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Roll no:07X21A1234 Roll no:07X21A1236

IT 3rd year CSE 3 rd year

Priyadarsini institute of science and technology priyadarsini institute of science and technology

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ABSTRACT: that a device can only be called a

Roboticists develop man-made “robot” if it contains a movable
mechanical devices that can move by mechanism, influenced by sensing,
themselves, whose motion must be planning, actuation and control
modeled, planned, sensed, actuated components. It does not imply that a
and controlled, and whose motion minimum number of these
behaviour can be influenced by components must be implemented in
“programming”. Robots are called software, or be changeable by the
“intelligent” if they succeed in “consumer” who uses the device; for
moving in safe interaction with an example, the motion behaviour can
unstructured environment, while have been hard-wired into the device
autonomously achieving their by the manufacturer.
specified tasks.This definition implies
Robotics is, to a very large extent, all space exploration, and more. AI
about system integration, achieving a researchers are also interested in robots as
task by an actuated mechanical
a way to understand human (and not just
device, via an “intelligent” integration
of components, many of which it human) intelligence in its primary function

shares with other domains, such as -- interacting with the real world.
systems and control, computer
science, character animation, machine
design, computer vision, artificial Robots:
intelligence, cognitive science,
biomechanics, etc. In addition, the
boundaries of robotics cannot be
clearly defined, since also its “core”
ideas, concepts and algorithms are
being applied in an ever increasing

number of “external” applications,

and, vice versa, core technology from A robot can be defined as a programmable,
other domains (vision, biology,
self-controlled device consisting of
cognitive science or biomechanics, for
example) are becoming crucial
components in more and more modern electrical, or mechanical units. It is a machine

robotic systems. that functions in place of a living agent. They

Today, robots are used in many ways, are

from lawn mowing to auto especially desirable for certain work

functions because, unlike
Scientists see practical uses for robots in
humans, they never get tired; do not get
performing socially undesirable, bored by repetition;
and they cannot be distracted from the task
or even "impossible" tasks --- trash
at hand.
collection, toxic waste clean up, desert and
Robot Timeline:
 1921 - The term "robot" was first used Most robots of today are nearly deaf
in a play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's and blind. 
Universal Robots" by the Czech writer
Sensors can provide some limited
Karel Capek. The plot was simple: man
feedback to
the state of the world around it. .
1942 - Asimov wrote "Runaround", a story Sensors also give the robot controller
about robots which contained the "Three
information about its surroundings
 Laws of Robotics": and lets it know the exact position of
 A robot may not injure a human, or, the arm, or the state of the world
through inaction, allow a human being to around it. 
come to harm.
 A robot must obey the orders it by
human beings except where such orders Effector is any device that affects the

would conflict with the First Law. environment.

 A robot must protect its own existence Robots control their effectors, which
as long as such protection does not conflict are also known
with the First or Second Law.
as end effectors. Effectors include
legs, wheels, arms,
Robotics Technology:
fingers, wings and fins. Controllers
Most industrial robots have at least the
cause the effectors
following five parts:
Sensors, Effectors, Actuators,
Controllers, and common effectors
known as Arms.


to produce desired effects on the

environment.  An
actuator is the actual mechanism that
enables the effectors to execute an

machines, processes, or robots. 
sequence is recorded.  Then in
playback mode the sequence is
observed and modified.
Actuators, also known as drives, are Arms:
mechanisms for
getting robots to move. Most actuators
are powered
by pneumatics (air pressure), hydraulics
(fluid –
The robot arm comes in all shapes and
- pressure), or motors (electric
sizes ais the single most important part in
current). Most acutation
robotic architecture. The arm is the part
uses electromagnetic motors and gears
of the robot
but there have been frequent uses of
that positions the End Effector and
other forms of actuation
Sensors to
includingNiTinOL"muscle-wires" and
do their pre-programmed business. Many
inexpensive Radio Control servos.
robots resemble human arms, and have
shoulders, elbows, wrists, even fingers.
This gives robot lots of options for
Controllers: moving, and helps it do things in place of a
human arm.

Artificial Intelligence:

The robot connects to a computer,

which keeps the
Pieces of the arm working together.
This computeris the controller. The
controller functions as the"brain" of
the robot. The controller can also
network to other systems, so that the
robot may work together with other
The term "artificial intelligence" is few industrial robots are mounted on
defined as systems that combine tracks and are mobile within their work
sophisticated hardware and software station. Service robots are virtually the
with elaborate databases and only kind of robots that travel
knowledge-based processing models autonomously. Research on robot
to demonstrate characteristics of mobility is extensive. Some projects raise
effective human decision making. The the technical barriers by insisting that the
criteria for artificial systems include locomotion involve walking, either on
the following: 1) functional: the two appendages, like humans, or on
system must be capable of performing many, like insects. Most projects,
the function for which it has been however, use wheels or tractor
designed; 2) able to manufacture: the mechanisms. Many kinds of effectors
system must be capable of being and actuators can be used to move a
manufactured by existing robot around. Some categories are:
manufacturing processes; 3)  Legs(for
designable: the design of the system walking/crawling/climbing/jumping/h
must be imaginable by designers opping)
working in their cultural context; and  Wheels (for rolling)
4) marketable: the system must be
 Arms(forswinging/crawling/cli
perceived to serve some purpose well
mbing) and flippers (for swimming)
enough, when compared to competing
Types of Robots:
approaches, to warrant its design and
manufacture.   Mobile Robots:


