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[Name of Referee]
[Referee postal box address]
[City], [State], [Zip Code]


Admissions Committee
[Name of Business School]
[Business school street address], [City]
[State], [Zip Code]

Respected Sir/Madam,

It is my pleasure to recommend [Name of referral recipient] for admission to the Master of Business
Administration (MBA) degree program in your prestigious university.

I have been [Name of referral recipient]’s professor in his/her undergraduate studies [state
undergraduate degree] specifically in the [state name of course] course which incorporates [provide a
short description of the course]. Equally important is the fact that he/she is one of the most career-
driven and a solution-oriented type of individual. He/she is strongly committed to producing quality
research papers and has always been a consistent academic achiever. In fact, he/she has put a positive
impression on the defense panel of their class’ thesis by creating a well-written and equally feasible

Furthermore, [Name of referral recipient] possesses excellent communication skills. Her report
presentations are always efficiently executed in such a way that she is able to explain clearly the topic
he/she is assigned. Also, he/she is never afraid to voice out her concerns regarding topics he/she needs
clarification with conveying his/her willingness to learn.

[Name of referral recipient] is indubitably an exceptional candidate for your MBA degree program as
evidenced with the above-cited skills and qualifications, I am confident he/she will exceed your
expectations. If he/she was able to perform excellently in my class then it is without a doubt, he/she will
be an asset to the program. If I can be of further assistance regarding the said matter, please do not
hesitate to contact me in any of the following numbers: [provide contact numbers].

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Respectfully yours,

[Name of Referee]

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