 2. Proposals for new networks must also clearly
3. How can a company establish the kind of specify the kinds of “purposeful” deliverables that
knowledge-sharing culture that networks require? will be produced through the ongoing operation
4. How does the day-to-day network operation of the network and the specific kinds of activities
maximize benefits and minimize efforts for all that the network will support. Deliverables (such
involved? as research reports and reusable work products)
and activities (such as electronic discussions and
ConocoPhillips’ unique combination of approaches in teleconferences) must relate directly to the
each of these four areas provides the backbone of its business case and support the purposeful
network effort and the blueprint for its success going attainment of business goals. A high degree of
forward. focus on these two areas helps separate the wheat
from the chaff, leading new network proponents
NETWORK FORMATION away from fuzzy “more is better” claims about
collaboration and toward specific activities that
Ensuring that each new network has the greatest are likely to produce a solid payoff for the
chance to succeed is a process that begins long before collective investment of time.
the network is formed. Many authors and consultants
stress the informal nature of such communities, Ultimately, ConocoPhillips managers provide each
arguing that any attempt to systematize them will new network – through its business case, its
crush them. ConocoPhillips found the exact opposite deliverables, and its activities – with a clear operating
– that without clear and explicit links to the model that purposefully connects it to overall
organization and its business purpose, networks often Exploration and Production business objectives.
evolve in ways that fail to contribute to business Following these two principles has a profound effect
goals. The company adheres to two fundamental on the nature and character of networks at
principles in this regard: ConocoPhillips: it aligns them with organizational
priorities, helps members understand how they can
1. No network is created without a clear and detailed affect important business goals, provides clear
business case that specifies the value proposition justification for why members should invest their time
to the company and is agreed upon by network in the network (how the network melds with their
leaders and members. Insisting on a business case “day jobs”), and shifts the idea of knowledge sharing
prior to the creation of a network goes against the away from an abstract idea and toward a concrete set
typical “let a thousand flowers bloom” approach of measurable objectives. As a result, networks have
that is often promoted in the KM literature. But in become a cornerstone of ConocoPhillips’ ability to
many cases, uncontrolled growth of new reach its business goals and deliver additional value
networks saps employees’ attention and through global collaboration and expertise sharing.
engagement, and leads to neglect and network
failure. Networks focus on “purposeful NETWORK ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES
collaboration,” which keeps the sharing more
focused on business challenges that relate to what Conventional wisdom holds that for a global network
each function is strategically setting out to to succeed, its members must truly feel ownership of
accomplish. Setting a high bar at the outset means their global network, which motivates a range of
that every potential new network must have a behaviors that are necessary for its success. Studies
strong business justification, which signals to suggest that leaders naturally emerge over time as
potential leaders and members that the result will conversations happen among members and as those
not be something that consumes their time who care the most about the success of the global
without producing real business value. For network step forward. As with its network formation
example, in the case of the Upstream Rotating experience, ConocoPhillips found out early in the
Equipment Network, leaders set out specific and process that this conventional wisdom actually
harmed the company’s efforts – when members saw a thing, and network leaders are key to knitting
swirling, unfocused mass of interactions, they had together efforts across a set of decentralized
trouble seeing how they fit in. The company therefore business units to ensure buy-in from all key
went against the traditional perspective by explicitly locations around the world. Leaders are also
formalizing a range of roles and responsibilities at the crucial in encouraging SMEs, network members,
outset of a new network. Taking advantage of the and other thought leaders to participate and take
decentralized nature of the firm, which has on roles that promote knowledge sharing within
autonomous business units around the world, each the network. Their active engagement inspires
NoE was built by allocating roles such as leaders and confidence and helps provide guidance and
core team members to individuals across geographic structure to those involved in the network’s
locations, thereby creating a new kind of linking operation and activities. Leaders help create the
mechanism. business case, assess the network’s effectiveness,
and hone its operating model. They must be
1. Successful networks have a sponsor, a senior willing to “manage up,” since they may be
mid-level manager who may be selected by an informally directing network members who are
appropriate business leader but may also be a above them in the company’s formal hierarchy.
self-selected champion or a subject matter expert
(SME) who understands the exponential benefits 3. Successful networks at ConocoPhillips also have
of effective networking. Network sponsors work a local coordinator, who works with the network
closely with network leaders to charter and leader to provide local and regional input into the
champion the network, and also coordinate with network’s operations and eventual upgrades.
senior management and business units to ensure Typical responsibilities of a network coordinator
that the network is focused on strategically include monitoring peer-to-peer questions
valuable goals and improvement opportunities. occurring within the network to make sure
They provide the foundation, direction, and answers are provided expeditiously and helping
governance that attract the masses to participate manage content of a network – such as lessons
in network activities, with a goal of fostering learned and best practices. Coordinators also
widespread interest and enthusiasm for manage the overall look and feel of network
knowledge sharing and network participation. portal sites and help manage regular training and
During a network’s developmental stages, they awareness campaigns.
provide input and validate the business case,
participate in the network assessment process, 4. Finally, successful ConocoPhillips networks have
and refine the operating model as the general core members, who drive connectivity down to
ConocoPhillips approach to networks is the local and regional levels. Core members are a
customized for their needs. As the network select group of general network members who are