Mobile robots are able to move, usually

they perform task such as search areas. A
prime example is the Mars Explorer,

Industrial robots are rarely mobile. specifically designed to roam the mars
Work is generally brought to the robot. A surface. Mobile robots are a great help to
such collapsed building for survivors That’s why most robots with have at
Mobile robots are used for task where least 4 of them, usually
people cannot go.  they have 6 legs or more.
Mobile robots can be divided in
two categories:  Stationary Robots:
 Rolling Robots: Robots are not only used to explore
areas or imitate a

Rolling robots have wheels to move
around. These are
the type of robots that can quickly
and easily search move around.
However they are only useful in flat
Human being .Most robots are
areas, rocky terrains give them a hard
‘working’ in industry settings.
time. Flat terrains are their territory
Especially dull and repeating tasks
are suitable for robots. A robot never
 Walking Robots: grows tired, it will perform its duty
day and night without ever

 Autonomous Robots:

Robots on legs are usually brought in

when the terrain is rocky and difficult to
enter with wheels. Robots have a
hard time shifting balance and keep them Autonomous robots are self
from tumbling. supporting or in other words self
contained. In a way they rely on their it is safer to send the robot to the danger
own ‘brains’. They run a program area.
that give them the opportunity to  BEAM Robots:
decide on the action to perform
depending on their surroundings. At
times these robots even learn new
behavior. They start out with a short
routine and adapt this routine to be
more successful at the task they
perform. These robots can learn to
walk or avoid obstacles they find in
their way. BEAM is short for Biology, Electronics,
Aesthetics and Mechanics. BEAM
 Remote-control
robots are made by hobbyists.
BEAM robots can be simple and very
suitable for starters.

 Virtual Robots:
Virtual robots don’t exits in real life.
Virtual robots are just programs,
building blocks of software inside a
. In case a robot needs to perform more computer. A virtual robot can
complicated yet undetermined tasks an simulate a real robot or just perform a
autonomous robot is not the right choice. repeating task. A special kind of
Complicated tasks are still best robot is a robot that searches the
performed by human beings with real World Wide Web. Another popular
brainpower. A person can guide a robot virtual robot is the chatterbot. These
by remote control. A person can perform robots simulate conversations with
difficult (fig shows Dante 2, a NASA users of the internet. One of the first
robot designed to explore volcanoes via chatterbots was ELIZA. There are
remote control) and usually dangerous many varieties of chatterbots now,
tasks without being at the spot where the including E.L.V.I.S.
tasks are performed. To detonate a bomb What can't robots do?
It is very difficult to give a robot the is that the robots of today have puny
ability to perform a wide variety of brains compared to humans, and they do
tasks, move around in cluttered not have the ability to organize in the

surroundings, recognize objects in the same way as humans. Our societies are

‘real world’, understand normal very complex and allow us to achieve

speech, and think for itself. These are many very advanced things. It is unlikely

exciting areas of current research in that robots could overtake us in the near

robotics and artificial intelligence. future. Even so, it is something that we

should keep an eye on, since all scientists
Another great problem in robotics is
have a responsibility not to do things
getting them to understand language.
that damage society.
This is very important in problem-
However, for the most part, robots play
solving. Another of the great problems
a very positive role in our societies, and
in robotics is getting them to ‘see’.
we can expect them to be used in many
Although it is easy to put a camera on
ways that make life better for us all.
a robot, it is much more difficult to
get the robot to understand what is in
an image. Most humans have
miraculously good vision. We are able
to resolve great ambiguity in scenes. It
has proved much more difficult to get
robots to understand what is in their
Robots offer specific benefits to
universe, and machine vision remains
workers, industries and countries. If
one of the big unsolved problems in
introduced correctly, industrial robots
robotics research. There are other
can improve the quality of life by
problems in robotics that make
freeing workers from dirty, boring,
progress slow.
dangerous and heavy labor. it is true
that robots can cause unemployment
Will robots take over
by replacing human workers but
from humans? robots also create jobs: robot
The sensible answer to the question as technicians, salesmen, engineers,
to whether robots will take over is that programmers and supervisors.
they probably won’t in the near future. The benefits of robots to industry
There are many reasons for this. The first include improved management control
and productivity and consistently high become widely used in the food,
quality products. Industrial robots can clothing, nuclear and offshore
work tirelessly night and day on an industries, healthcare, farming,
assembly line without a loss in transportation, mining and defence.
Consequently, they can greatly reduce
the costs of manufactured goods. As a
result of these industrial benefits,
countries that effectively use robots in
their industries will have an economic
advantage on world market. Robotics is an absolutely fascinating
field that interests most people .
With computers becoming more
Robotic pets, lawn mowers and
and more powerful, interfacing
vacuum cleaners are already on the
robots with your computer will
market. Following the success of their
become a reality, and house work
Aibo robot dog, Sony has developed a
will (hopefully!) disappear
humanoid entertainment robot named
QRIO. Honda's Asimo welcomes
customers to their showrooms in
Japan. Toshiba have built a robot that
can play volleyball. Fujitsu's HOAP-2
can perform Japanese Sumo wrestling
stances, as well as moves from the
Chinese martial art taijiquan.
Rapid advances are being made in
robotic control systems, artificial
intelligence, neural networks, and in
the miniaturisation, sophistication and
reliability of electronic circuitry,
sensors and actuators. These are all
contributing to a steady increase in the
capabilities of robots. Robots
currently under development may

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