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Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc.

Modeling of Sediment Transport in a Coral Reef Environment

Author(s): J.L. Lee, M.H. Teng and I.N. Kang
Source: Journal of Coastal Research, SPECIAL ISSUE NO. 42. The Sun, Earth and Moon
(SPRING 2005), pp. 303-308
Published by: Coastal Education & Research Foundation, Inc.
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Accessed: 09-04-2019 03:04 UTC

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Journal of Coastal Research SI 42 303-308 West Palm Beach, Florida Spring 2005

Modeling of Sediment Transport in a Coral Reef

J.L. Leef, M.H. Teng$, and I.N. Rang00

tDepartment of Civil and ^Department of Civil and ??Department of Construction

Environmental Engineering Environmental Engineering and Transportation
Sungkyunkwan University University of Hawaii at Engineering
Suwon 440-746, Korea Manoa Ajou University Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A. Suwon 440-713, Korea


LEE, J.L.; TENG, M.H. and FCANG, I.N., 2005. Modeling of sediment transport in a coral reef environment. Journal
of Coastal Research, SI(42), 303-308. West Palm Beach (Florida). ISSN 0749-0208.

In this study, we present a numerical model for predicting sediment transport and the associated erosion and depo
sition processes in a natural reef area. The prediction system consists of several modules. The first is a wave trans
formation model that predicts the change in wave height and direction from deep water to shallow coastal water. The
second is a phase-averaged shallow water model for predicting wave-induced current in coastal water. The radiation
stress in the second module is calculated by using the results on waves from the first module. The third is a sediment
transport model that includes the processes of advection, dispersion, settling and re-suspension. The last module in
the simulation is the prediction of concurrent morphological changes due to sediment transport. To examine the
validity and applicability of the numerical model for predicting coastal sediment transport in the Pacific insular
environment where morphology of coral reefs and sand properties are different from those found in the mainland
coastal environment, we applied the prediction system to Kailua Bay on Oahu Island in Hawaii as a case study. The
numerical results have shown reasonable agreement with the available field observations.

ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Beach erosion, sand accumulation, morphological change, coral reef, Kailua Beach.

INTRODUCTION port in such areas is closely related with dynamic interaction

between water flow and coral reefs, it is a very complex prob
In a coastal state such as Hawaii, a good understanding of lem to model, and existing theories and modeling tools have
coastal sediment transport is important to government agen not been matured. Therefore, more studies are needed in this
cies, design engineers as well as private home owners. Like area. The objective of the present study is to develop a the
other coastal states, Hawaii also experiences serious prob oretical and numerical modeling package for predicting the
lems associated with sediment transport such as beach ero wave-generated currents and sediment transport rate along
sion which has caused Hawaii's sandy shorelines to have Hawaii's coasts, and to evaluate its validity and applicability
been either significantly narrowed or even lost (Fletcher et by applying the model to Kailua Bay on Oahu Island as a
al., 1997; Coyne et al., 1999). At the same time, at some lo
case study. Such a modeling and simulation tool can be useful
cations along the coast of Oahu, sand deposition has clogged
to government agencies and coastal engineers for developing
stream mouths, coastal highway culverts and bridge openings better coastal management plans.
reducing their drainage capacity during floods. In Hawaii,
researchers and engineers have conducted many useful long THEORY AND NUMERICAL METHOD
term field observations and analysis of sediment transport
along the coasts, however, research on hydrodynamic mod In this study, we model sediment transport due to coastal
eling for predicting the ocean current and sediment transport current induced by wind-generated waves. The tidal effects
has been relatively limited. Even though some sediment are neglected. The model has five components including a
transport models and computer simulation codes have been parabolic equation for wave transformation from the deep
developed by researchers from mainland coastal states, these ocean to the coastal region, depth-integrated shallow water
models have not been applied to the Pacific insular coastal equations for calculating coastal current, diffusion-advection
regions that have unique bathymetric characteristics (e.g., equations for sediment transport and a mass conservation
steeper slopes) and sand properties. A characteristic of shal equation of bottom-layered sediments for predicting depth
low water in many tropic and some subtropical regions such changes. All models were coded by MATLAB.
as Pacific insular coastal region is the presence of coral reef In simulating the wave field, the grids are reformed for
area, where the energy dissipation processes are different each incident wave angle so as to receive the normal incident
from those on mainland beaches. Since the sediment trans waves. Then the numerical errors, which are caused by the
use of the wave model of parabolic type for wide angle, can
be reduced.
04-0252R received and accepted in revision 28 July 2004.