matures, sponsors and leaders guide nominated by the sponsor and leader to ensure
improvements and make sure that participants are broad coverage in subject matter expertise and
being served, goals are measured and met, and geographical areas of the business. In addition to
adequate resources are applied. serving as important role models through their
active participation in many front-line network
2. In order for a network to be successful from the activities, core members help steer the evolution
beginning, it must have a formal leader. Often of the network under the guidance of sponsors
selected by sponsors and then approved by the and leaders. They are heavily engaged in
business, these mid-level individuals leverage formulating and executing plans to ensure that
relationships with others in an effort to guide the network deliverables reach the local and regional
direction of the network’s knowledge-sharing levels, and they broker connections between
goals and objectives. Leaders provide active question askers and subject matter experts.
support (as opposed to vocal yet passive support) Through their engagement in day-to-day
in championing the success of the network by activities, core members often know who might
helping design and structure the network and be the best resource for a particular challenge and
removing any organizational obstacles. can ensure that appropriate knowledge sharing
Connecting globally dispersed units is not an easy takes place. As such, core members serve a vital
role in expanding the number of general members written both to communicate the process behind
who can contribute expertise across the globe in the knowledge-sharing effort and the specific
the geographic locations where ConocoPhillips knowledge created; this way, each story was
operates. essentially a lesson learned. Being able to
quantify (in terms of both time and money) the
People cannot be assigned to any network role effects of this sharing also helped secure higher
without a consideration of how that will affect their levels of corporate support for the network
workloads and careers. ConocoPhillips has found that initiative – something that was necessary on an
the best way to manage this is to include these duties ongoing basis as new executives became
as part of people’s expected contributions to the involved. Knowledge sharing at ConocoPhillips is
company as part of their daily jobs, while scaling now driven from the top, with executives
back other duties. The key here is to present the supporting and promoting networks. This has
network as critically important to the business, not as elevated the importance of knowledge sharing as
an “extra activity” that is separate from individuals’ it becomes embedded in the culture. In a recent
regular work activities. Heavy engagement with a enterprise-wide survey of all employees,
network should not pull people away from their core knowledge sharing received the second highest
jobs, and many employees prefer to engage in increase in employee satisfaction results. This
demanding network roles only for a specific period of accomplishment is particularly significant, since
time. Thus, ConocoPhillips has found that it is when the program started in 2004, most
healthy to rotate individuals out of network roles, employees would likely not have recognized
roughly every two to three years. The strong benefits terms like “knowledge sharing” and “networks.”
of network involvement can be seen in the many We still collect stories of successful knowledge
employees who have been heavily engaged in a sharing – and had over 400 stories submitted in
network role and have then used that experience to 2011. These stories remain the basis of
position themselves for advancement to higher-level significant monetary and efficiency
positions within the company. What’s clear is that the improvements across the company.
breadth of experience that individuals acquire in their
network roles more than makes up for the time away In 2008, employees submitted more than 1,500
from their core jobs. As they wrap up their formal success stories ranging in value from several
network duties, most continue to be strong network thousands to tens of millions of dollars, along
advocates and contributors, which can help encourage with intangible benefits of increased safety and
participation. decreased environmental risk. In 2009-10, that
trend continued with success stories across the
KNOWLEDGE-SHARING CULTURE company documenting the business impact of
knowledge sharing in the form of additional
Time can be the greatest barrier to knowledge sharing estimated net cash flow. In 2009 and 2010, we
if employees are too busy to seek out or contribute lessened the company’s focus on the number of
best practices. Key to the creation of a knowledge- stories collected, since a clear linkage had already
sharing culture at ConocoPhillips was breaking this been established and documented between
misperception by helping employees realize that network participation and business value.
efficiently soliciting knowledge from colleagues Therefore, while we have seen fewer stories over
actually saves time. Several specific initiatives helped the last couple of years, we continue to ensure
transform the culture, which had previously taken that senior executives remained aware of the
“knowledge sharing” to mean ad-hoc interactions business impact of networks.
between people who happen to know one each other:
2. Network success requires a commitment by
1. ConocoPhillips actively solicited testimonials of management to actively support knowledge
knowledge-sharing successes that resulted in time sharing so that employees feel that it is part of
savings and cost savings. In 2005 (see TABLE 1) their “day jobs” and that there is a standard means
the company collected nearly 1,000 stories and to share with their colleagues. ConocoPhillips
published the most powerful ones on a designed easy and efficient technology-enabled
Knowledge Sharing Home Page. Each story was
processes that focused on connecting people as DAY-TO-DAY NETWORK OPERATION
part of their daily work, to enable the seamless
flow of lessons learned and best practices to the Two measures of success for any network at
right people at the right time. Becoming an ConocoPhillips are the rate at which members engage
effective network meant embracing the with one another and the breadth of ideas that flow
technology as well as the set of roles and through the network. As network membership
increases around the world, lessons learned and best
processes. Showing managers that this approach
practices can be more widely shared, thereby
to knowledge transfer would maximize
providing immediate benefits. Several aspects of day-
employees’ efforts to solve problems was the key. to-day operation are crucial to producing this positive
The corporate culture was particularly sensitive to spiral of effort and benefits as individuals connect to
anything perceived to be an additional burden, the network, are kept informed of daily activities, and
and one clear sign of network success is that can both learn from and provide answers to their
knowledge sharing is not viewed in this manner. colleagues.

