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Nama : Bela Andini Safira

Nim : 18.055

Tingkat : 2B


N : Great Ms. Hagans. So, how are things after your operation? Let’s see, you’ve had your
appendix removed, is that right?

P : Yes, the painkillers make me feel a bit nauseous, but I’m okay. Just the area around the
wound is a little itchy.

N : yes, it will be. It’s a good sign - it means the Antibiotics (1) is healing. So, there is no
infection and you don’t need any Absorbent dressing (2).

P : That’s good to know.

N : Sorry, just give me a minute to put on my Disposable gloves (3). Right, let me see,
you’ve got wound dressing (4) and we need to change your Dressing (5) everyday.
Before I start, can I just ask you? Is the wound painful at all?

P : Like I said, it’s a bit itchy, but it really doesn’t hurt very much. I can hardly feel it at all.

N : So on scale of one to ten, how painful is it?

P : Two maybe.

N : Two. Okay. Now, I’m just going to remove the old dressing and then we can clean the
wound. I’ll just pop that in the Bin (6) . Ermm, it all looks very clean and healthy. Good.
There’s no Pus (7) or bad odour and the Sutures (8) are joining up nicely.

P : Uh-huh

N : I’m going to use some Saline Solution (9) just to clean the wound. I’ll try do it gently.
Let me know if you want me to stop. OK. Ms. Hagans, I’m just going to clean up that up
and put the Dressing (10) on. How’s that for you?

P : Good, yes, thanks.

N : I just need to secure the dressing with some Isolasi (11). There we go. Let me just fill in
your Wound Assesment (12) chart and we’re done.


Wound Assessment & Treatment Chart

Name Mia Fox DOB: 10 January 2001
Type of Diabetic Pressure
Traumatic Surgical Burn Other
wound ulcer ulcer
Location of
Left arm
Infection Yes No
Dressing 3 times a Once a Every 3rd
Twice a day
frequency day day day
Antibiotics No Yes Oral IV
Odor Yes Slight No
assessmen 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10
Wound Open
Sutures Clips
Closure wound
Wound Antimicrobi
NAD Hydrating Absorbent
dressing al
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