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304 Lee, Teng and Kang

2ik d2A
+ iA? + 0 (1)
dx dx dy2
where x axis is the main direction of wave propagation, A is where h is the water depth to the active sea bed, SD is the
the complex variable of wave amplitude, kc is the wave num rate of bed deposition and SE is the rate of bed erosion (re
ber modified with the second order gradient of group velocity. suspension). In this study, the pickup and settling of sus
Equation (1) is solved by the marching procedure along the pended sediments on the reef flat are ignored.
x-direction. Unknown variable vector A at each section is cal Since SD is estimated by the concentration of suspended
culated by tri-diagonal matrix solver with previously calcu sediments, the advective-dispersive equation of suspended
lated upstream values. Therefore, complex wave amplitudes sediments has to be solved:
are achieved on each section without any correction of the
upstream and the downstream values during the marching -hdC
dC(w, ?,dC
V-hdy dz Wf)
Through the surf zone, the breaking wave heights are as
sumed to remain a constant proportion of the depth such that

H = -yh (2) where C is the volume replaced by

where 7 is a constant. Equation (2) has been widely used in water volume as a normalized concen
imentation rate constant, Kh is the h
wave models because it provides stable and sufficiently ac
curate approximation. The constant is in the range of 0.65 ficient, and Kz is the vertical diffus
depth-integration, we can obtain
1.3 on beaches, while on a reef flat the constant decreases to
about 0.4 (Hardy and Young, 1996). dC
? + dC
u? dC __
+ v? = (d2C d2
For predicting the depth-integrated coastal currents in
duced by wave radiation stress, a set of shallow water equa
dt dx dy h\dx2
tions (Lee, 1993) are applied in the present study: where SD = wfib(\ ? t/tcd) the rat
the critical bed shear stress that prev
concentration near the bottom, SE
dt dx dy bed erosion, in which the rate of sedi
seabed by breaking waves is also i
*k + d( 9*M + d(Q*Qy the erodibility coefficient, tce the cr
dt dx\h + n/ dy\h + T| dx dy j for re-suspension. The critical sh
above are not included in the presen
+ g(h +dx
+ ? The coastal current velocity compon
based on the output result from the
(3)-(5). We now present the Cb in term
dx dx
D, (4)
dy variables of sediments, wf and Kz. U
namic and sediment conditions in sp
dSyy condition in time, Eq. (7) can be wri
dt dx\h + r\ dy\h + t\ dx . d2C dC
,?- ++wf?
"V- = 0 (9)
dz2 fdz
dy p which yields

fcb for^l (10)

d?2 (5)
dx dx dy dy
where n is the averaged water level, Qx and Qy are the x and under the assumption that the surface concentration is near
y components of the mean flow rate integrated from bottom ly zero. The rapid deposition process is found as parameter
to water level, Syy and Sxy are the radiation stresses, tbx, w/Kz increases.
jBy are shear stress due to the bottom friction including shal The suspended sediment transport is determined by a new
low coral reef effects (Garritsen, 1981), and Dy are dif hybrid method which is superior in both result accuracy and
fusion and dispersion coefficients. All wave-related terms in time-saving ability. It is based on the forward-tracking par
equations (3)-(5) are calculated based on the output from the ticle method for advection (Lee, 1998). However, unlike the
wave transformation model. Equations (3)-(5) are solved im conventional random-walking method, it solves the diffusion
plicitly using a fractional step method in conjunction with the process on the fixed Eulerian grids, which requires neither
approximate factorization techniques. an interpolating algorithm nor large number of particles.
The rates of sea bed change mainly due to the suspended
sediment transport can be obtained from the difference be KAILUA BAY
tween the rates of sediment pickup and settling as follows
(Goda, 2001): In our simulation, Kailua Bay area as shown in Figure la
is chosen as a case study since this area has been studied by

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Sediment Transport in a Coral Reef Environment 305