3. To celebrate its successes, ConocoPhillips has 1. Interactions must be vigorously promoted and
created a range of opportunities for high-profile facilitated by the network leader and core
recognition of employees who have achieved the members. They must monitor and participate in
most success in knowledge sharing through discussion databases and net-meetings, and
networks. Interestingly, nominations for ensure that lessons learned that are captured and
outstanding knowledge sharing often come from condensed contain high-quality content. Network
the network members themselves. The firm has leaders and other employees in network roles
must take the lead in recognizing opportunities
also linked knowledge-sharing behaviors to
for collaboration and beneficial engagement, and
employees’ variable compensation. Together,
channel individuals toward the proper means of
these actions have elevated the visibility and engagement. While many network interactions
importance of knowledge sharing, which has are reactive and always will be (“I have a
helped shift the culture. With recognition at problem – can your experiences help me solve
global, regional, and network levels, the shift it?”), ConocoPhillips measures the maturity of
toward knowledge sharing has led mid-level networks by the degree to which they begin to
managers around the company to support their operate more proactively. Networks that create
employees’ network participation. “What my boss more business value for the company are those
finds interesting, I need to find fascinating” has a whose business cases include both a focus on
direct impact on knowledge sharing – therefore solving challenges and whose members share
getting mid-level managers onboard is of critical with others without being asked (for instance, by
importance. posting lessons learned or an article in the
company-wide online encyclopedia, called
Through these efforts, knowledge sharing at OneWiki that are likely to help others).
ConocoPhillips has transitioned from a strategic
2. Central to successful networks have been the
imperative to a tactical reality in its networks.
processes and technologies that enable them.
Members feel engaged and regularly seek out and ConocoPhillips has gathered ideas from network
share their knowledge across and within business members to create a portal system that adroitly
units. A strong knowledge-sharing culture lubricates links to the corporate e-mail system. Each
networks by establishing a shared belief system; member receives an e-mail that outlines daily
employees participate knowing what is expected of activities on the network, along with links to the
them and understanding why knowledge sharing is portal for more details. This drives a peer-to-peer
key to company success. As a result, a sense of problem-solving process that has proven very
openness and trust permeates the networks. successful for the company. Those who do not
Employees know that asking questions and seeking choose to “bring the corporation to bear” when
knowledge is part of what they do to generate seeking solutions are often questioned by their
business value; it is a sign of strength, not weakness. managers and peers. In other words, it is expected
that acting and operating as part of a global 4. As mentioned earlier, enabling portal discussions
company includes using the network-based portal as a way to capture and transfer lessons learned is
technology. Effective content management by the a cornerstone of the ConocoPhillips Knowledge
networks themselves (with some centralized IT Sharing strategy. The sharing of discussions
support) is crucial, with a focus on collecting, across sister networks yields even greater value
managing, and organizing the right information to for the company. But the latest, most exciting KS
support ongoing business success. As discussions initiative is rapidly positioning ConocoPhillips to
have evolved, so too has ConocoPhillips’ gain significant value by integrating Web 2.0
sophistication at expanding the impact gained technology with the Knowledge Sharing platform.
from lessons learned. The KS team developed a The two-pronged approach consists of Closed
unique portal technology that enables network Discussion Items and Wiki technology and
leaders to actually share a single discussion processes. Six years ago, the KS Team
thread from their portals with sister networks, recognized the potential of valuable knowledge
without duplicating the thread and while keeping from online discussions that eventually aged on
the integrity and flow of the replies in a single network portals. Many discussions contain
thread. This feature has dramatically expanded detailed analysis and background information that
the number and global reach of potential solutions represent an extensive body of knowledge from
to any given problem or query. On average, experienced network members. To recapture the
discussions shared with related networks receive benefit of such knowledge and provide it a
twice as many responses as those that stay within “second life,” the team actively researched the
a single network. The discussion sharing tool has discussions that had reached closure and were
