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AS3 Full XML Text Scroller

User Guide

Thank you for purchasing my file! Just a word before getting on to customization … Please do
not share or re-distribute this file for free! I have spent time developing it in order for you to
get the best quality from this component. Everybody should get paid for their work … so do not
redistribute this file you for free. You wouldn’t like to work for free, would you?

For any customization you wish brought to this file extra than the features it has, like adding
language packs ( Russian, Chinese, Greek ) ETC, please contact me at

Installation Guide.
To install this file, you only need to copy the first layer called “ Scroll Component” to a new layer on
your project. That’s all! Positioning, width, height, color, text are all defined from the settings.xml file
found in the root folder.

Remember to copy the settings.XML file and the images folder to your project as well! Even if you don’t
plan on using images, the XML reads and searches trough the folders written inside of it and you might
receive an error.
Customization guide.
All customization for this file is done trough a external XML file. This file is located in the main archive
and it is named settings.xml

Here is what you can do from the XML. Below there will be a copy of each XML line with explanations
on how to use them.

I will divide this part into two sections.

Section I : Scroll Component Physical Settings

1. Enable or Disable the Mouse Cursor ( Hand or Arrow )
Using this function you can enable and disable the mouse hand cursor for the button and the bar.
Replace the values in black with true or false to enable and disable this function.

True will show the mouse hand cursor, false will not show the mouse hand cursor but it will show the
regular mouse arrow.



2. Scroller Positioning.
This will position your scroller ( the entire component , including the bar and text ) to new coordinates.
This has a registration point set to top left. Meaning, what coordinates you will add in here will be
applicable to the top left corner of the component. Easier explanation. If you set the coordinates to 0 for
x and 0 for y, the scroll component will appear in the top left corner of your page.



3. Scroller Component Size.

This will resize your scroll component to new widths and heights. Remember, this function is applicable
to the entire scroll component not just the text area!



4. Scroller Bar & Bar Background Size.

You can also resize your bar button and the bar. The bar height cannot be resized using this section
because the bar is the same size as the scroll component. If you want to have a bigger bar, the entire
component must be bigger. The button on the other hand is dependent on the size of the bar. If the bar
has a width of 50 the button inside will be 48 pixels wide. This makes the button look like it’s inside the
bar. The bar width will resize the button, and the button height can be made as high as you want.



5. Scroll Speed When Dragging and When Using MouseWheel.

This tag is responsible for the speed of the bar when dragging or using the mouse wheel. The
scroll time is responsible for the smoothness witch the scroll component moves with. This is set
in seconds. The scroll speed is responsible for how fast the button should move when scrolling
using the mouse. Change the values, interact and see what happens!



6. Distance between the bar and the text box.

The bar distance is the distance between the scroller bar and the text bar. You can for example
add the bar to one corner of the screen and the text to another, this value is defined in pixels
distance from the text.


7. Using text background images or static colors.

If you wish to use an image, select the value as true. Once you have done that, the scroll will
automatically set the background image to the one defined in the path below the true or false value. If
the value is set to false, then these two lines bellow become null, and the static image properties from
point 8. Will apply.


8. Changing colors for static background.
The colors here are HTML colors. Replace these colors with the color you want. Here is a link to
a good table of colors you can use. .
Bellow there is the property for opacity/transparency. You can make the clip semi-transparent
by setting different values. Values are expressed in decimals starting at 0 – invisible , 0.5 – half
transparent, 1 – full opaque.



9. Animations for scroller button when rolling over and out

These properties change the color properties for the button when rolling over it and rolling out.
To change the colors replace the values using values from here: . Also, using these properties, you can set
the transparency of the button using decimal values. 0 – transparent , 0.5 – 50% transparency,
1- full opaque. Changing the time of the animation is the same. Replace the values for time
using decimal values. 0 = instant , 0.5 = half a second, 1 = one second.






10. Changing the color for the scroll bar.

Changing the color for the scroll bar is as well done using html code. Use the reference from
here to change the colors. .
Also, you can change the transparency/opacity of the bar. This uses decimal values. 0 – full
transparent , 0.5 – 50% transparency, and 1 being full opaque.



Section II: Scroll Component Text Editing And Features

How to edit the text? Well it’s easy! The text is found bellow all the settings. To edit this you simply have
to edit the “Your Text” Between the bellow tags.

Warning: Deleting the <![CDATA[ ]]> Tags will make the scroller unable to read certain if not all HTML
tags. Please edit only the “Your Text” zone and leave everything else as is!


<![CDATA[ Your Text ]]>


Continued bellow

What can I add inside of the text?

The text is fully driven by HTML tags but has some limitations. Here is what you can use.

<br> - Break or adding a new line, this works, and hitting the return(enter) key also works.

<u> - Underlining text

<b> , <strong>, <i>, don’t work. Ask Adobe why … we are wondering too. Bolding the text can only be
done by bolding the entire text field found in Flash.

<p> - New Paragraph

<li> - List ( bullet in front of the text )

<p align=”value”> text </p> Aligning the text to a certain position.

<img src=”imageLocation” vspace=”value” hspace=”value” width=”value” height=”value”>

<font size=”+Number”> Text </font>

<font color =”html color as shown above”> Text </font>

These are just a few of the ones I have tested. You can search for more and please leave a note so I can
update my file!


If you would like to have this scroller customized for a different language, even for Chinese, Russian,
Greek, etc., Please contact me at contact me trough my Activeden Profile’s contact form ( it has a
system that allows me to verify whether or not this file was purchased ) and I will help you achieve this.

Thank you for purchasing my file, and I hope this manual was useful. If you require more help, please
contact me trough my Activeden Profile’s contact form ( it has a system that allows me to verify whether
or not this file was purchased ) and I will gladly inform you of anything you need to know!

Some files worth checking out !

Offering 7 individual social components for your page with 17 social networks icons,
this system is perfect for drag and dropping into page. The minimalist design makes
it fully compatible with any design you might have. Check it out! Click the image or
click here.

Price : 8$ Actionscript Version: AS2

This is the second version of the above file. Again offering 7 individual social
components with 17 social networks icons, this system is perfect for drag and
dropping into page. The minimalist design makes it compatible with any design you
might have. Check it out! Click the image or click here!

Price : 8$ Actionscript Version: AS3

A tiny widget of the above file, with a lot of social networks, and 4 unique designs.
This system is a tiny widget that has a minimalist design and can be incorporated
into any file with great ease! Check it out. Click the image, or click here.
Price : 7$ Actionscript Version: AS2

Version 2 of the above file! . This system is a tiny widget that has a minimalist
design and can be incorporated into any file with great ease! Check it out. Click the
image or click here!

Price : 7$ Actionscript Version: AS2

Last but not least, a unique design made with the help of an author on GraphicRiver.
Describing it is useless. You have to see it with your own eyes. Click the image, or click
here! Price : 6$ Actionscript Version: AS2

Last but not least, a unique design made with the help of an author on GraphicRiver.
Describing it is useless. You have to see it with your own eyes. Click the image, or click
here! Price : 6$ Actionscript Version: AS3

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