Figure 1. (a) Location of study site, Kailua Bay on Oahu Island, (b) coral reefs and sand sampling locations on Kailua Bay (D50 unit: mm)

other researchers through field observation and measure During the winter season, the North Pacific Swell gener
ment and its sediment transport patterns are relatively ated by powerful winter storms also significantly impact Kai
known compared with most of other coastal areas in Hawaii. lua Beach with typical wave heights and periods of 3-5 me
Kailua Bay is composed of a large living and fossil reef plat ters and 10-17 seconds. Other driving forces that may also
form that separates a coral sand beach in the nearshore from influence sediment transport include tides, storm surges and
the deep ocean, and Kailua Beach is a beautiful two-mile others. For this study, our focus is on sediment transport due
stretch of sandy shoreline between the rocky points of Kapoho to wind-generated waves in coastal waters.
and Alala as shown in Figure lb. This is a world-class wind We performed statistical analysis of the open wave condi
surfing zone and one of the most beautiful retreat beaches tions offshore Hawaii based on NOAA's simulated data that
around the world. Based on longer-term field survey and were verified by comparing with measured buoy data at three
analysis by Dr. Fletchers' research group at the University locations (Liu, 2003). Our analysis of 12 months wave data
of Hawaii (Norcross et al., 2002), the sand along Kailua for 2002 showed two distinct seasons (summer and winter)
Beach has shown a long-term accretional trend and the with different wave characteristics in Hawaii's coastal wa
shoreline has been observed to move seaward at the average ters. The monthly variations of mean wave heights, wave pe
rate of 0.5 m/yr. The sand accumulation is especially serious riods, and wave directions are shown in Figure 2a and a sam
near the mouth of Kaelepulu Stream and the river mouth is ple of the joint distribution for wave data of May 2002 is
almost constantly blocked. The sand blockage may pose a se shown in Figure 2b.
rious threat to coastal highways and residential areas during In our study, we also conducted field sampling of sand par
storms. Currently, dredging work has to be done frequently ticles along the wave breaking line at various locations of
by the City & County of Honolulu engineers to keep the Kailua Bay. The sand size distribution curve and the D50 val
stream mouth open to the ocean. Offshore of Kailua Beach ues were obtained from the sieve analysis, and from the av
exists a low, limestone reef remnant that has been uplifted eraged D50 of 0.391mm, a representative settling velocity for
relative to present-day sea level. It is separated from the the sand of Kailua Bay area was determined to be 0.045m/s
northwestern reef margin of the bay by a 10 ft (3 m) deep, according to the empirical relationship between the particle
sandy channel. These topographical features as well as reef size (sieve diameter) and its settling velocity (Engelund and
factors are considered in our simulation. Our objective is to Hansen, 1972). The analyzed coastal sand properties (mean
examine the validity and applicability of the hydrodynamic particle size, settling velocity, etc) are required for simulating
model developed in this study for predicting sediment trans the numerical models employed in this study.
port in a coastal region in Hawaii by comparing the simulated
results with field observations. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

INPUT PARAMETERS The water depth of Kailua Bay shown in Figure 3a was
obtained by digitizing the navigation map from the Marine
Oceanographic and beach conditions are very important to Atlas of The Hawaiian Islands (Balder, 1992). The signifi
the study of sediment transport. The ocean waves are the cant wave height, period and direction monthly averaged for
most significant factor influencing the shorelines and coastal May 2002 (Hs = 1.75m, Ts = 7sec, and 6 = E) are used as
beaches. The bay is exposed to prevailing easterly trade wind incident wave conditions to the wave transformation model
swells with typical wave heights and periods of 1.5-3 meters which predicts the wave condition in coastal water in Kailua
and 5-8 seconds. Bay based on the input data. Figure 3b shows the wave

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306 Lee, Teng and Kang

Figure 2. (a) Monthly variations, (b) joint distributions for wave data of May, 2002.

height distribution obtained from the wave transformation served at points B, C, and D except A where there were rip
model. The wave breaking zone can also be found easily from currents. Further more, a field study by Norcross et al.
the simulation result. (2002) provides valuable information for validating the nu
Figure 3c shows the results for the wave-induced current merical simulation model. For example, it was observed that
as well as the wave-induced set-up level. The vectors dis the coastal current direction along the Kailua Beach is pre
played in the figures show the current velocity visually with dominantly from Kaelepulu Stream mouth to Kapoho Pt. The
the length of the arrow indicating the velocity magnitude and same current direction is clearly shown in the simulated re
the arrow direction showing the current movement. The re sult in Figure 3c. The wave set-up level depicted as contours
sults are in good agreement with Krock's (1993) field obser in Figure 3c are seen clearly at the surf zone where the waves
vation by dye and drogue as shown in Figure 3d and Noda's are broken based on the wave propagation model.
(1977) field measurement using Rhodamine-B dye in the surf Figure 4a shows the topographical change for the compu
zone in which longshore currents parallel to shore were ob tational domain. This is a direct means to evaluate the de

Figure 3. Numerical results for Kailua Bay; (a) bathymetry (in meter), (b) wave height (in meter), (c) wave-induced currents and set-up (in cm/s and
cm), and (d) observed circulation patterns (Krock, 1993).