been widely used and greatly enhances the value deemed to have yielded a successful result.
from lessons learned, as decisions are influenced
across functions and streams of our business. The KS team created a process and policy to
Also, this helps turn networks into “g0-to- encourage network leaders to officially ‘close’
sources” of valuable expertise, which lessens the those discussions. These were then turned into
degrees of separation from seekers to providers of searchable lessons learned documents that were
knowledge. added to the network’s knowledge library for
members and others to search and browse. This
3. Organizing lessons learned and best practices into approach has proven to be a more useful and
easily retrievable sources, providing collaborative efficient means of capturing, storing, accessing
workspaces within a portal where people can and re-using intellectual capital than more
share, and organizing knowledge-sharing events traditional and costly methods. That process
such as net-meetings all serve as deliverables and continues. Because closed discussions form a
activities that can be embedded into the valuable, vast and searchable repository of
workflow. In this way, employees’ day-to-day lessons learned, it was natural to begin linking
activities are enhanced through access to lessons them to the next evolution of Knowledge Sharing
learned and best practices, raising the level of at ConocoPhillips, the development of a corporate
productivity. At the bequest and guidance of the wiki, branded OneWiki. Documented success
network sponsor, a central network facilitation stories, best practices and lessons learned in the
and support group work with the network leader, form of closed discussions play a large role in
network coordinators, and core team members to providing context to wiki articles.
create standard repositories and procedures that
collect, store, and make available lessons learned OneWiki has been deployed across the company
and best practices in ways that fit the unique and involves many networks, teams and work
needs of the network. Network leaders and core groups. Immediately OneWiki began to prove to
team members are trained on the best practices be a natural, fluid and dynamic place to capture
for using these tools and processes, and they work the insight and wisdom that accepted knowledge
with the network sponsor and the core (lessons learned and best practices). Further, the
membership to build the deliverables and Wiki concept is familiar to people and encourages
activities that will sustain growth in beneficial them to find and keep accumulated knowledge
sharing. up- to-date. Internally branding the wiki as
“OneWiki” has sent an important message that strengthening their positions by maximizing their
the wiki is the one and only place for contextual, organizations’ intellectual capital and discovering
encyclopedic knowledge in ConocoPhillips. To high-quality solutions to business problems.
introduce OneWiki to the enterprise, the global Increasingly, they are doing so in drastically reduced
KS Team created a set of high-end, computer- amounts of time. To remain a leader, ConocoPhillips
based training modules. The team meets must continue to create synergy among its employees
regularly with individuals deemed content to build an even more powerfully organized collection
moderators to ensure they are aware of the of best practices, ideas, tactics, and strategies, and
governing standards. seamlessly deliver them to the right people. To
compete in today’s marketplace, it is not enough to
The image on Figure 1 shows our knowledge rely on individual experts’ knowledge. It is critical
architecture flowing from functional excellence that ConocoPhillips continue to harnesses its
(continuous business improvement) through the collective knowledge through collaborative networks.
human operating model of our networks. The key
is that purposeful collaboration happens through Networks that focus on knowledge sharing have
our knowledge processes that are enabled by already become a critical enabler for many oil and gas
consistent technology across the enterprise. As companies. Networks at ConocoPhillips are enabling
people connect, knowledge is shared and learning functional areas and business units to build greater
takes place. levels of openness and trust, which, in turn, improve
employee collaboration and the sharing of valuable
CONCLUSION best practices and lessons learned. The overall impact
on learning has been tremendous – as most learning
The networking initiatives at ConocoPhillips have happened informally (or on-the-job) and global
succeeded because the efforts in each of the four areas collaboration is an outstanding vehicle for informal
described above were inspired by a great sense of learning. The global sharing and learning is leading
urgency about the long-term competitive advantages to positive business results, such as improved safety,
to be obtained from knowledge-sharing networks. The reduced project cycle time and cost of production, as
marketplace in which ConocoPhillips competes is well as elevated competitive differentiation and
changing dramatically. Competitors are continually improved financial results.