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Sediment Transport in a Coral Reef Environment 307

Figure 4. Seabed changes: (a) for wave condition of May 2002, (b) results averaged for all possible angles (light: deposition, dark: erosion).

tailed sediment transport pattern in the study area. The ver Figure 4b shows the seabed changes averaged for angle
tical dispersion coefficient, Kz is assumed to be 5 times wf in from 40? to 90? measured from North, indicating nearly sam
the simulation. The light areas indicate that erosion is oc trends when compared with Figure 4a, which is resulted fro
curring, while the dark areas are under sand accumulation. May 2002 wave condition. Figure 5 shows the variation o
The sand settling velocity was given as 0.045m/s based on seabed changes in the vicinity of the stream mouth with r
the averaged D50 of sampled sands and mixing coefficient was spect to wave angles from 40? to 90? measured from North.
assumed to be a constant value of 20 m2/s. Although field In most of incident angles, the deposition occurs.
studies have been carried out by other researchers in Kailua
Bay, quantitative sediment transport rate is difficult to mea CONCLUDING REMARKS
sure and therefore data are still not available. Due to the lack
In this study, a numerical model system was applied t
of field data on sediment transport rate in Kailua Bay, quan
titative validation of the numerical model is not feasible at predict sediment transport in Kailua Bay of Oahu Island
Simulation study was carried out to predict waves, wave-in
this stage. However, qualitative analysis can be accomplished
duced current and sediment transport in Kailua Bay usin
by comparing the simulated results with available field ob
wave, wave-induced current and sediment transport models
servations of general sediment transport patterns in the bay.
The study is based on a set of hydrodynamic equations (wav
From Figure 4a, the deposition trend is found in the area
transformation, shallow-water, and transport equations) that
north of the Kaelepulu stream mouth. This result is consis
is suitable for studying detailed wave-induced current and
tent with the field observations in that area. As an example,
sediment transport as well as topographical changes in
the predicted locations of erosion and deposition between
coastal area. For wave conditions, the open ocean wave data
Kaelepulu and Kapoho shown in Figure 4a also agree well were first extracted from the numerical simulation results o
with the observation reported in NORCROSS et al. (2002, Fig
NOAA WAVE WATCH III. Then statistical analysis was pe
ure 16). These qualitative agreements between the simulated formed on these data in order to determine the seasonal va
results and field observations indicate the promising poten
iations and to calculate the significant wave height, period
tial of the numerical modeling package developed in this
and angle for each month and season. From the data analy
study for practical application to coastal prediction and man
sis, two distinct seasons were identified for wave variation
agement in Hawaii and other similar Pacific insular states.
in Hawaii: summer season of April to September, and winter
season from October to March. During each season, the wav
conditions are relatively constant. Sand properties at Kailua
Beach were studied through field sampling and sieve analysis


This study is partially funded by the US Federal Highway

Administration and the Hawaii State Department of Trans

Balder, A.P., 1992. Marine Atlas of the Hawaiian Islands. University
"? 4 40 " 45 so ss ao ? n n ao as *T of Hawaii Press, Honolulu.
Coyne, M.A.; Fletcher, C.H. and Richmond, B.M., 1999. Mapping
Figure 5. Variation of sea bed changes in the vicinity of mouth of Kae
coastal erosion hazard areas in Hawaii: observations and errors.
lepulu stream with respect to the incident angles measured from North Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 28, pp. 171-184.
Engelund, F. and Hansen, E., 1972. A Monograph on Sediment
(a positive quantity indicates deposition, while a negative one erosion).
Transport in Alluvial Stream. Copenhagen: Technical Press.

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308 Lee, Teng and Kang

Fletcher, C.H.; Mullane, R.A. and Richmond, B.M., 1997. Beach Lee, J.L., 1993. Wave-current interaction and quasi-three-dimen
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Goda, Y., 2001. A new approach to beach morphology with the focus Regions. Boston: WIT Press, pp. 277-286.
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