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

KS Success Stories 959 895 1,286 1,572 675 521 402
Figure 1

ConocoPhillips believes that “you manage what you measure.” Keeping detailed records of business impact has
served to galvanize sponsorship and attract and sustain membership to networks. The overall business impact
directly related to Knowledge Sharing is significant, measuring in the 100’s of millions of dollars from 2005 to

Success stories, mentioned earlier, provide a measure of the overall benefit of knowledge sharing. Some
networks use non-monetary measures for success, such as health, safety and environmental improvements and
mitigation of risk.

The metrics below demonstrate the company’s ability to embed knowledge sharing into the work culture.

Count 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Success Stories 959 895 1,286 1,572 675 521
Networks 20 60 + 80 + 100 + 130+ 140+
Portal discussions 755 4,615 9,793 19,529 20,613 22,565
Shared discussions -- -- -- 166 777 1,482

Count 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Network members * 777 2,592 4,772 9,444 12,674 12,847 14,500
Employee readers -- -- -- 16,959 19,567 19,878 22,071
Readers per capita ** -- -- -- 52.6% 63.6 64.8 72.7
Discussion contributors 159 703 1,481 2,797 4,128 4,199 4,138

Jul – Jul – Jan –

Jan – Jun Jan – Jun Jan – June
Portal hits Dec Dec Jun
2008 2009 2010
2009 2010 2011
6-month average 772,379 1.23 MM 1.20 MM 1.35 MM 1.42 MM 2.07 MM

* At ConocoPhillips, network collaboration is pervasive. Employees often belong to more than one
network. Number of network memberships per member: 2.8 in 2010, up from 2.36 in 2009.
** Based on yearly ConocoPhillips worldwide employee headcounts

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